Comments on: Reception of Buddhism in Lanka: An entanglement with worldly sovereignty? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 11 Feb 2014 10:03:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: puniselva Tue, 11 Feb 2014 10:03:00 +0000 ”This is no time to discuss what might have been. The point to be borne in mind is that feudalism and ancient privileges must be questioned and challenged from within religion if lasting reforms are to take place in society. This is what the reformation did in Europe. The time for a Buddhist led Buddhist reformation that extricates the Sasana from its worldly entanglements for re-directing energies towards the noble eightfold path is NOW. A new social vision and assertion of social solidarity must emerge from the Sasana itself if our society is to bridge the social distances within Sinhalese society and within the larger Lankan society. For the majority of Sinhala Buddhists the Sasana is inseparable from country and any new social vision must necessarily encompass both.

Buddhists of Lanka need a worldview and sense of self that is not devastated by the likes of Kalinga Magha, western colonial powers and colonising politicians of the present day. They cannot be enslaved to old forms that clothe self-interest, greed, caste, hatred and parochialism. They must strive to make a living adaptation of the Buddhist message for their own time and place by returning to the path. A timeless teaching cannot be trapped in verbal formulas and hackneyed ancient ceremonies. Those are for followers – not leaders; and a Buddhist is never the follower of another person or a blind imitator of tradition” must be digested well by all Buddhists and others too.

By: georgethebushpig Mon, 10 Feb 2014 10:58:00 +0000 Dear Sajeeva,

This was a very interesting read and I learned a lot.

In addition to “A new social vision and assertion of social solidarity .. emerg[ing] from the Sasana itself ….” I think it would be useful to concurrently begin a process of secularization of the State as well. For starters, I think the university positions reserved for aspiring Buddhist clergy should be revoked, and all religious training repatriated to the Buddhist temple. This will reduce the numbers of opportunist Buddhist “priests” and help depoliticize the sangha.

Best regards

By: Keynes! Mon, 10 Feb 2014 07:13:00 +0000 Mahanaga’s son is Yatalaka
Tissa. Yatalaka Tissa’s son is Gotabhaya. Gotabhaya’s son is Kavan Tissa. Kavan
Tissa’s son is Dutugemunu. Dutugemunu’s brother is Saddha Tissa.
