Comments on: A letter to President Rajapakse from Nelson Mandela Journalism for Citizens Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:35:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: holmung pee Tue, 04 Feb 2014 23:35:00 +0000 In reply to Mahinda.

We are NOT rebuilding as ‘one nation’ – we are building, and that too very superficially as ‘some nation’ – don’t kid ya self buddy!

By: Angulimala Sun, 22 Dec 2013 15:35:00 +0000 Chandana, your point about 88-89 is a bit silly given that the South African form of govt at the time was still apartheid, the NP was the ruling party and Mandela was still in prison!

By: Jayalath Thu, 19 Dec 2013 17:23:00 +0000 Is it really a hoax of Deshapriya ? What made him to compare mandela to prabakaran . . Or is he intentionally misleading the readers by comparing Sri Lankan ethnic war and South African apartheid war together. I suppose , the writer has made a poor effort to make it as a big context itself not realising the depth of two incidents . Therefore,
I wouldn’t surprise one day , if Blair and Bush did not write a letter to Sri Lankan president in same manner . By the way ,
It seems to be Sunandha has lack of idea at what degree the apartheid practised in South Africa. .Black Africans were confronted by the daily horrors of racism in White ruled South Africa , when mandela was at 16 that he passed to manhood through the rite of circumcision , followed by days celebrations where he was presented with two heifers and four sheep. It was one of the event that he forced to think about the true plight of black African . He regarded the white people as a benefactors , not an oppressors . Since then ,
It didn’t take long time him to realise they are slaves in own country , doing the mindless chores for the white man. Do you believe that Sinhalese people subjugated the Tamils in a such level how the whites did in South Africa ? Instead the Tamil Tigers terrorised the whole country to partition it . and it was a battle to defend the integrity and autonomy , where can happen any level of things . Thus, It is a serious crime in journalism that distorting the truth of a conflict and disseminate misleading informations to gain personal benefits .

Is it really a hoax of Deshapriya ? What made him to compare mandela to prabakaran . . Or is he intentionally misleading the readers by comparing Sri Lankan ethnic war and South African apartheid war together. I suppose , the writer has made a poor effort to make it as a big context itself not realising the depth of two incidents . Therefore,
I wouldn’t surprise one day , if Blair and Bush did not write a letter to Sri Lankan president in same manner . By the way ,
It seems to be Sunandha has lack of idea at what degree the apartheid practised in South Africa. .Black Africans were confronted by the daily horrors of racism in White ruled South Africa , when mandela was at 16 that he passed to manhood through the rite of circumcision , followed by days celebrations where he was presented with two heifers and four sheep. It was one of the event that he forced to think about the true plight of black African . He regarded the white people as a benefactors , not an oppressors . Since then ,
It didn’t take long time him to realise they are slaves in own country , doing the mindless chores for the white man. Do you believe that Sinhalese people subjugated the Tamils in a such level how the whites did in South Africa ? Instead the Tamil Tigers terrorised the whole country to partition it . and it was a battle to defend the integrity and autonomy , where can happen any level of things . Thus, It is a serious crime in journalism that distorting the truth of a conflict and disseminate misleading informations to gain personal benefits .

By: somebody Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:25:00 +0000 In reply to Nobody.

Imaginary (social imaginary)- “is the set of values, institutions, laws, and symbols common to a particular social group and the corresponding society.” wiki

By: Aia Tue, 17 Dec 2013 12:59:00 +0000 Nicely put, hope your message doesn’t go in vain. Need many more Deshapriyas. When the menace was over and done with, I thought a better tomorrow to emerge-all we witnessed hetherto is disappointing. Truth and reconciliation in SL is a far cry, those who talk about are traitors or LTTE supporters.

By: Mahinda Tue, 17 Dec 2013 07:24:00 +0000 Dear Nelson Mandela,

It was with great regret that I heard the news of you passing away. But your funeral was a blast. Thank you. However I am overjoyed to read this letter that you have written for me (I did not know black people could talk from the grave)

Nelson, I do not understand if you tried to compare the aftermath of the war in our two countries, because its not very clear to me. As you know I’m not so much of a bright fellow, so I’m pretty ignorant about your country s’ history, however I did not know that you also had this bloody terrorist problem? Did you not have a sudda situation? Anyway, the terrorists are now gone, finished, kaput. We have started rebuilding our nation as one family. Sinhalese, Muslims, Tamils have lived harmoniously in our country for a long time, and now this terrorist nonsense is done, we are gradually getting back there. However you of all people should know that wounds dont heal that fast….it takes time. No one can expect for complete reconciliation after a mere 4 years. But Nelson, we are getting there. And Nelson, what is this talk of Ashoka? that dude killed a lot of people, and then became dharmashoka? You should know better Nelson, for it is us Kings who wright and make history.

I think you were referring to western forces, not international forces that influenced your struggle. See Nelson, these western suddas are a funny bunch of people. They chose who their enemy are and they chose who their friends are. They often chose the “frenemy” that at the end of the day makes it all the worth while. Did that make sense? well maybe not.( ie: you, gandhi etc.) We too have our international forces with use like our Chinese pals, and Iranian pals. So don’t worry my black skinny friend, we will survive this.

I have to wrap this up soon…need to get ready for some Road racing…its really fun I tell you!

You quoted the “elders” who said,

Unfortunately, too little has happened since the end of war in Sri Lanka.

I wish you came down to Sri Lanka Nelson, it is a much better place now. We have so many roads and shit, that you can just drive and drive and drive .Seriously Nelson, I have tried to develop this country s infrastructure in so many ways, in ways that it has never been developed. Yes I have made some mistakes, but heck look at the shit load of mistakes that idiot Bush made, still he got the votes, so dont worry, I will rule forever in this miracle of asia.

Oh and lastly Nelson, you told me not to brand people including you, but arent you the one who branded the zimbabwians and swazilandians? just because someone holds a different view than yours does not make them wrong or bad. You should know this Nelson.

Anyways time for my drive now….hopefully see you in a couple of years in the VIP lounge in the sky….Ill bring some thanamalwila stuff! damn good stuff nelson…damn good!

By: Nobody Mon, 16 Dec 2013 23:23:00 +0000 Dont understand, at the bottom it says IMAGINARY LETTER…does it make sense?

By: puniselva Mon, 16 Dec 2013 09:35:00 +0000 As the Chair of the Commonwealth President Rajapakse has to heed the message in the letter.

By: Obamasal Mon, 16 Dec 2013 04:15:00 +0000 The letter said it that parting of ways of both Nelson Mandela and Mahinda Rajapakse started deviating in the former’s resignation after one term and latter’s enactment of 18th Amendment to continue until his don s ready to step in. This is made possible by the unchallenged propaganda of the state run media in favour of the president and his family. The military is well looked after at the expense of the civilians especially in minority dominated north and south.
