Comments on: Why the Government of Sri Lanka fails internationally Journalism for Citizens Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:33:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thiagan Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:33:00 +0000 Exactly! T. H. Huxley I believe, it was who said referring to the stages an embryo passes through in it’s journey to a full grown fetus, I quote “That ontogeny is a brief recapitulation of phylogeny” in simpler terms that an embryo briefly passes through changes that the species as a whole passed through during billions of years of evolution. originally it was survival of the fittest, the strongest gets the food and the mate. As man grew from such primitive origins and patterns of behavior, to the current age of advanced information technology and processing capabilities and capacities, the processes we have to adopt to intimately mesh with advanced societies and peoples evolved from the age of the big stick, big family. Modern societies sought positions of political and social equilibrium with advanced societies, who use advanced information processing by the best minds in the world who formed state of the art think tanks to intricately maneuver their objectives to arrive and position themselves at the best strategically viable positions which enabled them to obtain the best concessions from the international arena. Advanced studies in diplomacy and bargaining were established with the exact objective of obtaining the best options from the rough and tumble of International politics. In short anything less is somewhat akin to tackling a neutron bomb with a ‘moholgaha’ the colloquial Sri Lankan Sinhala term used for an ancient pestle used for pounding grain, or God forbid, am I just another voice in the wilderness?

By: georgethebushpig Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:53:00 +0000 In summary: the barbarians have taken over the house, ransacked the pantry, got muddle headed from imbibing too much victory juice and are picking fights with the neighbors. Yup, that seems about right. It’s inevitable that “somebody gonna get a hurt real bad”!

By: pillayan Sun, 02 Mar 2014 21:01:00 +0000 In reply to Thanga.

Please tell me, a person who can run the srilanka?except Mr.MR.and do not forget last 30years,

By: Groundviews Sun, 02 Mar 2014 08:30:00 +0000 In reply to Hade Sheriff.

Can you please provide evidence reg. the claim you make around the abduction of the Election Commissioner’s family, or corroborate your allegation with supporting evidence from mainstream media?

By: Hade Sheriff Sun, 02 Mar 2014 07:40:00 +0000 I totally agree with this writer Mr Wellianuna, anyone denying these facts definitely govt stooges without any doubt.

By: Hade Sheriff Sun, 02 Mar 2014 07:37:00 +0000 In reply to Nick Hart.

Sorry for your ignorance Nick Hat , I was a observer in last presidential election, I saw how they chased out observers of opposition, how they intimidated election commissioner by abducting his family, how they misused state machinery, not allowing any propaganda activities by opposition,, finally arrested Sarath Fonseka the opposition candidate & put him behind bars on fake chargers

By: Piyadasa Yalgala Sat, 01 Mar 2014 13:52:00 +0000 Sri Lankan has made remarkable recover in north and east since 2009 may. Country including north and east is at peace and the economy also growing and certain extent poverty had reduce. Of cause after 30 odd years war against terrorism and war tone economics ills can not solve by overnight! Yes we need address that secular democracy solution on ethnic issue within frame work of Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity Independence and democracy legal binding.
But certain countries like USA,
UK and India other UNHRC of enforcement us charge that ‘war crime’ and ‘human rights’ on last battle of Nadakadal end of open war between LTTE-terrorist outfit GOSL army.

By: Jayalath Sat, 01 Mar 2014 08:07:00 +0000 I have no argument about the authenticity of this article , but I would completely disagree when the article tries to point out that every thing is happening today , therefore , I Kindly request you to know me when and [edited out] did not appoint from diplomats position to postmen in Sri Lanka without political support or relationship since 1948 ?? And why would people easily ignore what brutality and lawlessness were overwhelmed the whole society under UNP regime in 18 years .
By the way , we are today in a position that necessary good friends more than ever before to defeat the international plot that layout to unstable the country , therefore ,it will be interesting to know how we have earned the friends to support in a position that need in a difficult time .
Thus, I can’t miss out of having a word about the past Foreign policy where I expect to disagree with the main notion of this article . The foreign policy always been an extremely complex formula to a small country. And such theory never evolved with inadequate issues , it can further aggravate when regarding to its geographical and political perspectives ,where the foreign policy of a country will be decisive in such accountabilities . This is the normal criteria which determine commonly to every single land in the world .
it is paramountly important to speculate how the main role of foreign policy lies in a country and why ? We know the world is politically consisting into two segments , one is favour to Russia and China And other is to America and west . Thus , the whole world is divided to these two factions and many countries take the side of each faction time to time . Sri Lankan point of view to the foreign policy ,they once incline toward west and now toward east , you may remember Egypt was armed by Russians to fight over Israel 1960s and after they wed with America . therefore , there are reasonable reasons can be commonly found of engaging countries with different friends time to time in order to obtain individuals interest .however , I can’t see any concrete foundations are necessarily made for those countries to its foreign relation ships with other countries.
So , it is worth to consider now what foreign policy that we need and why . You may probably aware what foreign policy we followed during the time of JR , s . I remember once he said that he was refrained of acquiring even single bullet by his foreign friends to use against the terrorists of his time .although , He was a western puppet at that time and entirely digested into capitalism , did his friends support him when he need ? I may take your attention to Ireland . The UK is consistent friend of America and Ireland is part of United Kingdom but they found out that America secretly supported Ireland guerrilla against UK .
So, you may now realise how complex the foreign policy ,when it comes to individual country . And this is just one incident compare to what happening around the world.
I think , It has been abused by big powerful nations when ever they want to. therefore I think it is some thing to think about , what ever the policies and principals that we entitled with ,still small nations are vulnerable . And big nations are immune from criminal prosecution .

However , I do not disregard imperativeness for a country to maintain regular beneficiary friends .where you will distinctively see where Rajapaksa had to lean when the LTTE snarling at him and terrorising the every corner of the country with rallies of suicide bombs and turning the country to anarchy .which emotionally traumatised whole nation and the dismay was beginning to wide spread . In such situation that government turned out with new friends . When previously known friends gradually began to turndown the relationship .so, I do not believe it is necessary a rocket science to understand these things .
thats why my worry and anger toward some media and politicians who have indulged into very short memory and knowledge of understanding what is precisely happening around the world that pushing the smaller nations to its edge by big nations to fulfil their political aspirations

By: Shailagah Rajakrishnan-Driss Thu, 27 Feb 2014 01:40:00 +0000 In reply to Nick Hart.

Nick, the writer has put “Democratically elected” within inverted commas is to reiterate the government has actually been elected that way and govern the country that way. Even in USA, people who have extreme ideas may be under the watch of CIA or FBI, but in Sri Lanka, that is not the case. Anyone is free to express themselves without any fear whatsoever and the Rajapakse family is governing the country in most transparent and uncorrupted way. So being a better democracy compared to some other western countries, it is truly a conspiracy of the western countries to bring such a resolution on a such a wonderful regime.

By: Thanga Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:10:00 +0000 There is no democracy in Sri Lanka. Holding elections is only one aspect of democracy. In Sri Lanka the elections are rigged, voters are bribed, intimidated and state resources are commandeered to the full during elections. It is time extremist Sinhalese Buddhists learn lessons from western democracies. We may hate US, but there is no journalist jail because he criticised the government. Whitehouse does not send goons to attack media houses, but Sri Lanka does. The Uthayan news media in Jaffna has lost 6 personnel. including editors, to mobs. No one was arrested and no one faced charges in courts. It is complete immunity.
