Comments on: Chief Minister Wigneswaran alleges genocide, calls for plebiscite Journalism for Citizens Tue, 07 Jan 2014 19:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: someone Tue, 07 Jan 2014 19:36:00 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

You seem to have lots of free time but very low [edited out] (a common trait amoung ultra [edited out] like yourself I guess)

Instead of responding to the point “Power has not been shifted at all”

You go on a grand round trip shouting and screaming blaming everything on ‘Tamil Extremists’ without worrying about any logical connection to the question. It is obvious you are not capable of taking part in a meaningful debate on these matters . Tamil Extremists are not any worse than Sinhalese Extremists like yourself. But at least you could have tried to understand what what the writer is saying first.

You say

“When you segregate Ethnically you forfeit the votes of the other ethnicities”
When even someone like you is smart enough to recognize that is not an effective strategy for any politician who represents minority communities. Isn’t it obvious no such politician with at least your level of iq would follow such a strategy?

On the other hand don’t you see the same strategy is a viable and even attractive one for politicians who claim to represent the majority community which is the Sinhalese in our case?

Starting from ‘Sinhala Only’ to JRJ is ‘Patha Yathra’ opposing ‘Banda Chelva’ pact. our history has enough examples of politicians tricking people like yourselves in to believing bashing minorities would solve all your problems. And the trend continues – now also turning into bashing Muslims and Christians. People like yourselves who shed crocodile tears for the the ‘Sinhala Buddhists’ are actually the biggest enemy of all communities including the one they claim to ‘protect’

By: Obamasal Sat, 28 Dec 2013 05:51:00 +0000 If all of them killed you know very well what happened in Kosovo, East Timor and Sudan would have been repeated that the Rajapaksas knew it very well. UN would have intervened and separation effected. Tamils under LTTE were happy even with government embargo. If you want to confirm my assertion ask the government to conduct a plebiscite in the east and north. No, the security forces starved 460,000 people for months by claiming there were only 70,000 and used heavy weapons to kill as many as possible after urging them to move into a narrow strip for ‘safety’.

By: Someone Fri, 27 Dec 2013 17:00:00 +0000 “…LTTE ] who killed more tamils than anybody…”

Really? Please tell me where you got your figures from. At least get the facts right! Of course LTTE was a killing machine. But to say the number of Tamils killed by the LTTE (which were mostly targeted assassinations ,) is bigger than the number killed by the government (whose army used heavy artillary to take out entire villages) is utter nonsense. Read the reports of who have always been impartial (and yes they are fears critics of the LTTE too) about how many people your beloved government has killed. People like you who with no respect for facts are part of the reason for our countries troubles

By: Off the Cuff Tue, 24 Dec 2013 18:47:00 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Dear GroundViews Readers,

Burning Issue wrote 6 days ago on Wednesday 18 Dec “…….behave as a Sri Lankan rather than a Sinhala Buddhist!

Burning Issue claimed 2 days ago on Sunday Dec 22 “I only bash the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinists and not the Sinhala Buddhists in general”

I cannot reconcile his repeated claims with what he wrote 6 days ago but Burning Issue is a honourable man and he must be Right.

I congratulate Burning Issue on a well argued debate and concede to him a well deserved win.

By: Steve Grafton Sun, 22 Dec 2013 18:54:00 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Having been trained as an anthropologist and having travelled and lived extensively in Sri Lanka and other conflict zones such as Rwanda I am not about to buy your revisionist history ! This kind of yarn may fool the masses but not me.

You would have been perfect for the “ministry of truth” in George Orwell’s 1984.

(If you haven’t read that book, I suggest that as a good read )

By: Burning_Issue Sun, 22 Dec 2013 18:04:00 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

“Your use of religion to attack/bash Sinhala Buddhist is unjustified”

Wrong! I only bash the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinists and not the Sinhala Buddhists in general. It is obvious that the chauvinist hat fits you well and you chose to ware it!

If you care to read the following article you may understand as to where I come from:

By: Off the Cuff Sun, 22 Dec 2013 11:21:00 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Dear Burning Issue,

Let’s assume for the moment that your claim “Nonsense! I bash the Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinists like Off the Cuff” is correct and proceed to analyse it critically.

1. Candidlee has not used Religion in his/her argument.
2. You have not made an argument to introduce Religion into it.
3. Your two line response contained a derogatory reference to Buddhist Sinhalese.
3. The opportunity to attack a religious subset of the Sinhala Race did not exist but you created it.
4. That reference was GENERAL in nature.
5. It did not target any SPECIFIC “Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinists”.

Hence your denial above does not stand up to critical inquiry.

You stated “Both Groundviews and Colombo T will stand as testament to my claim”

I am not a frequent contributor to Colombo Telegraph but have been a frequent contributor to GroundViews for over 5 years. What I have observed of your writings do not support your claim. A search of GV by anyone will turn up many instances where you have irrationally used the Sinhala Buddhist epithet derogatorily. Attempting to hide behind a pretence of indignation is unwise and will not make your action honourable.

Your use of religion to attack/bash Sinhala Buddhist is unjustified, uncalled for and irrelevant within the comment under discussion. More importantly it is divisive propaganda aimed at the Sinhala race. Sri Lanka after a 30 year war can very well do without that.

I have several times in the past, declared my readiness to UNCONDITIONALLY apologise to anyone, who can counter what I write, with FACTS, I have nothing to lose from anyone exposing my ignorance but everything to gain as it will definitely add to my education. I stand by that declaration.

I am sorry to say this is not one of those instances.

I beseech you to wean yourself out of this destructive habit in the future.

By: Burning_Issue Fri, 20 Dec 2013 09:56:00 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

“Burning Issue takes any opportunity to bash Buddhists who are Sinhalese.”

Nonsense! I bash the Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinists like Off the Cuff. I also bash the Tamil Chauvinists with equal venom. Both Groundviews and Colombo T will stand as testament to my claim. Both mainstream parties in Sri Lanka is saturated with Sinhala racists and no leader since independence espoused statesmanship as a Sri Lankan leader but expediently emboldened the chauvinists within the Sinhala community.

By: Off the Cuff Fri, 20 Dec 2013 07:41:00 +0000 In reply to Sitrundi.

Dear Sitrundi,

I think you are wearing blinkers. Look around you, how many separatist Tamils slander the Sinhalese and the Buddhists? Why does it not offend you? They would falsely talk of 65 years of oppression when all the while the REAL oppression that puts anyone to shame went on in the North, behind the Cadjan Curtain. I am countering this false propaganda with authentic history which these separatists have carefully hidden away. I myself, till recently, was taken in with this separatist propaganda until I started researching and found the truth.

I was shocked by the revelations of a former GA of Jaffna, Mr. Neville Jayaweera, who was entrusted with implementing the Official Languages Bill in Jaffna. He did not implement it and instead implemented the Reasonable use of Tamil bill (with the informal concurrence of Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike). The RUT Bill was not even Law at that time. Thanks to him the Sinhala Only Bill was NEVER implemented in the North. If you are unsure of this please ask Mr Devenesan Nessaiah who was a GA Jaffna several years later.

A quote must be appropriately used in order to be effective. Defecating on a public highway debases the person who does it. It does not debase the person who reports it.

What stands out is the FACT that No Tamil who has commented on this page, including you, Burning Issue, Karuna and TGTE Senator Usha S Sriskandaraja have contested the material I have placed before the GV readership. All what we have is irrelevant quotes, silence and ad hominems (that GV moderators to their credit has deleted).

Please read my reply to Steve Grafton for more information about Tamil Society in the North ( 75% of these Northern Tamils were subjected to a degrading form of slavery that has a few parallels in the world.

Are you afraid of the TRUTH Sitrundi?

The best counter to false propaganda is the Truth. This is what I have done. I have countered Tamil Separatist propaganda that attempts to slander the Sinhalese and the Buddhists using the TRUTH. Apparently you and like minded Tamils do not like it because you have no effective counter to the TRUTH. Perhaps even you did not know the extent of persecution and depravity suffered by the Northern Tamil majority and the hegemony of elected Tamil representatives who colluded with the top civil administration of Jaffna to perpetuate that hegemony.

Reporting the Truth is neither Debasing nor Slander.
Hence please counter them if you can.

By: Off the Cuff Fri, 20 Dec 2013 07:06:00 +0000 In reply to Steve Grafton.

Dear Steve Grafton,

I responded to an Eastern Province Tamil who was indulging in Sinhala Buddhist bashing. Burning Issue takes any opportunity to bash Buddhists who are Sinhalese. Typically you turned a blind eye to the original sin, as usual. There is nothing to prevent you from doing likewise but when you do be prepared for a counter response. If you were able to read anything beyond the SUPERFICIAL, in what Sharmini has written, you would have had second thoughts in using it. But then you didn’t have that insight.

As Sharmini states what these so called priests did was repugnant but apparently she had no knowledge of the cast system of the North. If she did, she would have been appalled and horrified and lost for words to describe it. Thanks for bringing Sharmini’s article to my notice. I will respond to it in the near future.

I wouldn’t call Sharmini anything other than a Buddhist. She and her family is not cast conscious (though they come from the upcountry where cast was strong) and that’s why they were unaware of Cast issues amongst certain priests as seen by the fact that they INVITED the priests to their home without discrimination. The preparations that they made to receive the priests are the same. They would wash the feet of priests on arrival and stay standing until the priests sat down. Then the laity would sit on mats placed on the floor and offer their obeisance. Before the Alms giving and afterwards the spittoon is carried around by a relative so that the priests could wash their mouth and throw the spit in. A large lay gathering attended the Alms giving and all of them paid equal respect to the priests. A Buddhist will respect the saffron robe and will worship the wearer irrespective of cast or creed. I as well as a majority of Buddhists will look down on Cast as that is not ENDORSED by Buddhism. But if I ever faced the situation that Sharmini’s parents faced I would have politely asked those who wished to leave to leave, without making “Special arrangements”. The error Sharmini’s family did was to make special arrangements (possibly out of respect for the Saffron robe).

Typically even some Educated Tamils when confronted with the sub human cast oppression practised by Tamils in the North will come out with cast that is practised amongst the Buddhist Priesthood. However please keep in mind that UNLIKE in Hinduism Buddhism does not endorse cast or any other man made division.

Amongst the Sinhalese Cast is no barrier to priest hood. In contrast, amongst Tamil Hindus, cast is an INSURMOUNTABLE barrier and only the Highest Cast, the Brahmins can aspire to priesthood. Perhaps this is due to the aversion of the Tamil Ruling Class to bow to anyone below their cast.

No High cast Tamil will INVITE a Low cast into their home and give them an exalted position to sit while they sit on the ground. Let alone offer food or drink they will not even offer water.

But the above are just minor things compared to the sub human Apartheid that is practised on the vast majority of Servile Tamils by the Ruling High cast Tamils.

After extensive research at the Jaffna Public Library Mr. Neville Jayaweera a former Government Agent Jaffna states.

“Even in the mid 1960s, the following principles defined what it meant to be a non-Vellala.

1. Regardless of natural endowments, anyone born a non-Vellala was frozen into his particular station for all of his life, be it fishing, tree climbing, road sweeping or whatever. Heredity was a cast iron frame from which there was no escape.
2. They dared not marry anyone from the Vellala caste.
3. They were not allowed into premises occupied by the Vellalas except for doing the tasks they was born into.
4. They did not have access into temples owned or managed by Brahmins or Vellalas. In other words, they were non-persons.
5. They did not have access into Hindu schools or to proceed for higher education. This barrier was breached effectively only when missionary schools began to proliferate, much to the consternation of Hindu leaders.
6. They could not reside outside their villages.
7. They could not drink at the village well nor use any other public amenity outside their own villages.
8. They could not wear jewellery, nor ride in carriages nor use drums at any ceremony.
9. When they died they could not be cremated or buried on land reserved for the Vellalas.

There is first hand evidence that the entire elected political leadership of Jaffna colluded with the entire Civil Administration of Jaffna to subvert the PSD Act that would have otherwise eliminated social disabilities perpetrated on the Servile Tamil majority.

If Einstein was born into a Jaffna Low Cast Scavenging Family, he would have been carting human excreta for disposal.

Can the fig leaf you used, justify the SLAVERY and debauchery described above?

Please refer to the following essay “My Village” written by Dr Nagalingam Ethirweerasingham, the first president of the Global Tamil Forum for more information on the extent of subjugation enforced on about 75% of Tamils who were categorised as Low cast and hence became servile to the ruling class who exploited them. (
