Comments on: A Reconciliation Slipping Away Journalism for Citizens Sun, 06 Oct 2013 02:10:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aia Sun, 06 Oct 2013 02:10:00 +0000 The mistrust the Tamil politicians harboring has not come overnight. Those who knew SL politic knew it
is the systematic deceitfulness of the GoSL, alternated between the major parties, in handling this issue sowed the seeds for this mistrust. We didn’t have a visionary leader to reconcile these communities, but on the contrary
have had enough of them to send the minorities packing to find a solution on their own. To hold on to
power, playing race card has been the norm, and when leaders leading the charge destroying any remaining trust, how anyone could blame Tamil politicians as they are merely a pony in a chess board. If one of the leaders in the majority, not from the top but anyone, had condemned Champaga for making the comment that they could get Nanthikadal in Wellawatta or Mattakuliya if they asked for, then one can say the Tamil politicians should get rid of the mistrust. Not sure if Champaga himself is a racist in his heart, he has to portray as one of them, and this
guy is a minister in a Government, which uphold Mahinda Chindanaya. So were the rest of the leaders. How low they can go down in insinuating the racial hatred is limitless. Not the leaders, but all minorities do not trust all but a few in the majority. The result of the election in North reinforces my belief, note TNA did not ask the mandate for
Tamil Elam in this election. Let us see how GoSL would handle the Sworn- in request made by TNA.

By: srivanamoth Fri, 27 Sep 2013 20:53:00 +0000 Building roads is “reconciliation”? How ‘screw loose’ can people be? Without mindset change it is all phony monkey business at large. Sri lanka’s Palestine is in the north and east under siege of Israeli training for 30 years!

By: kali Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:26:00 +0000 A Reconciliation what Reconciliation there is nothing in the Horizon

By: mahinda Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:30:00 +0000 This deep mistrust of current tamil politicians should be lessened. Lessen army presence before they ask for it. I’m sure as much as i’m tamils are weary with fighting. Let them form their own government and stop SL tax payers money so much on the north, it’s not going to work anyway. That is a win win situation
