Comments on: The consequences of the Black Friday impeachment will be game changing Journalism for Citizens Tue, 15 Jan 2013 08:38:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hash Tue, 15 Jan 2013 08:38:45 +0000 My Dear Harsha

What will be game changing will be when your dear [edited out] leader Ranil is chased out from the shores of this country. Honestly, he has been the bane to civilised society next to the LTTE. UNP have lost its integrity, values and are no more greater than the rest of the bootleggers at the diyawanna oya… I am ashamed for you and your stance.. breakin bread iwth such a [edited out].

By: Don Corleone Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:07:52 +0000 Thanks, Harsha, for arriving late to the party in order to state the obvious – as always. Did you ever bother to speak a word against the process during the entirety of the debacle over the past two months? It seems you are following your flaccid leader, RW, in pointless media/online bloviating that does not reach those who count- the CITIZENRY.

Perhaps one day you will realize that you are simply a loud frog in a sordid well.

By: citizen Sun, 13 Jan 2013 18:16:16 +0000 Black Day in Sri Lanka started long long ago in 1956, 1958 when mobs started killing innocent Tamils, raped, burnt down their houses etc. No one voiced their feelings then. The inaction then graduated to several SATATE SPONSORED PORGROMS against the unarmed Tamil. Finally the Innocent Tamils were hunted and chased from village to village with bombing, shelling, multi barrel attacks, rapes, deliberate starvation, bombing of designated “safe zones” etc. Killing of thousands and thousands of surrendering civilians!!!

Every day is a Black day for Tamils in Sri Lanka even now. Still people are being killed, tortured, raped, disappeared, Their lands grabbed from them and given to thugs from the south. Never ending tragedy!!!

It is no surprise that the “so called leaders” got immune to their crimes as no one bothered to stop the injustice to the Tamils. Protest from the Tamils are no heeded and whoever protested just disappeared without a trace!!!

By: Sie.Kathieravealu Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:54:57 +0000 In reply to Thrishantha.

Well said.

The so called “democratic system of governance” must be changed to that will allow the people to directly participate in the governance of the country and not confine it to the “privileged few”

By: Sie.Kathieravealu Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:48:49 +0000 “that democracy denoted by absolute majority rule was very dangerous and could destroy the liberties of citizens in the absence of safeguards to ensure justice, freedom and property rights”

Something very much similar was said in Parliament long ago by the former M.P. for Vavuniya Mr.C.Suntharalingam. Ha said that “democracy is counting of heads up to a limit and that thereafter it would be breaking of heads”

That was in regard to a subject that is now generally known as the “national problem”.

What is happening today is also a “national problem” ans so many things that happened in between too were “national problems”.

All are “national problems” and they cannot be and “MUST NOT BE” solved by “counting heads” and should not thereafter be “breaking of heads”.

I hope the author will define “democracy”.

By: Thrishantha Sun, 13 Jan 2013 11:39:01 +0000 Looks like MP Hardha De Silva also has become a typical politician. Did he bother to make any critical statement that cautions the Government of the danger of going against the interpretation of the constitution by the Supreme Court during the debate on the impeachment motion so that Hanzard would record it for future reference? Instead the opposition UNP focused full energy on procedural questions that were easily refuted by the speaker Chamal Rajapakse. Will the UNP come up with a new vision confessing that similar things UNP did to intimidate and threaten the independence of the judiciary during the JR Jayawardane era is wrong? With the current stand that conforms well with that of the Rajapakse family administration, vesting power in UNP as an alternative is absolutely dangerous. So, educated people like Hardha de Silva should review UNP’s own brutal past and the current lethargy and ineffectiveness to come up with a new people friendly vision that respects independence of the judiciary and respect for rule of law. I would also expect Harsha de Silva to question why any of those thugs who attacked the peaceful protestors were not arrested. Those thugs were freely moving around the police and the STF. This was reminiscent of how the prolce behaved during 1983 riots, where the police was made inactive for nearly 10 days amidst mob gangs said to be led by Cyril Mathew (UNP), killed innocent Tamils and burnt down their property in Colombo. When are you politicians going to learn lessons from the past? This note is to simply say that we are disgusted of the whole bunch of you in the parliament. Please do something meaningful to protect us, the citizens of Sri Lanka without giving lip service.

By: sinhala_voice Sun, 13 Jan 2013 11:37:21 +0000 Harsha,

The removal of the Chief Justice is NOT a Judicial Process which you are trying to portray it to be.

It is completely a parliamentary process whether you like it or not. If you don’t like this then there is the option of changing the constitution through 2/3 majority in the Parliament AND passing a referendum.

The standing orders in the parliament are the internal workings of the Parliament and reflects the attitudes of the current bunch of parliamentarians.

Standing orders are NOT even bound by the constitution I believe. Because parliamentarians inside the parliament has COMPLETE freedom inside the building.

I believe JUST like the president of the republic DOES NOT have freedom to use the court system to defend himself. Because he/she can not be charged…SO is the Chief Justice. He/she has no Judicial recourse or avenue as it is a very special position….

Perhaps the best way is to have a supreme court made up of 9 judges and appointed or proposed by each province…And have a retiring age of 70 years that is it…NO need to have a Chief Justice…This is the problem in Sri Lankan institutes TOO MANY CHIEFS NOT ENOUGH WORKERS…
