Comments on: Is reconciliation achievable without separation in Sri Lanka? Journalism for Citizens Sun, 04 May 2014 11:11:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: srivanamoth Fri, 02 May 2014 18:18:00 +0000 When large chunks of productive private lands which once belonged to local people are confiscated to be under the ethnic military this is the most abhorrent type of rule the country has ever faced save under former colonial masters mirroring indigenous neo-colonial rule under the PTA. What the author of the article has neatly avoided has been the local ethnic cleansing and settlements of imported people from outside in a crude attempt at population re-distribution under ethnic military rule. The resulting loss of livelihoods to local people has ben none of the government’s business lending support to claims of ongoing genocide. The same applies to the maritime fishing areas further compounding such naked aggression of local people. None of these acts can contribute to improving the state of the local people’s living conditions conducted behind closed doors to the UN. All a matter of time before the next stage of the country’s failed pseudo-governance system unravels before the world.

By: Jayalath Fri, 02 May 2014 12:06:00 +0000 What you have been saying is absolutely true and acceptable and I agree that government has to take the lead .we also can see that state has unleashed many development implementations last few years which has been accepted in your article . However, we must give enough time and necessary room to oversees the problems . I have not seen a country in the world that successfully terminated a separatist terrorist group in a such short time and taken the major steps to rebuild a society torn apart . So, the credit must go to the state. And it should be greatly appreciated by us . We must not forget as a country the problems That had to face during the war and after . One way the diaspora and international enemies and other way the internal hypocrites . No doubt, the reconciliation needs to be placed fastest we can and every body should participate for it faithfully . I believe you know more better than any body else how the westerners devote to monitor the small nation’s pulse in order to regulate them ,therefore most things are getting delay and ignored, because of international intervention .
However ,the corruptions and arbitrary behaviour of government is not second to 18 years of UNP curse , therefore we must educate people gradually to take part of a better governance in the future where every body could participate regardless a race or religion . So, it is your responsible too. As people who write to medias those who have more opportunities to lead the people into the right direction

By: Sie.Kathieravealu Fri, 02 May 2014 07:00:00 +0000 “There has to be a Change to a New System of Governance with true and pure Democracy for
the prevalence of Good Governance.
The functions of Parliament – the decision making body of Government – must be separated and
tiny spheres of Parliament must be established in all parts of the country and
ordinary citizens be empowered to participate and their decisions heard as part
and parcel of the Parliament.
The above concept is unique and distinct in comparison with other suggestions of
the like and a little better than the “Democracies” practiced with “checks and
balances” in the West.
This change would help to combat corruption, oppression, injustice, discrimination and the like
and help the growth of development in a meaningful way thus bringing peace,
prosperity and happiness to everyone while upholding human values and dignity.
It would further help the country to reduce its financial commitments in its ongoing
work and future works in developing the country..
Thus with the prevalence of Good Governance in a country, there would lesser problems and
conflicts, increased development work in the country and every dollar spent
would directly benefit the ordinary citizens in whose name it is done, and thus
raise the standard of living of the ordinary citizens resulting in Peace,
prosperity and happiness to each and every one respecting and upholding Human
values and dignity.”
Only by establishing and maintaining a just and fair system of governance can a
lasting social reconciliation be possible, without separation!
The above is the contents of the “covering letter” sent with the
proposed suggestions a copy of which was sent to “Groundviews” as well
Comments “for and against” would be welcomed and appreciated.

By: srivanamoth Thu, 01 May 2014 20:33:00 +0000 Put another way: Is consensus building possible after all these years of just not strife but serious warring all within the short span of 66 years of the country’s so-called independence? The results have been catastrophic which transcended national healing of nay worthwhile sort and that is why the “ball” has shifted into the court of the UNHRC. The fissiparous tendency is also threatening to engulf the muslim people thus adding to what is already a gigantic problem since independence. After all the consensual constitution of 1948 broke down just 6 months into independence over section 29 resulting in it being altogether scrapped under the unilateral constitution of 1972 which lies at the heart of the problems that have emanated since. On top of that the lack of goodwill among the different communities compounded by warring leaves even thinking people wonder if it is at all possible?
It would appear that governments in power seem to have overcome the problems of the day by introducing the PTA since 1970! Even a fool will realize that under its cover what in effect has happened is bloodletting and other unseemly violence affecting not only minorities but also the majority community. But it seems to be used as the easiest way to govern the populo! And to make matters beyond comprehension this method of rule has been endorsed going by the results of the provincial council elections. Civil Rule has thus been trumped by f actors

By: puniselva Thu, 01 May 2014 15:49:00 +0000 In reply to Metteyya Brahmana.

Forget about external colonialism. What have we done with our own rule for 65yrs? Nobody forced us to be evil – UN and human rights organisations have been making recommendations after recommendations after recommendations if people forgot what their religions taught them or if basic decency of any living thing escaped us.

By: puniselva Thu, 01 May 2014 15:41:00 +0000 In reply to Sunil.

Science & Technology can be used to kill people. But it takes a heads and hearts to serve justice to all.

By: Metteyya Brahmana Thu, 01 May 2014 03:12:00 +0000 Separation is a DEAD issue in Sri Lanka, in that even the vast majority of Tamils living in Sri Lanka favor a united country. We are really talking about a very small (less than 2%) group of mainly Christian Tamils living in the far north of the country that are still clinging to idea of a separate state planted in their heads by white Christian former colonists who want to “divide-and-rule” Sri Lanka like they have done in the past.

Colonialism IS racist, and NEO-colonialism that attempts to resurrect old divisions created by the colonists is just as racist. White people do NOT have a right to rule Sri Lanka, and hiding behind Christian Tamil separatists who were defeated by the Sri Lanka government is not fooling anyone. The government will stay vigilant and crush any attempt to revive separatist terrorist activity, and there is absolutely nothing that the former colonist nations are going to be able to do to stop it.

By: Sunil Thu, 01 May 2014 02:19:00 +0000 We have seen such comments which give a distorted picture of the ground situation in Sri Lanka. These people vouched that the 30 year war cannot be won. Sri Lanka showed otherwise against all odds. All such prophets of doom have many a times bitten their own tongues. But they have no shame because they will do it again and again
