Comments on: A South African effort at promoting reconciliation Journalism for Citizens Mon, 12 May 2014 19:31:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sie.Kathieravealu Mon, 12 May 2014 19:31:00 +0000 In this connection, some “paragraphs” taken out from the interview given by the Chief Minister of Northern Province and my suggestions for “Power Sharing” are given below for the kind perusal of those concerned.

The present system of governance/administration has to be changed to a New System
of Governance/Administration with true and pure Democracy for the prevalence of Good Governance.

The functions of Parliament – the decision making body of Government – must be separated and tiny spheres of Parliament must be established in all parts of the country and representatives of ordinary
citizens at grass-root level be empowered to participate and their decisions heard as part and parcel of the Parliament.

It is hoped that the above concept would be acceptable as being unique and distinct in comparison with other suggestions of the like and a little better than the “Democracies”practiced with “checks and balances” in the West.

This change would help to combat corruption, oppression, injustice, discrimination and the like and help the growth of development in a meaningful way thus bringing peace, prosperity and happiness to everyone while upholding human values and dignity.

It would further help the country to reduce its financial commitments in its ongoing work and future works in developing the country..

Thus with the prevalence of Good Governance in a country, there would lesser problems and conflicts, increased development work in the country and every “rupee/cent” spent, would directly benefit the ordinary citizens in whose name it is done, and thus raise the standard of living of the ordinary citizens
resulting in Peace, prosperity and happiness to each and every one respecting and upholding the rights, duties, human values and dignity of the others.

The establishment and maintenance of a just and fair system of governance would enable every citizen to the right of performing his/her duty by the country for a lasting social reconciliation and happiness without physically separating the country!.

More details would become available as the conversation proceeds.

The above opinion is humbly submitted for your kind perusal and comments.
