Comments on: Theocratic fascism in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Thu, 01 May 2014 08:35:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: srivanamoth Sat, 26 Apr 2014 17:27:00 +0000 This is a home and home discussion of no concern or interest to the minorities, to say the obvious fact. Else, SL will not be what it is after 66 years of failed political governance!

By: Bandara Sat, 26 Apr 2014 04:13:00 +0000 Dr Jayathilaka with his views should stand as the ‘comman candidate’ and then he will learn what majority of us silent Sri Lankans feel about the BBS, of him and others whos names are mentioned.

By: alex f Fri, 25 Apr 2014 10:56:00 +0000 This author’s devout nationalist views impede the process of finding genuine solutions. He won’t accept Tamils are a nation because doing so gives them rights that he thinks are impractical for a small island. He doesn’t want external intervention so he proposes marshalling all the internal opposition parties to oppose Rajapakse, but he agrees that Buddhist, theocratic, nationalism runs much deeper in Sri Lankan society than just the BBS … so how does he propose this newly marshalled opposition get votes? Presumably by pandering to the same extremist lobby and not reconciling with Tamils, Muslims and Christians (just as the current regime is doing)? The Sinhala nationalist Genii is out of the bottle. His solutions and recommendations based on resolutions within the island increasingly look like a fantasy.

By: georgethebushpig Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:07:00 +0000 Well, well, well…. finally a clear headed proposition that makes sense and that could actually work. Who turned the switch on?

By: Dev Thu, 24 Apr 2014 17:18:00 +0000 In case our Dayan has forgotten, Mahinda is the EXECUTIVE president, he is all powerful. The fact that NOTHING has been done against BBS shows that he approves of their actions ! Yet, unsurprising you don’t mention that !!! Why , pray tell us?

This is further confirmed by the following ….
Work on detaching the moderates of the SLFP from the family-dominated regime, not at the Presidential election (it won’t work anyway)

So it is clear which horse you are backing at the next presidential polls!
