Comments on: Bridging Sri Lanka’s Deficit of Hope Journalism for Citizens Tue, 08 Jan 2013 22:38:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jayalath Tue, 08 Jan 2013 22:38:59 +0000 The emmigration of people to different countries simply isn’t a phenomenal thing ,but it is worth to realise how it works in a country like Sri Lanka . The mass exodus of people from a country is looming due to the internal conflicts and better prospect . I’m an emigrant , and living in Erope , so I know what it is exactly meant by .

There are few ways of emerging the emigration , such as skilful ( career wise) asylum , or as a student .and it is importsnt to concern why people really want to go and live in another country leaving behind their family and love ones . Certainly , When it come to Sri lankan Tamils and people who linked to 89,90 insurgency which was inevitable to run away to save the life . These weren’t simply be able in to account of some people’s purport of immigrating to a better life , as they had been on a go of a life and death ,also they didn’t have an alternative . The argument of their fugitive can be argued in a different category .Infact , the majority emigrants who pays a big lumps sums to emigrate and some end up with successfully and some aren’t .

However , why these people kept their lives in a serious risk and looked to go abroad ? According to this artical and survey which has exposed the hopes of 50% of srilankan to migrate to another country . This is a shocking figures and shameful . The question is , if we are a nation of best buddies or best all of it as Sangakara and Victor Ivan had been confessed . why these best buddies of this big nation of crooks want to go foreign .

Has Sangarkar or Ivan have the answer ? No , These people are better off and they can say ofcourse anything my friend , they obiviously would say what come to the edge of their lips to deceive people . they won’t heed us as they need us ,but our role is to look after ourselves .in real theory .
but in reality , it is contraversal and fearful .

Also the Ugly scenes of 30 years of north & east war caused major role of immigration , can you simply ignore these things from your head and tell some one how good we have been as a nation or country ? I cannot , I would feel shame . . Can any one justify the genocides and rampage of dark days in Sri Lanka since 1948 . ?
or does any one think Those all happened because of people had nothing to do , therefore they all did for a fun ?

When these two party politicians robbed our country time by time and then we rose our voice together against it when the majority people looked away like they did not see it and when those people were massacred by state rogues , did you think it was right ? Or justifiable ?

This is the real story of exodus , we left country because we were ignored and our voice wasn’t simply cared .we disagree to bend down to political rivals , and we said to the politicians that you aren’t right , your way is wrong and detrimental toward the country , then we were blamed and our voice was suppressed .
Especially the emigration of educated people from the country made a huge loss , they were not offered the right place and deliberately ignored them .

So, how can a country go forward ? These things at least should address and drive the country straight forward . Which is our wish and hope .

By: alex Mon, 07 Jan 2013 02:43:35 +0000 Err, nepotistic, theocratic, chauvinistic, militarised, morally bankrupt, corrupt, unlawful, inflationary, state … its not complicated to figure out why people are leaving. Based on GDP per capita there are atleast 110 better countries to go to … and since the war ended sri lanka has been going down that ranking (hmmm .. that shouldnt be happening? duh). The thesis above is unnecessarily abstract, emotional, and not really to the point. Need to bring in sterner measures like Pyongyang does to stem the flow .. sure Gota is looking into it although foreign remittances are an equally good reason to let them leave – means having to beg for less money from the IMF.

By: Wallflower Fri, 04 Jan 2013 16:38:52 +0000 When the educated and the intelligent are not afforded their rightful place in a country, when there is Democracy with an opposition simply letting the governing party set precedents where they could come later and improve on such practices to the detriment of a country, I wonder who would like to stay on. I know of several who left to earn some money and come back, but seeing the ground realities decide that this country is on reverse gear and forget about coming back.

By: sharanga Wed, 02 Jan 2013 05:21:09 +0000 Not that I think we need to improve our country. I but I want everyone to consider something. If Stanley was born in Italy, and was poor relative to other Italians, and if there was a country vastly better than Italy, he’d want to go there.

There are studies done that show that people always compare their income with those who’re around them. For example, if you ask a person who makes Rs. 30,000 rupees per month what’s the salary he’d like to have, he’d always say something higher than that, but also, say something like 50,000 or 60,000, not something like 5 million US dollars. This is because they always compare themselves with those around them. Stanley doesn’t compare himself with someone in Ethiopia or someone in Switzerland, but with people around him who are little better off than him.

By: Nandasiri Wanninayaka Wed, 02 Jan 2013 03:37:04 +0000 The main profitable self-employment seems opening up a ‘phone shop’ where mobile phones, accessories and SIM cards are sold. Yet, they cannot guarantee a bank loan to start one. Fruit-stalls are also not that bad. But the problem is that educated youth are not attracted to such self-employments.

It is a shame that Sri Lanka has almost no venture capitalist culture where the rich people or institutes lend money to promising start ups. Securing a bank loan is very difficult unless you are able to prove the banks that you are so well off and you don’t need money.

So, migrating has become the default option at whatever the cost. Going to the Middle East is not that rewarding anymore. Those who are lucky enough go to a Western country legally or otherwise.

It is high time the government and the private sector embark on a policy that a viable environment for the youth is created.
