Comments on: Lankan Muslims in London and Political Myopia Journalism for Citizens Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: anu Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:37:00 +0000 When Tamils have problem they run to India.
When Muslims have problem they run to other Muslim countries.
But where does sinhala people run to; Nowhere. Wonder why????

Does Americans run to other countries when they have problem – no

By: Jayalath Fri, 09 May 2014 22:03:00 +0000 A great analysis with humanly articulated . Any level of extremism should barely tolerate in our society which needs to be understood by every body . It may rise from Buddhists ,Christianity , or Islam and who ever are they that they must be defeated by joint hand of every ones without hesitation.
So,this article lay out with greatest sincere and prudent which we must admire . I was having a coffee with a Sri Lankan Muslim friend few hours before the protest takes place in London , and he said me about the protest which was taking place on mid day the 5 th of May .however , I was surprised after heard this protest , because it was not the right time to march a protest in London and also it would have been participated by other communities too . Where we could have had a chance of delivering a strong message of unity of all communities ,unfortunately it did not happen .
However, what Muslims must understand at this moment is essence of defeating the political motivation behind the BBS with support of singhalese and Tamil community as well , unless being fighting alone might indicates a different picture among others which can cause further segregation between us which needs to be realised by them .
The next thing that every one should realise today is the situation of Sri Lanka . I understand the agony of others because the inappropriate behaviour of some thugs ( not monks) . However, I must remind this to every one fearlessly , what ever the problems we have today which we must determine to sort them out between us , unless the westerners can sneak through our weakness and feud over twisting every thing to their advantage . I hope , We do not need the pundits to remind these things to us , if you are little bit aware with current situation around the world and the history of recent past that you will realise the black & white of every conflict took in the world .
The westerner’s human right weapon is the most dangerous weapon at the moment , we must not make the route for them to use it in our land , But my theory will be only valid to people who love the country and it’s future . Therefore it is important to understand how can we resolve these problems among us with participation of all race and religious people in Sri Lanka .
I was fortunate of speaking with few Sri Lanka Muslim intellectuals living in London who denied the protest and emphasised the essence of participation of singhala people also against the BBS extremism which is very true. And I was very satisfied and delighted after spoken to some Sri Lankan Muslim about the situation as most of them understand the need of defeating the political motivation behind the BBS . Which is a very good turnout .
By the way ,I must tell this bit as well , I believe that bloated capitalist political system has no answers to many haunting problems in our streets , extremism , nationalism , totalitarianism are common symbols of exploiting path of capitalism and it is impossible to survive the capitalism without digesting of those ,therefore we must prepare to practise far better ingenuity and rational conscious to over come increasingly threat to human unity and prosperity .until then this type of protest and communal feuds will be inevitable

By: lalyper Tue, 06 May 2014 09:58:00 +0000 I think it very [edited out] to compare what is now happening to the Muslims in Sri Lanka with 1983. What is now happening should be compared to pre 1983 ie 77,81.These small riots exploded into 1983 bcos nothing was done in 77 and 81.A similar pattern is being followed and could explode the BBS should be reminded of the day SWRD was shot as no Buddhist priest was able to come out of the temple as the Sinhala Buddhist would have thrashed them. and the .Buddhist. priest were given food in the temples by the non Buddhist. Muslims all over the world r joined together by the Jamaath and we should use these not only in Western countries but also in Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia where a number of non Muslim SriLankans work bcos they cannot get such facilities in there Buddhist motherland. and sending them back willupset the education of the children.Hold demonstrations outside temples and the Muslims in these countries can get activated.Muslims all over the world r united by one God and if we activate them it could cause big trouble for this country.The biggest question is what is the country that gave birth to Islam doing to help us. What is the custodian of the 2 greatest places in Islam doing?.
