Comments on: Sri Lanka’s tryst with reconciliation: Where are we today? Journalism for Citizens Fri, 22 Mar 2013 06:42:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sie.Kathieravealu Fri, 01 Feb 2013 01:38:49 +0000 It was the GoSL that compelled and helped the formation of the LTTE and other armed groups in Sri Lanka and continued and continues to fuel it for their own survival.
IF not for the LTTE, most of the political parties in Sri Lanka would not be able to survive today. This survival of the political parties is at the expanse of the ordinary people who are not ambitious to grab political power to enrich themselves.
A political solution with a system that would help to eradicate injustice, discrimination, corruption and oppression – the four pillars of an evil society – and help to establish the “Rule of Law” for sustainable peace, tranquility and prosperity and a pleasant harmonious living with dignity and respect for all the inhabitants in the country is needed.
Since all political and other powers flow from the sovereignty of the people, it is proposed herein that these powers be not given to any ONE set of representatives but distributed among different sets of people’s representatives (groups) elected on different area basis (village and villages grouped) to perform the different, defined and distinct functions of one and the same institution – the Parliament – like the organs of our body – heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, nose, ear etc. – performing different and distinct functions to enable us to sustain normal life.
The present GoSL is obsessed with the idea that any solution must be on the foundation of majoritarianism and that it will not accede to the much-honoured concept of unity in diversity, equality and justice in a country that is essentially pluralistic in character.
The above is the obstacle in finding a reasonable, acceptable, workable and durable political solution within a united, undivided Sri Lanka which is the need of the day.

By: Rita Ward Thu, 31 Jan 2013 08:56:32 +0000 mmhhhh… ”a nation in transition having emerged from the throes of a three-decade conflict” ??

It should be three-decades war.

The 65-yr conflict is still going on.
