Comments on: Assessing Local Governance in the Northern Province Journalism for Citizens Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:36:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: srivanamoth Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:36:00 +0000 If it was the military Governor in charge of such a survey forget it and save your energy.

By: Thunder Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:23:00 +0000 What we already see in the region is higher level of gambling with lives of innocent people .i think that ordinary people in the area has confused with new out come of politicians.whom can they really trust upon their future. Will they be able to trust the central government or the local political parties with their load of promises . This is the challenge has been faced by ordinary people . As they know what ever the out come that they got to live with them .
Will the politicians play with their lives once again putting them in vulnerabilities . It is too early to say any thing but the out come seems to be not that great . I strongly believe , people expect to restore the normal life after pain of 30 years conflict . Many people are suffering with loss of love ones and propertied , therefore they may seek immediate support to rebuild their life . This is necessary to be heeded by all politicians who seek support of people in this area .
