Comments on: Freedom and bondage: Lankans, then and now Journalism for Citizens Tue, 15 Apr 2014 09:57:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: sajeeva samaranayake Tue, 15 Apr 2014 09:57:00 +0000 In reply to Jayalath.

Two questions we must ask – 1. Who am I? 2. What are my values? The best way of answering (1) is by answering (2). If we leave out (2) we can get lost.

By: Jayalath Sat, 12 Apr 2014 21:53:00 +0000 In reply to sajeeva samaranayake.

Thank you for the response . the cut it short , that I understand what is your article is asserting . The identity can be defined to some one as human being with a sense of SELF. also a process by which people distinguish themselves from others and present themselves to the world . But this could be answered from many perspective . We also can concern the necessity of maintaining the individuals identities . Therefore , we are in a society of having MULTIPLE IDENTITIES .which needs to be well preserved and recognised by individuals.

By: sajeeva samaranayake Mon, 07 Apr 2014 04:56:00 +0000 Ok let me have another go.
Just 2 ideas – human growth and the identity trap.
Individuals and communities have to grow and mature and the ideal process is the organic or natural one. This is where we learn, understand and work things out by ourselves and in relation with others without being forced or pressurized too much to fit into somebody’s ideal of how we should live.
In real life things get awkward and complicated. One of the major complications is what I have mentioned as the identity trap.
You see initially we struggle for security and to get established – we try hard to become somebody – get a qualification, a car, phone, family, tiled floor and I pad – may be write a few books etc etc. Once we feel we have arrived we put our legs up and then enjoy the rest of the journey in comfort. Because we have ‘earned’ it.
Some people never achieve this – but those who do tend to lord it over the rest. This is basically the name of the game in this country. It happens to all our leaders – especially the politicians…. (I restrain myself from mentioning names)
Till you become somebody you give a damn. After that you don’t. This can be either negative or positive. It is negative when you stop learning and growing and keep the rest of society also in stagnation. It is positive if you push forward putting your ‘achievements’ to a side without clinging to them and experience true freedom by continuous engagement with life without simply going round and round the same groove.
When we are all hooked on a culture of becoming – rather than being; this is a slightly more technical way of putting it – then we are collectively stuck in a huge traffic jam – where ‘my journey’ is paramount and to hell with the rest.
So we need to find ways and means of going beyond stuck identities and pushing forward as individuals first – and then collectively. We have to find the route from identity to freedom –
seek and you shall find!

By: Jayalath Fri, 04 Apr 2014 21:27:00 +0000 In reply to sajeeva samaranayake.

I didn’t get your point , kindly could you explain in pragmatically and easily graspable manner . Thanks .

By: sajeeva samaranayake Fri, 04 Apr 2014 04:53:00 +0000 In reply to Jayalath.

I think we must de-link human rights from those static identities that led to the war in the first place. Geneva has failed to do this. As we talk to each other we must seek a different logic. The logic of war and injustice is not the same as the logic of peace and justice…..This is what the criminal law and ICC will fail to do – and what the people of this country must do by themselves….

By: sajeeva samaranayake Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:08:00 +0000 In reply to Jayalath.

We should not assume that we know who we are. An identity is a matter of dynamic and constant construction and this work is done using available resources. The most powerful identity would be an informed one – and one that is informed by the widest and most eclectic considerations including the situation in which we find ourselves today – as an island nation and as human beings. When the consciousness is liberated it can travel far beyond man-made, political boundaries and categorizations – but without discounting their situational relevance either. When we rise above animal status under the civilizing influence of any religion this search for self and collective definition must go on and on. The men of violence (Kshatriyas) and their legitimizers (Brahmins) will always seek to close this search and trap people within a solidified culture or religion. Every human being worth his salt has refused to be so tied down and rebelled against it. This is how societies refresh and regenerate from time to time.

By: Fitzpatrick Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:02:00 +0000 In reply to Jayalath.

This idea of blaming all our problems on the “colonialists” has to end. It is time we took responsibility for our destiny.

By: Jayalath Wed, 02 Apr 2014 06:38:00 +0000 I praise the profound idea of the article and the emphasised message . It further proclaims the value of need of being Sri Lankan and protecting and promoting the identity of Sri Lankan regardless the differences of religious and racial .as we live together in organic culture for centuries .
I would mind to ask mr. Samaranayaka that what mechanism would you believe or that you suggest to revive the lost identities among us which we have lost at present day as a result of colonial rule and second wave of colonisation under local politicians .
