Comments on: An economy that unites, reconciliation that divides in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Fri, 29 Nov 2013 11:04:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: rohanroamer Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:29:00 +0000 the survey displays the ignorance of the polity both Sinhala and Tamil. The people are subject to intensive state propaganda through state monopoly of the media which provides false and biased information.This harmful state of affairs needs to be addressed through counter propaganda from reliable and honest sources such as the local and foreign academia who have no vested interest in gaining political or economic power. Ordinary citizens need to be educated and made aware of the truth through simple and straightforward political, economic and social analysis.

Only an educated society can understand and hold accountable the government for its unsustainable, inequitable and non-inclusive path of development which is sucking the life blood of the nation for the exclusive benefit of a small group of economically and politically powerful elite who are holding the nation to ransom through authoritarian rule.

By: Dutugamunu Mon, 18 Nov 2013 14:55:00 +0000 This site has become a back yard of critics now . Fortunately it was quite impartial and balance last few years but now it has become too partial . It is worth to know the reason . Why can’t we ready to think about the truth. I never heard of a country in the world that grew its economy and infranctructures as fast as in Sri Lanka after 30 years of brutal war . I’m not a fan of Sri lankan Goverment but I’m fairer after regarding to the magnitude of thread we faced in the past . How come we forget what we faced last three decades .

By: Prem Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:10:00 +0000 In reply to walter.

The big choice is between an ethnic nation based on the majority which is sinhala or a country based on ethnic diversity…. and since the beginning of independence , many people in sri lanka (or sinhalanka, which is what most people want there) using thuggish means to force their own political agenda. The most appalling aspect, Buddhist monks ( the epitome of non violence…sic) are the leaders of these violent means…..OH GOD… what is this world coming to??? This must be a lesson learnt from the Chinese and their attitude towards the Tibetans and monks….

So as I see it there is only one way out of this….to be one nation and consider all citizens as Sri lankans, a nation with two language groups of equal status…..OR… the autonomous region for the minority and a Federational state like in so many other democratic countries around the world. The world has to put pressure on this GOVERNMENT to be more inclusive and not exclusive!!!!!! The only way to peace is acceptance of differences and diversity…

By: mahinda Sat, 16 Nov 2013 05:44:00 +0000 In reply to walter.

[edited out] even the name boards in deep south have tamil names in it. But Sinhalese names is not included in most places in jaffna. Go figure.

By: walter Wed, 13 Nov 2013 01:54:00 +0000 If 75 % believe that one should know the Sinhala language to be identified as a Sri Lankan, then the time is ripe for the Tamils to live as a separate identity.
At the moment the official language of Sri Lanka is Sinhala only.(forget the unenforced legislation of parity)
Quite correctly 80% believe that it should be Sinhala only.
Therefore it is conclusive that the rest 20 % is the minority.
If equality and parity of status cannot be enforced, it is best the sizeable minority specially the ones who live in identified areas such as the North and the East be allowed to run their domestic affairs in the language of their choice instead of creating bloodshed, which is inevitable due to to the intransigent attitude of the vociferous section of the Sinhala majority.
