Comments on: Homeless, why? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 19 Aug 2013 08:34:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ramo Mon, 19 Aug 2013 08:34:00 +0000 It’s apparent that there are several shades of people: the decent, the indecent and the hybrids thereof. My late Tamil friend was a long-time tenant of a Sinhalese family. When the problems arose he handed over the annex to the landlady and left leaving all his things behind. When he returned after the dust had settled he found that the landlady had robbed several valuables but the house of course, was intact.
The riff-raff are the problem. They constitute a large mass that become instant heroes at accidents and are ever ready to take the law into their hands and set vehicles aflame. They are the masses who vote criminals into power and set the country aflame. Some of these enter the forces and this creates further problems. In places like Gampola it was the arrival of the Army who were stationed at the UC Building that triggered arson attacks on a hitherto calm town.
The indecent have their uses (especially in politics) and this is all too well known. As long as these elements are allowed to roam free in our neighbourhoods, danger will always be imminent.
