Comments on: Truth, Accountability and Reconciliation in Post-War Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Thu, 15 May 2014 19:31:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: srivanamoth Thu, 15 May 2014 19:31:00 +0000 In reply to Anpu.

What is the Commonwealth doing about all this animal behaviour? Even animals don’t behave like this!

By: Anpu Wed, 14 May 2014 05:55:00 +0000 Author says – “Neither truth nor accountability is served by uncritical acceptance of accounts of the end of the war propagated by the pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora.”

Frances Harrison writes – “Others who escaped the rehabilitation process are still being rounded up five years later—and are being tortured and raped by Sri Lankan security forces. Yasmin Sooka, South African transitional-justice expert, and the Bar Human Rights Committee England and Wales documented 40 such cases among Sri Lankan asylum seekers and refugees who recently arrived in the U.K. Most of the cases were of Tamils abducted in Sri Lanka’s notorious “white vans” and taken to secret detention centers. Standard torture methods included being whipped with electric cables and wire, branded with hot metal rods, hung upside down and submerged in barrels of water, and suffocated by having plastic bags soaked in petrol put over their heads. In all 40 cases, rape or sexual violence occurred and the detainee only escaped after his or her family paid a bribe to the security forces. The assaults were accompanied by graphic racist abuse: “Tamil mouths are only good for oral sex”; “You Tamils need a separate state; if you want a separate state you will have to take a bath in our urine.” Lawyers who took statements from the survivors concluded that crimes against humanity are still being committed today in Sri Lanka and that the war is by no means over.”

By: Anpu Tue, 13 May 2014 19:24:00 +0000 I surprised why the author has not said anything about LLRC!!!

By: srivanamoth Tue, 13 May 2014 18:05:00 +0000 This is certainly not the whole story which started already from 1948 Sept. and with failure of governance by the State ever since right up to the present time. The birth and rise of the Tamil rebels led by the LTTE was primarily due to State failures for underlying political and ethno-religious ascendancy reasons under unilateralism and flawed constitution making, state policies and practices especially from 1972 onwards which were bound to end up in the way it did. The ongoing end result constitution is a recipe for continuation of power and certainly not one meant for citizens, particularly minorities. The PTA since 1970 affords solid support to maintain the status quo using a mono-ethnic military! As for the victims of repeated waves of killing fields since then they don’t count either.
People, especially minorities, just don’t count. Democracy died a long time ago sans the rule of law, division of power, accountability and above all justice. Even judges are not safe !!!
