Comments on: THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENCY & REFORM STRATEGY: A PARTIAL CRITIQUE OF JAYAMPATHY WICKREMARATNE Journalism for Citizens Fri, 02 May 2014 12:45:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Point Fri, 02 May 2014 12:45:00 +0000 The problem is that the constitution is structured in such away that it is very difficult for an opposition candidate to win. With the massive centralisation of power and the dismantling of all traces of indepence in institutions there is now no longer any check on power. Thus, against a candidate who is ruthless and prepared to break the norms, no opposition, however good stands a chance. The UPFA has ruled for 20 years, they will be in place for another 20 or 30 years, before everything collapses in anarchy.

By: Fitzpatrick Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:38:00 +0000 Vasudeva says ”
70% of MPs want end to Executive Presidency
” (

Dayan says otherwise. Whom shall we believe? A leftist government minister or self styled “political scientist” who was also a political appointment to the diplomatic corp?

By: Dev Mon, 28 Apr 2014 09:36:00 +0000 Dayan seems to be mightily worried by the possible return of CBK. She herself has not indicated such a move but even the whisper of such a move seems to have rattled Dayan. If as you claim it is bound to fail (at a presidential election since in your word “popular President to whom the people are grateful”….. then why all these articles one after the other warning the “opposition” against such a move?

Since Dayan seem to know what will work and what won’t at the next election (parliamentary and presidential) and also since Dayan claims to know how to handle the “west” , we should all make Dayan our “common candidate” !!!
