Comments on: The story of the weeping widows Journalism for Citizens Fri, 22 Mar 2013 06:43:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: len Thu, 24 Jan 2013 02:35:33 +0000 [Reconstructed road in Moothoor to be named after Rizana Nafeek.] So you see every one is to busy working on other big news items.

By: joke Wed, 23 Jan 2013 15:01:02 +0000 Development is for the Sinhalese to grab lands and livelihood from the Tamils and the politicians who are in charge of development will get their 20%!!

As far as the Terrorist Govt. is concerned they will achieve their OBJECTIVE of making the Tamils paupers and subservient to the Sinhalese all the time!!! By GIFTING the Tamils properties to sinhala thugs, they can get the votes of the sinhala masses and the thugs will see to that the Tamils are under threat all the time!!!

By: Citizen Wed, 23 Jan 2013 06:01:11 +0000 Whilst the govt is developing roads and infrastructure there is no urgency displayed in resettling and rehabilitating the displaced people. Problems of land alienation by the military persist. The number of widows numbering 89,000 gives lie to the claim that there were no civilian casualties.

The entire process is being dragged by the govt in order to deprive and frustrate the tamil inhabitants. On the other hand hotels and army camps are springing up at a fast pace.

By: Punitham Tue, 22 Jan 2013 16:49:34 +0000 I don’t know how to thank the author for her service.

Had there been an election for the Northern Provincial Council, the elected members could have systemically planned the whole process of socio-economic-environmental development for various parts of the province in a coherent way. In its absence the author is doing a tremendous service.

Preventing the prosperity of the Tamils has been the post-independence agenda:

.‘’The umpteenth Indian delegation (Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao, National Security Advisor Shiva Shankar Menon and Defence Secretary Pradeep Kumar) went back empty handed: President Rajapakse handed them a flat ‘Nyet’ and for once in a lifetime he spoke the truth. “If I make any devolutionary concessions to the Tamils, 13A Plus, Minus, Divided or Subtracted, it will be curtains for me” – Sri Lanka: Indian Delegates go Home Empty Handed, Kumar David, 15 June 2011,
‘’Ethirveerasingam: I like to share conversations I had with Lalith Athulathmudali and Ranil Wickremasinghe 12 years later. On Feb 4th 1985,…. Finally I asked him why not his party with more than two-thirds of majority in parliament propose a federal constitution. He said that SLFP will oppose it. I said that as they have only 7 or 8 MPs their vote will not make any difference, especially with the TULF and CWC votes to add to the UNP. He said proposing a federal constitution, “Will be political suicide.” My older brother later said that, a majority of the UNP MPs will not support, let alone the majority Sinhala voters. On May 13, 1997, after an hour of discussion I asked him why not the UNP propose a federal consittuion. He said: “We are a political party. Like any other political party, we will not do anything that will not get us into power, nor would we do anything when we are in power to lose power” – Rajapaksrized Chauvinism in Flowery prose: Sri Lankan Diplomat’s outright humiliation of Sri Lankan Tamils, Maitree de Silva, 8 Feb 2009,

By: Cyberviews Tue, 22 Jan 2013 06:43:49 +0000 Thanks Shanthi, for this excellent analysis which is relevant to development activists and practitioners. It is also a critique of the simplistic project oriented approach to development which is at most rhetorical and seek to skirt around the real issues being faced by vulnerable communities.
