Comments on: Welcoming the Verdict of the Tamil People Journalism for Citizens Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:27:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eusense Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:27:00 +0000 In reply to truth.

In every country of this world the majority gets “preferential” treatment. No one can deny that. That is what is happening in Sri Lanka too. In the US the Spanish speaking population is close to 25% (much higher than % of Tamils in SL) and has no self rule or preferences to Spanish language.
Northern Tamils need to adjust and thrive like their counter parts in Colombo and other areas of the south.

By: srivanamoth Tue, 24 Sep 2013 20:19:00 +0000 The Commonwealth Election Monitors have given the “show” away! Brave of the voters to have cast their vote despite facing threats from the military. Bravo for the Elections Department who have restored confidence in their integrity. What the results show is that a Southern party has also won seats. That is significant even if the TNA won handsomely, as expected. The real test is yet to come: what next for the Northern Provincial Council? Elections after all is only a means to an end for the people. It has a bitter history. Will there be a better future?

By: Sinhala_voice Tue, 24 Sep 2013 08:26:00 +0000 Please tell me where is the Sinhala homeland

By: Obamasal Mon, 23 Sep 2013 23:08:00 +0000 Sinhalese have the Mahavamsa mindset with belief that they are the hybrid of a lion and human and came to Sri Lanka before Tamils did. Tamils lived only 18 miles away in South India whereas the ancesters of Sinhalese is claimed to have come from Orissa in India. They are of the belief that Tamils waited to set foot in Sri Lanka until their ancesters came 2,500 miles away. Indian fishermen are arrested almost everyday for crossing into Sri Lankan waters but no one from Orissa comes here. Until they come to realise that all in Sri Lanka – Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims – have equal rights to live here the problem cannot be solved.

The present problem originated when Sinhala Only was enacted in 1956 replacing the common English. Now more than 94% of the government jobs, 100% of the Security, 99% of the police, 99% of the institutions such the government, corporations, banks and judiciary, goverorship of the provinces are controlled by the Sinhalese, jet, they have the audacity to claim that minorities want special privilages. As emphacised in the article unless there is ” equal nationality on the basis of equality and self-determination” within undivided Sri Lanka all these constructions and developments won’t last for long..

By: Off the Cuff Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:12:00 +0000 Dear Kalana,

Sri Lanka has a 3 million + Tamil population of which about 12% voted in the North. Hence characterising the vote of a strong Tamil Nationalist area, as a verdict of the Tamil people is an exaggeration. Recognise it for what it is. It is a Land slide victory for the TNA. It is also an endorsement of the TNA manifesto. What that is, needs no spelling out.

What has happened to the Muslims of the North? Only 676 Muslims have voted.

Certainly there is a Historical Tamil habitat as much as there are Historical Muslim, Sinhalese and other habitats. There is absolutely no harm in recognising a Historical Tamil Habitat as long as History supports the boundaries claimed. The British imposed administrative boundaries are not the boundaries of habitation. It cannot be, as Lanka had 80% forest cover and a 340,000 indigenous Tamil population during British times. This is absolute fact and is supported by History. It is thievery to claim otherwise.

This is an observation from Prof Pradeep Jeganathan

the very idea that Sri Lanka is made of discreet, competing communities of Sinhala, Tamil and Mohemedan is
very much a colonial idea; first mooted in Colebrokke Camaron Reforms of 1833, which simultaneous with the misappropriation of Mahavamsa and the Vamsatthappaksini for a parochial European debate about the
chronology of South Asian Kings. The idea that the Sinhala need a Sinhala representative and the that Tamils need a Tamil one, that the ‘Moors’ need a ‘Moor’ one is a colonial idea, a rupture in the human history of this island, that had seen settled, civilized human habitation for over 15, 000 years. This idea then, to repeat, was folded into the idea culled from a misreading of the Mahavamsa that history of this island is a series of battles between Sinhala Buddists and Tamil Hindus. There is no historicity to this, what so ever. We really must abandon this idea, that we are in grip of a 6th century Sinhala-Buddhist historical consiousness; this is a recent, colonial construction. Treating products of colonial interventions as a timeless essence adds to our difficulties, not allowing for the necessary plurality of imaginings of Lanka’s history to emerge in present times.

Lastly no right thinking Sinhala would look down on another just because of his/her race. Nor would a right
thinking Tamil, Moor, Burgher or Malay do so. There is evidence that Tamils who did not find acceptance amongst Tamils found it amongst Sinhalese villagers.

What Lanka needs is Honest deliberation, that will convince the majority of her citizenship (irrespective of ethnicity) that they are getting a fair deal.Current political rhetoric is a far cry from that. Such rhetoric is the breeding ground for extremists.

By: truth Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:42:00 +0000 In reply to KDAmarasiri.

Are you awake? Sinhalese are the people who were given preferential treatment ever since SL got independence!! The whole trouble started from the time Sinhala only, standardization etc. etc.

One point you are saying that Tamils are invaders and then you say Red Indians are not given special powers thereby comparing Red Indians to Tamils. You seem to be confused or you just hate the Tamils, just because they speak a different language!!!

By: Thunder Mon, 23 Sep 2013 11:06:00 +0000 I do not see any fundamental different opinions had among us what would the results be north east election in Sri Lanka . We all must welcome now and appreciate the out come .this is good situation and taking the north people into mainstream politics along is a huge achiement after 30 years of ethnic battle . Where I see a serious essence of compliance of both between the central government and north west province without doing things to people to take arms or depend on arms in the future . This is my view and hope . But who knows what could happen tomorrow because the politicias have high ability of igniting the hatred over night .So it should be our duty as ordinary people to be vigilant all the time with new steps taken by politicians in the area and out . Where reminds me the rant of Wingnaswaran regarding the rights of province after won the election .
I believe there should be a good balance and confidence between the state and the province council affairs , and building the bridge between to them to fulfill the needs of people in the areas , which is imperative rather than stick to historical rights and debating about it .

We also can see the significant steps taken by government to develop the North and east areas where people must support the government to achieve the development disregarding the political or ethinic differences.

Next page.

By: Tamilan Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:04:00 +0000 In reply to KDAmarasiri.

Are the tamils in your opinion now Invaders or natives? 😀 You are speaking about invading tamils and from native red indians? [Edited out]

By: KDAmarasiri Mon, 23 Sep 2013 04:49:00 +0000 “Northern and Eastern provinces are ethnic homeland of Tamils !.” It is nonsense. They want separate treatment!
They are not discriminated. They have been given unnecessary priority in every sector and they want special treatment of powers as a community. Tamils have always being invaders of Srilanka.They need special treatment for invasions they made in the past.What about Red Indians in North America ? They were the real owners of USA and Canada. Are they given special powers? Why don’t these rogue countries correct their attitudes.

NO one is concerned about them.
Navi Pillay has to see into their plight.
