Comments on: Lay community, Buddhism, and the role of virtuous monks in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sun, 18 Aug 2013 12:49:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: yapa Sun, 18 Aug 2013 12:49:00 +0000 I don’t think the writer was able to justify what he is appearing for.

He seems to advocating and canvassing for “Len Viharas” over village temples.

In terms of achieving the supreme goal of Buddhism (achieving Nirvana) have the monks in “Len Viharas” performed over the monks in village temples? Does the writer possess evidence to justify/support his case?

Otherwise, in my view, the writer is doing an injustice to village temple monks.

We cannot discriminate on “unconfirmed evidence”, and if done in my view it is wrong.


By: Upali Wickramasinghe Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:58:43 +0000 I agree. Let me record an experience I had.I was at Ananda. We hostlers had visiting Buddhist priests preaching Bana on Sundays.The preaching was in class rooms that could acomodate about 30 students.This particular day the priest preaching ran through one hour on the topic “Nona” the sinhala for lady, means no nose. he went to elaborate and said that the same meaning was affixed in English.When the sermon was finished we had to touch the priests feet and worship him. I refused and suffered a series of slaps from the teacher supervising.I was there when about 1000 priests ( my estimate after 58 years)assembled for a meeting to promote Sinhala Only. Mr.L.H.Mettanada and Baddegama Wimalawansa were in the Chair.I have always regretted that I too had to carry chairs from the classes for the jokers attending that meeting to sit.Arrival of Mr.S.A.Wijayatilake was a new sun visiting.

By: Kirthi Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:59:18 +0000 Very meaningful and timely article from an educated and balanced person. What he says about unnecessary divisions and just doing rituals for the sake of doing has lot of meaning. Over all good article as no political motives are addressed. Credit to ground views for shedding its anti Srilankan cloak and publishing a good article.
