
A-Z of Sri Lankan English: W is for will and would

Will and would have a habit of changing places in Sri Lankan English. Sometimes will is used where standard British or American English would prefer would (“I knew the car will be there”), and sometimes it’s the other way round (“We would inform you as soon as we hear”).

The former (will for would) tends to happen in reported speech where the main verb is in the past tense (“He said he will be late”), and in conditional sentences where the verb in the if clause is in the past tense (“She’ll come if you asked her”). In both cases, the sequence of tenses in standard grammar means that an English teacher is likely to underline the word will with a red pen. But the following quotes from contemporary fiction suggest that the “error” is a common one:

The use of would for will is equally common. The examples below are all from written contexts, unlike many grammatical features of SLE which tend to be more characteristic of the colloquial language. In standard British/American English, the use of would in these examples suggests an element of doubt which is not there in SLE.

And the same applies to can and could. Can is used instead of could (“An important letter can arrive this week”), and vice versa (“Application forms could be obtained from the secretary”). In the latter case, to a speaker of British or American English, the use of could either places it in the past (… until they ran out), or it suggests an unspoken conditional clause (… if only she knew where they were!). This can lead to unfortunate misunderstandings in cases such as the slogans “Cancer could be prevented” and “Daily Mirror: News you could trust”, both of which imply an element of doubt not intended by the advertiser.


A-Z of Sri Lankan English is“an all-new, occasional alphabetical dip“into the variety of English spoken in Sri Lanka, published exclusively on“Groundviews. The original A-Z of Sri Lankan English was published in the travelsrilanka magazine, and can be found here.

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