Comments on: Waking up to migrant employment through Rizana Nafeek Journalism for Citizens Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:16:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: HLANGL Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:16:48 +0000 It’s true that some part of fault is with the people who falsified the documents & sent her at her young age. True, well accepted, Sri Lanka also should have regulated these much more, yes. But Saudi Officials at least should have made some honest effort to understand this whole situation of this young girl who had sought for employment even at her very young age merely to make a living given the least privileged background she had come from even by SL standards. They never had that empathy in this case. Also just assume she was 23 and an adult, even then where had been the conclusive evidence that she had actually commited this crime ?. Can’t it be just by mistake ?. Where had been the evidence that this had been done purposely or due to her reckless ignorant behaviour ?.
To me, the basic question here is not just her age, what about the so called trial conducted, is it any fair trial ?. What’s so special about this bunch of hypocrites to execute people, that again by beheading, after conducting the trials without any proper postmortem, without any competent unbiased interpreter/translator given the clearly apparent gap in communication which can be vital in a trial like this, without any unbiased lawyer to appear for her who’ll do his/her best to make sure the full justice is done ?. Forget about whether she had been only 17 or 23, is this any fair trial even for any adult ?. To make the whole matter worse, they still upheld the original convction during the appeal, even after knowing the true background. How ignorant, selfish & mindless that sounds ?. How can anyone convict someone, that again to behead, without any conclusive evidence ?. Should any country be allowed to have a flawed legal system like this in this 21st century based on whatever these irrational beliefs ?.
If SL goverment care any sort of self respect (still I doubt), they should advise their people to withdraw/resign from employment in Saudi ASAP, give? some transitional period so that they can come out of this hell, and withdraw SL embassy from this savage land altogether. And ask Saudi embassy too here in Colombo to pack bags & leave. We may be economically affected, surely, at least for a short period of time, but considering this utter insult despite years of request/appealing, we as a nation should be able to tolerate. After all, if Saudi Arabia never existed, wouldn’t we still survive ?.
