Comments on: An unprecedented constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka elicits a yawn Journalism for Citizens Tue, 22 Jan 2013 02:03:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: joke Tue, 22 Jan 2013 02:03:45 +0000 In reply to Disgusted lawyer.

“This demonstrates being qualified is not being educated. Although possiblty qualified he is, certainly not educated”

One cannot be sure of any ones qualification in Sri Lanka these days, especially those who are close to the “power base” The only qualification they may have is they may be the son, brother, of someone influential!!!

By: Disgusted lawyer Sat, 19 Jan 2013 06:15:36 +0000 Great speech suma, would not have expected anything less from you.. Regrettably, wasted on a bunch of disgusting and more importantly shameless excuses for humans. It is very saddening to watch helplessly the way the digniity of this country and its people are being raped by these so called elected representatives. What disgusted me most was the manner in which the so called deputy speaker being an attorney at law like us conducted himself. This demonstrates being qualified is not being educated. Although possiblty qualified he is certainly not educated, similar to most of the hooligans and thugs who have bought their seat in parliament. He claimed that he will discharge his duties. Could he honeslty watch this video and say that he did? The sad plight is that he will claim “yes, i did”. I know him personally and disgusted the stooge that he has become and whatever dignity that he had that he has squarely laid it at the feet of the rajapakse’s. The perennial question is where do we go from here. To me the answer that cries out is to becoming zimbabwe, sooner than later.

By: Mallika perera Fri, 18 Jan 2013 05:32:15 +0000 Excellent speech.When can we get rid of the Sinhala fools in Parliament?
Wishful thinking because the uneducated in the country keeps electing
the fools and once the fools are elected they LOVE the perks
and not even bunkerbusters can dislodge them.Our only hope is that the doomsday prediction will come about soon!!!!!!

By: truth Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:51:08 +0000 In reply to dingiri.

Brilliant!! Short and Sweet!! Unfortunately these people lack the sixth sense to understand and analyse!!

By: truth Wed, 16 Jan 2013 14:58:18 +0000 In reply to yapa.

People have to do a bit of souls searching to find out what went wrong in Sri Lanka!! A lot of energy and resources were wasted by the successive Sinhalese govts. to put down the Tamils!! Instead of finding ways and means of encouraging everyone to work hard and uphold law and order and be honest and to abolish bribery, corruption and nepotism, the so called leaders aided and abetted the common man to belief that by halting the advancement of the Tamils, the sinhalese can achieve success!!!

Laws were enacted to limit the success of the Tamils!!! State SPONSORED POGROMS were organised and carried out with millions of worth of property and lives were destroyed from time time!!!It is still continuing away from the eyes of the world in the North and East and Vanni!!!

The “so called leaders” lead the people to ruin while making money for themselves and their families. “Learned” Sinhalese people kept silent and the irony is that they defended the actions of the Government and supported all the evil deeds of their “leaders” Now people are afraid to raise their voices for fear of their lives!!!

The common man should try to think for themselves and each one of them should learn to work hard and uplift themselves than trying to ruin the successful man next door!!!

By: dingiri Wed, 16 Jan 2013 14:21:25 +0000 Jackals howling.
Donkies braying.
monkies hooting.
Speaker yawning.
One man speaking.
No one listening.

And that sums Sri Lanka’s parliament. What an excuse for a democracy!

By: Burning_Issue Wed, 16 Jan 2013 12:12:15 +0000 In reply to yapa.

Interesting! I hope the Sinhala in general have better understanding of Justice than you Yapa. Otherwise there is no hope!

By: yapa Wed, 16 Jan 2013 01:53:04 +0000 In reply to Burning_Issue.

Fall of Tamils has a cause originated from their own community, unlike the case of CJ. Application of justice therefore in these two cases I don’t think is identical. Nature of justice is that it is applicable to each case differently. I don’t think application of justice in two cases differently is selective justice and against the prevailing of justice.


By: yapa Wed, 16 Jan 2013 01:44:51 +0000 In reply to citizen.

Ha! Ha!!, This is a very popular story, blowing own trumpets wherever get a chance.

“Tamils are superior”, very opinion among Tamils to paved way to their community’s disaster, racist idea of supremacy over other communities, induced by colonialists.


By: citizen Tue, 15 Jan 2013 21:53:35 +0000 The Sinhalese people who were jealous of the Tamils, used to spread the false propaganda that the Tamils were favoured by the British etc. They will realise now that the success of the Tamils wherever they live was due to the hard work, honesty, law abiding character etc. etc.

Unfortunately some of the Tamils like Douglas, Karuna, Pillaiyan and several like him are fallen into the TRAP and has become the DOWN FALL of the Tamils!!!

I hope the sinhalese will realise their folly and allow the Tamil to live peacefully!!
