Comments on: Defending non-implementation of the LLRC in Geneva Journalism for Citizens Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:22:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayalath Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:22:00 +0000 I can’t believe how the mentality work of some people in this country , whom are speaking like just born yesterday . Firstly I would glad to deliver my disgust to the writer for delivering irresponsible and partial message to public not regarding the scale harm and danger it related with .
What ever we have been speaking Or experiencing today, are only breathing just after 30 years of blood flow which saved the country from the brutal vicious separatists . Where I cannot imagine how fast the handful of villains mentality work to drive things unreasonably and unfairly. that is what witness from this type of articles and donkey politicians .

We all know very well , There are many problems remaining to resolve In Sri Lanka for number of decades , some are directly imported ones from colonial period and some are hit just because our elders stupidities . However , the mistakes have been identified by us today than yesterday which is a good turnout , and what we need now is a good period to implement them . We do not need the former colonial plunderers who even can be very harmful to be nearer . They are actively operating in Ukraine at this moment and they could be ended up in my country in next round .
Therefore , I strongly believe the patience and unity is very important at this moment and all will come eventually like peace finally came after 30 years of agony . unless the victory that we earned 4 years ago by sacrificing staggering numbers of lives and wealth from the cycle of horror with consistent suicide bombs by the most vicious and barbaric separatists group of north would be utterly waste and hopeless .and I cannot see it pocketed by international invaders.
I also see there are politically and religiously motivated many groups are actively operating in the country to reverse the victory holding hands with international crooks , if we failed to understand it that all the efforts that we made to bring the peace and prosperity to our country will lead to an indefinite conflict which may worst than 30 years blood flow . Hence , it is indispensable to realise this by all who still wanting abuse the country for the reasoning of eradicating the poisonous snakes. AND , PLEASE,
Do not forget that we all have shares of this pandemic and no one can abscond from the responsibilities.

By: James Chance Tue, 25 Feb 2014 14:33:00 +0000 In reply to Anony mouse.

The government’s talking points are here – in response to yesterday’s UN High Commissioner’s report to the Human Rights Council.

By: Anony mouse Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:49:00 +0000 This article presents the case against the government quite well, highlighting its numerous failures. However, the article would have been much improved had it presented its successes, if any, so that the reader is able to ascertain to what extent the govt. has failed to implement the LLRC. Especially given that the govt. is planning to unleash its own propaganda machine on numerous member states, it must surely have some talking points ready. What are they?

By: puniselva Sun, 23 Feb 2014 11:55:00 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Very true, Burning_Issue.

”…In each, the party previously in opposition gained decisive power on a
platform that promised fundamental change. After each election, there were
missed opportunities for initiatives that could have addressed many concerns of
Tamil community members, while simultaneously respecting the concerns of all but
the most radical Sinhalese nationalists. In each instance, however, Sri Lanka’s
political leaders chose not to expend their political capital in this way but
instead, to accede to demands of the radicals. … it will be useful to seek
lessons from periods when Sri Lankan political leaders, like President Mahinda
Rajapaksa, had such overwhelming political support that they were in a
position, if they chose, to expend political capital by taking concrete steps
toward communal reconciliation. …” – Prospects For Post Conflict
Reconciliation And Development In Sri Lanka: Can Singapore Be Used As A Model?
Prof John Richardson, Text of a presentation at Global Asia Institute Speaker
Series (2010), National University of Singapore, Prof John Richardson,

By: puniselva Fri, 21 Feb 2014 17:50:00 +0000 Thank you, Harim Peiris

By: Burning_Issue Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:20:00 +0000 Implicit in this article that the MR regime has pure Sinhala Buddhist racism at it’s base. The regime’s profligate conduct rests on their unassailable belief that the elections are won and lost on the Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalist platform. It may be true if there is a formidable opposition. Hence. in the absence of such an opposition, why does the regime sticking with majoritarian policies? The Rajapaksas can do anything politically in Sri Lanka; they can even give a federal solution to the Tamils and still win elections. Their inability to even implement their own LLRC recommendations is indicative that, MR himself is a Racist. It has taken a while for me to take this view. How else one view this?
