Comments on: Launch of Special Edition: The end of war in Sri Lanka, five years on Journalism for Citizens Mon, 19 May 2014 19:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anamika Mon, 19 May 2014 19:00:00 +0000 In reply to Groundviews.

Thank you. Will do.

By: Groundviews Mon, 19 May 2014 16:27:00 +0000 In reply to Anamika.

Please send in article for consideration during the course of this week.

By: Anamika Mon, 19 May 2014 12:47:00 +0000 Hi, I would like to find out if the articles for this series 5 years on are just commissioned articles or is one allowed to send in something that could be considered for publication? Thank you!

By: Jayalath Wed, 30 Apr 2014 18:27:00 +0000 A critical engagement alone will not bring any goods to our country . And also Ranil instead Rajapaksa would not bring any better , the history will witness . therefore our argument must route to an authentic freedom , prosperity , unity, equality and who is nearly capable of implementing that in the future . This is the right time to a best test where we can find every thing black & white . Thus ,
Will the intellectuals and pundits in Sri Lanka ready for a such a turnout or just want to consume the time by bragging and flogging like they always good for . I suppose , Any one can be a critic but no one easily can be a successor . Because the crises we face today is different to that we face 5 years ago . We are very successful today many ways in the life in Sri Lanka but some are down the drain , which is understandable and as a percentage we are better off today than 5 years ago . What we must stress today to build up the rest from there and not to heed to build a pseudo environment about our crisis today .please keep in mind ,you too would not around to write like you do today ,if we fell over to The LTTE . Also do not forget the past that we kept on hopes after 18 years of disaster . Didn’t we criticise the 18 years of dictatorial regime in 1994 like we do today ,and aren’t we speaking about the same thing again today ? I would not disagree to your notion but we must unleash the authentic contents of recovery . And entire recovery since 1948 . Unless Temporary talks and nonstop bailas would not heal the wounds

By: Groundviews Wed, 30 Apr 2014 15:00:00 +0000 In reply to georgethebushpig.

Thanks very much. 2010’s content, in its entirety, is available here –

By: georgethebushpig Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:38:00 +0000 Dear Sanjana,

Your write up here is thought provoking in itself and I can’t wait to see the articles to come.

For some reason I missed the publication in 2010. I tried to track down it down but ran into a defunct weblink. Would it be possible to repost that publication on GV somewhere?

