Comments on: Cultivating a Partnership Culture of Compassion Journalism for Citizens Wed, 14 Aug 2013 13:22:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: sharanga Thu, 01 Aug 2013 03:34:59 +0000 Bull…t. I agree with the spirit of the article, but I can’t stand it when ideas are justified using loads of pseudoscience, even when those ideas are right.

Eisler’s book is feminist nonsense that is as absurd as stuff written by Dan Brown in DaVanci Code. Her basic claim is that before the murderous Indo-Europeans came along, the Old Europeans were these nice people who practically worshiped the feminist goddess. I mean, really? Those ancient people were able to override their biological drives while we are not?

Look, if evolution is true (it is true, of course)the primary force that drives any species is the desire that each individual has to reproduce. Given the nature of our species, it is the men who have to fight with each other for women. So it is constant power struggle between men. This is not to mean that the reason men want power and abuse it after they get it is because they want to increase their chances of attracting as many women as possible. What it means is that men who wanted power and abused it after they got it have been historically more successful than other at reproducing, meaning that we have their genes as well.

Their are species where the powers of the males and females are more or less equal. But primates are not like that. Every kind of primate species there is has dominant males. Be it Chimps or Gorillas or Baboons, they all have dominant males.

Though it is true that alpha males still run the show, if we compare ourselves to other primates, we have come a long way. Through time, the less dominant males have made progress. This is shown by the fact that humans are mostly monogamous. All other primates are largely polygamous, meaning that it’s only the alpha male that gets all the women. Monogamy is a victory for less dominant men.

As for Eisler’s archaeological evidence, the author of this article hasn’t cited any because there is none. Her whole book is about drawing big conclusions from evidence that barely support them. She sees a symbol and concludes that, okay, right, that must men and women were equal in terms of power in this society.

P.S. None of this means that I think men and women should’t be equal in terms of power. If you think that’s what I’m saying, you are crazy. So this is a preemptive defense.
