Comments on: Sumanthiran’s Choice Journalism for Citizens Sat, 08 Jun 2013 12:50:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: kamals Sat, 08 Jun 2013 12:50:51 +0000 In reply to Aia.


Had Sumanthiran’s name been on the electoral list of one of the northern districts, he probably would not have polled enough preferential votes to enter parliament! Would you agree? If you do, then blaming Sinhalese for differentiating between Kadirkamar and Kadaragama is a bit childish, isn’t it?

And you say there is no other young talent within the TNA. Sadly this is true. Do you think this is because there is no talent among young Tamils? Or is it because of a particular way the TNA was formed and now being managed keeps talented young Tamils out of it???

By: Aia Sat, 08 Jun 2013 11:03:10 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Mr Sumanthiran is one of the few SLTs in TNA. He made a clear choice when he accepted a MP position through TNA’s Natinal list to enter into the parliment, and we hear his voice since – there is no other choices for him to make. One of the best things done by Mr Sampanthan, although this does not appear to please a few within.

Should he stick with, he can become the chief negotiator, not by choice but by neccersity. If you look for young talents in TNA, he is the only one. But, who he is to negotiate?. Is it the PSC? We saw what PSC did in the case of the Madam CJ. Sumanthiran as part of TNA was in negotiation with SLG but had to pull out because of its indifference. A solution to the ethinic issue, he believes is within SL but GSL likes to think like LTTE did-try to foster a hatred culture among the races.

There are people who are prepared to vote for Kathiragama not for Kathirgamar, but even these type of people have doublts whether the majority vote for Kathiragama. Under such circumstances, Sumanthiran choice is clear: can easily becomes a minister through nomination or the chief negotiator by the election.

By: jansee Thu, 06 Jun 2013 12:31:21 +0000 In reply to jansee.


You have missed out the barometer??

By: Jayalath Thu, 06 Jun 2013 07:31:18 +0000 GOOD piece of Thought and An excellent initiation of preventing of lurching back to old folk dance and singing by some northern politicos . The Tamils are Sri lankans and their part of responsibility is to take part of better governance to all Sri lankan rather thinking of be part of part in Sri Lanka .

I would really admire of having some people among us with such rational mind ,but they are only handful which is a discomfort .
Infact , I will admire people like Sumanthiran , we were never lacked people like him among us . Laskman Adiragama is an Exmple who showed us remarkable commitment to the country who born , therefore , what I would impress if Rajapaksa can understand this and acquires the best from like people Sumanthiran as much as we benefited from Kadiragama .but in such circumstance that Rajapaksa has to genuinely demonstrate the integrity without playing a game .
As We are in a juncture where we need people like Sumanthiran to restore an eternal peace and prosperity to the country , therefore it is our duty to elect and place this type of people in the right place .

Neverthe less , the most important message of this Artical is the Graves ARE NOT THE Only Achiement, it has infinite meanings . I do not think that a person easily would understand the reality of a such sentence ,Also it is can be taken up in different ways by some , . However , I would admire the people who greatly realise the truth and who demonstrates it in deeds as well as the writing . if you are meaning to sake hand for all , here I’m with you .

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 05 Jun 2013 14:47:24 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Dear GV Moderator,

My reply to George seems to have gone astray.
Comments posted later have been published.

Hi George,

You say “You pop in at every topic like a jack-in-the-box and subvert the discussion,”

Please explain how my defence of Mahesan Niranjan SUBVERTS the discussion?

Are you also worried about Mahesans advise to Sumanthiran?

“not every topic has to be “I win” “they lose”.

Sure I agree

“Let others express their opinion, just leave it at that.”

I am not on the staff of GV to prevent ANYONE from expressing their opinion. You are not on the staff of GV to stop me from expressing My opinion.

If you cannot tolerate dissenting views you have your own remedy. No one is holding you here by force are they?

Kind Regards,

By: kamals Wed, 05 Jun 2013 12:50:25 +0000 In reply to jansee.

Jansee: and who shot Kadirkamar? At least the Sinhalese let him live — and CBK, also a Sinhalese, wanted him to become PM, you say! Also, have you forgotten that those who killed Kadirkamar also engineered Rajapakse’s rise to power.

By: jansee Wed, 05 Jun 2013 08:52:02 +0000 In reply to Cas Shivas.

Exactly. All these guys have conveniently forgotten that while it was CKB’s wish that Kadirgamar assume the PM’s post, the opposition from the Sinhala polity put to rest that idea. Look at the glowing tributes they heap on him.

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 05 Jun 2013 06:56:54 +0000 In reply to jansee.


You wrote ” … but in the context of SL the majority Sinhalese became just too greedy, used their numbers to grab everything within their reach and it will be simply too much to give up their comfort zones”

You have managed to turn a non communal page into a communal one.

The quotation below is from Dr Jane Russel’s book “Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution”, (page 240).

“the more and more rapacious demands of the Tamils”

Despite your inventive Rhetoric above, Dr Russel puts the Tamil demands in perspective.

That undeniable greed, is visible for anyone to see, just by looking at the Eelam project’s map.

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 05 Jun 2013 06:30:32 +0000 In reply to Cas Shivas.

Hi Cas Shivas,

Can you please elaborate with references about this Kadirgama affair?

Had he come forward as a candidate, even as President, I would have voted for him without any hesitation. Unfortunately we can only speculate on how he would have been received by the Majority of Citizens of Lanka, as the LTTE took his life before it was put to the test.

By: Off the Cuff Wed, 05 Jun 2013 06:14:06 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

Hi George,

You say “You pop in at every topic like a jack-in-the-box and subvert the discussion,”

Please explain how my defence of Mahesan Niranjan SUBVERTS the discussion?

Are you also worried about Mahesans advise to Sumanthiran?

“not every topic has to be “I win” “they lose”.

Sure I agree

“Let others express their opinion, just leave it at that.”

I am not on the staff of GV to prevent ANYONE from expressing their opinion. You are not on the staff of GV to stop me from expressing My opinion.

If you cannot tolerate dissenting views you have your own remedy. No one is holding you here by force are they?

Kind Regards,
