Comments on: British Prime Minister and TNA leaders shun families of disappeared in Jaffna Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:18:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Benett Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:18:00 +0000 The truth could also be this: Cameon just didn’t have time enough. What should he have done, what would you have done in his position: speak to one of the widows, maybe two or rather all of them? You pick!

See. Cameron is a cold blooded, honed and extremly skilled politician. This man is sooo nothing like his srilankan counterparts who in their mayority are uneducated goons.

His view ist from the angle of someone who’s also expertly firm in marketing and publicity. So, by seemingly ignoring the crying widows, all the while speaking in all confidentiality about this very subject with the Chief Minister (Rajapaksas must have fumed, not being able to part of these talks…) he points the whole world toward this monstrous atrocity being committed by the Rajapaksian Regime.

Your fine article, taking up a subject that has long been swelling and waiting to be reported, dear Marisa de Silva – and many others with the exact same approach to the subject – could prove my point…

By: kk Tue, 19 Nov 2013 02:49:00 +0000 That was well organised by paid human right activists and political parties, people carrying board well written in English , but those people don’t know what is on those boards, one of the British journalist asked the question, can anyone speak English, then why are you carrying boards in English, these sort of protest you will see everywhere in the world with paid Human rights agents, if srilankan Human rights organisers (Sanjana Hattotuwa) so worrying about human rights in the country why they couldn’t organise protest in front of Cameron about love lost by the Sinhalese people due to LTTE menance
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