Comments on: On Dengue Fever and Other Observations Journalism for Citizens Wed, 30 Jan 2013 13:22:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: georgethebushpig Wed, 30 Jan 2013 13:22:13 +0000 Dear Bateman,

Drinking copious quantities of distilled coconut water is a great preventative measure against dengue… works for me everytime…. ah dammit, where did I leave my Chinese mosquito electrocutor… hic.

I get a good laugh everytime I read your stuff; please keep writing.


By: Jayalath Wed, 30 Jan 2013 09:50:00 +0000 Mosquito bites are common problem in tropical countries , but dengue isn’t every where can be found in warm part of the world . Even in England you easily find Mosquitos when the weather plummeted to 30 degrees in summer . And I can’t understand some people try to moan about certain things not realising those things they moan about can be found very commonly any where in the world .

Let’s see what happened in Brazil last week . 230 kids died in a night club , what we can blame is , for the standard of night club .Brazil is very a wealthy country and still their standard of living hasn’t improved , so we can complain , but this s the way they are . Some time might improve the condition of living of these countries , and some time might not .

Italy is a western European country , but still they have Mafia problems . Some part of the country you arent easily run a business without the Mafia support , you have to pay them . Mugging , stealing , stabbing are no where second to London . So this is the way of life .

However . I would not simply ignore the main problems that you have raised , and those are ingrained to our part of the world . It will be impossible to eradicate almost ever . But it’s down to the authorities to control and eradicate as much as if they expect to boost the tourism .
