Comments on: Dangerous defeat in Geneva Journalism for Citizens Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:41:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: rec1 Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:41:00 +0000 Modi will be the next Indian PM and Vaiko will be a minister and likely Jayalalitha will be part of the ruling alliance
Given the ease with which Russia swallowed Crimea, it may tempt Jayalalitha to repeat this in tamil and muslim areas. And no, China is too far away and wont directly get involved

By: Hexar Sat, 29 Mar 2014 17:28:00 +0000 In reply to Richard Kaz.

Personally, I think British imperialism was worse than American imperialism. But nevertheless, I agree with your analogy.

By: Aia Sat, 29 Mar 2014 17:16:00 +0000 In reply to Richard Kaz.

Could not agree you more, what matters most for DJ was the numbers, how many voted for or against ….and..his writings in this topic have been expressing one thing to me that is he could not forgive the GoSL for taking him out of the UN, that’s it. And, regardless of what GoSL has been doing/not doing during the last 5 years since the war, if Tamara and he were let to be at the helm, the outcome would have been different. That is how he is trying to simplify the whole issue. Reading his articles, how hurtful can be for those kith and kin of those who were taken into custody and slaughtered like beef castles in their own country and others, whom loved ones, were lost in the humanitarian rescue operation. Only way to regain the self-respect of this country is to have an open and honest investigation and punish those who responsible for the heinous crimes, failing,Hague will have the last laugh.

What does the offer of releasing the fishermen of Tamil Nadu returning favor to Indiamade by our HE says to the outside world about our judicial system? Comic? Isn’t it worse stupidity than what our Prof GL did? For that, doubting on GL’s faculties are in proper order, HE asked it seems if he has got a brain. Poor GL’s priority was to keep Russia happy and ensuring 1 vote for SL at the UN and MR also knew why he did this,
but that the clever politician he is, only what he did was a damage control taking GoSL out of any blame.

By: Dev Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:17:00 +0000 Thank you. When you have no “recent” achievements what else can you do?

By: Richard Kaz Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:45:00 +0000 DJ has always stood for a benign form of oppression of Tamils as opposed to the brutal form of oppression of the Rajapaksa regime. A good analogy is, DJ’s views are like British imperialism and Rajapaksa regime’s views are like American imperialism. At the end of the day, both believe in the oppression of Tamils.

By: Sinniah Sivagnanasun Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:07:00 +0000 What is wrong with the Author ? Why he states TNA dances to the Drum of the West ? Does he not know TNA is a POLITICAL body democratically elected to SAVEGUARD the TAMILS and their culture, Rights and LAND.
Whats wrong in their position ?

Anybody can say anything without any knowledge or sympathy. Nobody will care now a days when it is said madly .

By: srivanamoth Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:41:00 +0000 It is time to cleanse the Sri Lanka stables full of deceit and lies and far worse bloodbaths and war graves under cover of the dreadful and draconian PTA borrowed from former South Afrika! In goodness name the UN investigation should continue unabated and find out what is always driving evil over good. Sovereignty belongs to “the people”, according to the constitution, meaning ALL the people, NOT Sinhala Only and Buddhists foremost which have determined nature and conduct of governments and governance. In the final analysis if the country is to stay as one entity commonsense and even an iota of intelligence dictate that the investigation continue untrammeled.

By: Piranha Fri, 28 Mar 2014 17:47:00 +0000 “No democratically elected government can or should submit this country’s tormented contemporary history and its armed forces to an international inquiry”
Dayan is stating exactly the opposite of what a democratically elected government must do. Dayan wants the mass murderers to go scot free. That means immunity for the war criminals that will fprovide impunity for present and future crimes against the tamils.
India’s vote against in Geneva is because of the fear of their complicity in the war crimes coming to light in an international investigation. Manmohan colluded with Rajapaksa in committing the crimes by providing military hardware, advisers and intelligence and the diplomatic cover in the international arena. When this truth is revealed in an investigation Manmohan will stand with Rajapaksa in the ICC at Hague. The americans and the british are well aware of India’s complicity in war crimes and that’s why they disregarded India’s objections.

By: Fitzpatrick Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:14:00 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Exactly, if the UNHCR passes resolutions praising a victory over the terrorists (an internal war), its good but when it censures it, it is bad?

By: alex f Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:42:00 +0000 In reply to TheRealGamarala.

Agree. You let the bully off just because some of the children will throw a tantrum. The authors reasoning is simply … ‘nationalists will go crazy’ so lets suspend the rule of law. Not sure that argument will work for anyone.
