Comments on: Sri Lanka’s Descent Towards Oppression Journalism for Citizens Mon, 21 Jan 2013 07:39:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: oopla Fri, 18 Jan 2013 12:57:02 +0000 ahhhh…makes me so happy

By: Justin Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:52:40 +0000 The constitution of Sri Lanka(SL) was flawed from its first republican constitution, declared unilaterally and illegally by the Sinhalese in 1972. Further, there was no referendum as it is a “Must” for any constitution of any country. This deliberate action made the constitution null and void.

So, what is that we have in SL now? Obviously, it is not a constitution but a “Mandate” given by the Sinhalese to rule themselves and the people of Tamil Eelam, but erroneously called a “constitution” and accepted by the world, because SL convinced the International Community fraudulently.

Therefore, the present constitution is a fraud perpetrated on all the citizens, by the political elite in Colombo.

This action was allowed to pass by the citizens and the politicos felt that with this ‘political coup de tat” they could make the legislature Supreme, even above the judiciary.

Judiciary, which should have been allowed to act independently was threatened and policised. If we look at the Chief Justices who were impeached or confronted to make them go of their own will, proves my position ..

The licence to kill the JVP supporters in 1971 and thereafter, the killing of the LTTE combatants and the licence to kill about 70,000 Tamil civilians were all exercised under the same “constitution” which I call a “Mandate”.

This Mandate, which the GOSL calls a constitution, is a murderer and not for the people and by the people.

Therefore, let us all draft a constitution, at least now, to overcome the genuine and evidenced fears of Tamils against genocide and grant them at least a semi autonomous state as in Hong Kong under China, and live peacefully and unitedly in the island.

By: Jayalath Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:37:06 +0000 This development is not started recently , I have told this before . This type of thuggery and repression began after 77 . I feel late president , Jayawardana would have ever thought it would end in this way ,because he showed reluctant to use full force right of the constitution althought he initiated it .

So, now it in hand of monkeys , what we can do now. Pro. Steven Hawking once said , humans are very clever to invent nuclear bombs but I hope they will clever not use them . The nuclears are very useful and cheapest to generate energy and less damage to the environment as well , but it is dwn to us whether it is for the peaceful purposes or not.

To be honest , I have heard lot good things of him too , he has done many good things that no one has done before, which needs to be appreciated . I hope we can see the result of every thing in few years . If he didn’t have his family around him at this moment he may have been six feet under .

However , he needs to treats people well than he does now , then he can regain the respect .
