Comments on: Eastern Province election: The big lie about shared power in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:51:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Sat, 29 Sep 2012 22:51:10 +0000 In reply to Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah.

Dear Madam Usha,

You say “Up to this day no political solution recognizing the right of Tamils of Eelam to Self-determination has been forth coming, most Sinhala politicians hating the word because it involves at the least a federal arrangement for the Tamils with maximum devolution as an option to separation”

I have been advocating maximum devolution to the Tamils and the Muslims including Police and Land powers as long as the Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese, Malays, Kaffirs, Burghers etc have completely equal rights to this Island called Sri Lanka (Eelam does not exist).

Would you and the TGTE recognise and support COMPLETE EQUALITY as a Right of every Citizen of Lanka? If not why?

By: Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:39:20 +0000 Please read my take on the Eastern Election as it relates to Tamils and TNA:

See under the sub heading – Devolution, 13th Amendment and Eastern PC Elections:

Up to this day no political solution recognizing the right of Tamils of Eelam to Self-determination has been forth coming, most Sinhala politicians hating the word because it involves at the least a federal arrangement for the Tamils with maximum devolution as an option to separation.

The 13th amendment does not come close to meeting the criteria for Self-determination. Without police and land powers and functioning under the control of a powerful despotic executive presidency, the system of provincial councils which India is trying to ram down the throats of the Tamils of Eelam, as a devolution package, it must understand, will never satisfy the Tamil penchant for Self-determination.

The Eastern Provincial Council Elections have shown how easily politicians can kowtow for positions and how political patronage dictates outcomes: The manner in which Rajapakse can twist Rauff Hakkeem round his finger to form an alliance with the Muslim Congress to run the Eastern Provincial Council so that Hakkeem could hold on to his ministerial post, is a case in point.

The Eastern PC Elections have also shown that the Tamils of Eelam will be in eternal opposition, beholden to Sinhala masters and left to pick up the scraps that they throw at us. To think that if the Eastern PC Elections was ‘free and fair’, the TNA “would have come first,” is an eye-opener. The TNA leader Mr. Sampanthan’s statement after meeting the President reveals the hopeless position the Tamils are in and is indicative of what future elections would be like if safeguards are not put in place. If brief power cuts can decide the fate of the elections, and become a factor between victory and defeat, it begs the question as to why international observers and media were not present at all. When the Rajapaksa regime uses all its resources to corrupt the democratic process, harassing and threatening the TNA candidates to “cross over to the government,” promising material incentives there is very little Tamils could expect by way of recourse.

By: justitia Wed, 19 Sep 2012 12:07:22 +0000 There will not be democratic governance unless the military governers are replaced by civilians – of/from any community – immediately so that they can liaise with the newly elected council in the east.
Unless this is done,the de facto military regime will continue with suppression of civil liberties and democratic decisions,of/by the council.
There are many neutral intellectuals to fill the post.

By: Noor Nizam - Canada. Wed, 19 Sep 2012 03:11:12 +0000 Hon. Rauf Hakeem may have given thought to this content published and acted accordingly.
The victory of the UPFA in the recent Eastern Provincial Council elections has to be given serious thought by the Muslim community. Though the UPFA has got 204000 votes and captured 14 seats, this does not mean that the UPFA is the governing body of the Eastern Provincial Council. If the UPFA had got at least 21 seats, then the situation will be different as the UPFA could have been sworn in to governance with their CM candidate. By doing so, they could have formed the EP Council political administration without any hassle. But the realities are different. In the beginning it was that the UPFA will also field candidates nominated by the SLMC a constituent party of the UPFA coalition in parliament. Due to certain demands put forward by the SLMC hierarchy, which were not agreeable to the UPFA and 2 other Muslim based political parties (break away groups of the SLMC) who are also constituent parties of the coalition government of the UPFA, at the very last moment, the SLMC decided to contest the Eastern Provincial Elections on its own. This is the political dilemma that had created a situation where the Muslims of the East are facing, viz-a-viz the support expected by the government to form the new UPFA Eastern Province political administration. The ground cause for the SLMC to give in to the majority call of it’s “poraaligals” from the East were the issues which had been placed before the government by the General Secretary of the SLMC and nominated MP Hassali of Ninthavur. These are many issues that come under the purview of the 13th., amendment and made law by the central government. SLMC parliamentarian Hassanali echoed the sentiments/grievances of the Eastern Muslim voters. The Muslims who comprise 8% of the population have been a sidelined community in the political annals of Sri Lanka , until 1981 and then in 1986 when the SLMC entered the national political arena of Sri Lanka . Since 1946, the elite of the Muslim community in Colombo benefited the best until a change happened in the early 1960 tees with the late Hon. Badiuddin Mahmud becoming the Minister of Education, under the late Hon. Sirimavo R.D.Bandaranaike as the PM then.

The advent of the late M.H.M. Ashraff, an SLFP’er himself then, later created the SLMC in 1981. On 11th September 1981 the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress was established at Kathankudy in the Batticaloa district under the Chairmanship of Marhoom A. L. Ahmed. Marhoom M H M Ashraff was elected its Founder President. This Party was formed by a small group of Eastern province political leaders. Marhoom Ashraff was a good motivator and the key mobilizer in organizing meetings, and questions and answer sessions with Muslim youth, where he began to get people to think seriously and question the Muslim leaders under the majority Sinhalese parties, then. He had the ability to inspire the younger generation of Muslims who were losing faith in the country. He aroused tremendous hope and optimism by talking little things to people. In November 1986 the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress was formally inaugurated as a political party at the “badsha” festival held in Colombo with Marhoom Ashraff, as its Leader. The late M.H.M. Ashraff had a vision for his people in doing so.

It is well known that the East has vast natural resources like ilmenite (used for nuclear energy), silicon dioxide (used for making glass), sea weeds (for use in pharmaceutical products), fishery resources and the development of tourism and wind energy for electricity generation, which are a few to name. A comprehensive plan to develop and exploit these resources would be of great political and socio-economic stability to the government and to the upliftment of the Eastern province population who had been pushed to extreme poverty since independence. The Chinese and the Indians are already engaged in these activities at planning stages. But how much of this is at disposal in the form of socio-economic benefits to the “poraalikals”? What about the Tourist industry too, but the Muslims for religious adherence, shelve this industry other than the trading of the goods sector only. Added to this, has been the culture and tradition of the dominating attitude of the Northern Tamils, who considered the Muslims and Eastern Tamils as second class citizens, a norm that was seen by the infiltration and dominance of all public service positions and the control of the business and private sector segment of the East by Northern Tamils. A very good challenging example of this will be seem if a research study of all the funds allocated by the central government for the development of the education/schooling sector of the Trincomalee district during the last 23 years will be undertaken by the new EPC political administration, once put in place. The research study will show an indication of the extreme levels of administrative manipulations and official “due process” administered by the Northern Tamil bureaucrats against the Muslim school children, Muslim teachers and educational teacher and minor employment staff. The Eastern Muslims were very much battered by this unethical practice of the Northerners. This is NOT an alligation against the Tamil community of the East or the Trincomalee district, but the TRUTH cannot be swept under the carpet at this crucial moment of the history of the Eastern Province that will be opening under the possibilities of an SLMC-UPFA Eastern Provinve Council Political Administration.

This was also a reason for Karuna Amman to break away in March 2004 from Prabaharan and to help the government forces to clear the East from the LTTE presence. The government as a result of the demerger, called for an Eastern Provincial Council election which took place on May 10, 2008 to elect members to the Council, even at the peak of the war against the LTTE. At this election, the Eastern Muslims got their majority. 18 of the 35 elected councilors were Muslims. Of these eight were in government ranks. Only ten of the elected councilors were Tamils. Of these only six were from the TMVP. But the biggest loss was for the Muslims when they lost “lock stock and barrel’ the possibility of having a Muslims Chief Minister of the Eastern Provincial Council. Was this due to petty selfish regional politics or political selfishness and greed for positions by neglecting the overall benefits to the Muslims in the East or due to the failure of political “CUEMANSHIP” by a certain Muslim political leader, is well explained today. Today, this situation has changed for good. The Muslims in the East did not oppose HE. Mahimda Rajapaksa. They opposed some of the detrimental administrative policies of the Mahinda Rajapaksa government. The general Secretary of the SLMC and the Leader of the SLMC have gone on record stating this to the media in the run-up to the EPC elections. Therefore “POLITICS SHOULD NOT BE CONFRONTATIONAL, BUT PARTICIPATORY”.

MUSLIMS IN THE EAST HAVE THEIR ISSUES TO SETTLE and this they have to talk it over with an open mind and heart with HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa when deliberating the tie-up to the formation of a coalition of the SLMC and the UPFA to form the new EPC political Administration. Nevertheless, the SLMC should be very happy that the President has engaged a very able and trustworthy young politician with innovative vision to be the FACILITATOR and MEDIATOR between the two parties. Though young to politics, but well known as a “doer”, Parliamentarian Sajin Vass Gunawardena can be trusted as a person who is well informed, read and balanced in his thinking of the ethnic and soci-economic issues of all Sri Lankans, especially being involved in the internal issues of this area and the challenges in the international forum. The only thing that the SLMC has at this point to use as a weapon in support of their requests is to just:

“LISTEN”. Listen to what the President has to tell through parliamentarian Sajin Vass Gunawardena, not counter every suggestion placed on the table and leave the discussions disgruntled by only having “HEARD” what was said at the meeting.
FOCUS on the issues that they need priority attention by the UPFA and HE the President.
NOT bring the issues the SLMC has or had with other Muslim parties of the UPA coalition, to the discussions.
NOT discuss the election violations or confrontation or any challenges of validity of results or blame each others. (To remember that the SLMC is a coalition partner of the UPF government at present and have equal rights and responsibilities like the other coalition parties).
The SLMC should make sure that in the future they will not be blamed as they have failed as in 2008 to have missed the rightful opportunity of getting a MUSLIM CHIEF MINISTER nominated to the Eastern Provincial Council of Sri Lanka. MUSLIMS IN THE EAST HAVE THEIR ISSUES TO SETTLE. With the balanced and trusted understanding of the “facilitator/mediator, parliamentarian Sajin Vass Gunawardena in place, the SLMC is in the “Right place at the Right time, with the Right people”. The SLMC cannot fail this time. May God AllMighty Allah bless them with patience, and understanding to form the EPC political Administration with the UPFA. If they will do so, we all as Sri Lankans and especially Muslims of the Eastern Province, will be at peace, Insha Allah.

By: Citizen Wed, 19 Sep 2012 01:09:51 +0000 It is rather dissapointing that despite th TNA gaining a clear mandate from the Tamil people they have not been given any place in the governance of the PC. This is a big blow against democratic rule. At least the President should have offered them a ministerial position in the PC as a token of recognition of the Tamil people. It does not matter where they sit but giving them a say in the PC would have been a good gesture of reconcilliation.

It is seen that our politicians are only interested in clinging on to power and enjoying benefits rather than addressing the problems of the country. The winner takes it all while the loser has to sit it out in the opposition for many years. We need multi partisan politics not the rule of the winner. In this case a winner of political expediency. SLMC wins in a hung vote.

By: Anpu Tue, 18 Sep 2012 10:06:26 +0000 Statement made by TNA leader Mr Sampanthan:

Following an invitation from Mr Lalith Weeratunga, Secretary to the President to the TNA leader Mr. R Sampanthan on the night of 17th September 2012, for a meeting at the Presidents House on 18th
morning, a meeting took place between the President and Mr, Sampanthan as arranged. Ministers Maithripala Sirisena and Prof G L Peiris were also present at the meeting.

The President congratulated Mr. Sampanthan on coming a good second at the Eastern Provincial Council Elections and Mr. Sampanthan stated that if the Elections had been free and fair the TNA would have come first. M r. Sampanthan further stated that as per the mandate received by the TNA and the SLMC, the TNA invited the SLMC to form a government and offered the SLMC the Chief Ministership. The UNP would have backed such an arrangement. The President responded by stating that he was quite prepared to sit in the opposition and indicated this to the SLMC and also referred to the offer made by the TNA to the SLMC. He however stated that now things were finalized.

Mr. Sampanthan stated that the eleven members elected to the Eastern provincial Council from the TNA should be able to function freely and independently and without any deterrence or discrimination. lf this did not happen it would mean that the Tamil people were being punished and that this should not be allowed. Mr. Sampanthan also stated that five of the elected Provincial Council members from the TNA were approached and. Harassed with offers of vehicles houses money and contracts to cross over to the Government and that the Telephone numbers and vehicle numbers of these persons believed to be military intelligence personnel, were available. The President initially denied this but later agreed to look into the matter. Mr. Sampanthan also raised the question of resettlement in Sampur and in Valikamam and the appointment of civilians as Governors of the Northern and Eastern provinces and the appointment of Tamils peaking civilian officials as Government Agents of Trincomalee and Ampara. The President responded by inviting Mr. Sampanthan to attend the Parliamentary Select Committee and stated that these matters could be addressed when that process commenced. Mr. Sampanthan responded by stating that the TNA has never taken up the position that it will not attend the PSC, but has only insisted that commitments made must be implemented before attending the PSC sessions. lt was agreed that this matter would be further pursued on the return of the President from his visit to lndia.

By: Peace Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:31:48 +0000 In reply to citizen.

The same nearly 70% goes to the UPFA too, not to have dictator rule.

By: ordinary lankan Mon, 17 Sep 2012 13:51:53 +0000 Kusal

it is not centralized power

but centralized ‘powerty’

a bloated egoistic poverty stricken beggar mentality – totally juvenile and immature in fact

when did centralized power ever become effective in this country? we were never centralized except for 33 years under parakramabahu and we all know how that ended within 30 years with the exit from rajarata forever

only the British managed it – we must understand the depth of the issue –

do you really think a discourse “that lifts that need to a more broader democratic platform, to bring round the Sinhala South” will do it? I doubt it.

we have to reconstruct a whole worldview again – the worldview we lost with the end of the irrigation civilization

By: walter Mon, 17 Sep 2012 12:39:41 +0000 More than ruling the East, the Government is more interested in sending a significant signal to the U N and the West, that, all is well in the land of the ‘Rajapakse’s’.
They will bend, twist, break any and every rule in the book of decency and rule of law.
As for the Muslim leadership you can forget them. When one listen’s to Hakeem’s rhetoric, supposed to be an educated man, his interviews were vague, evasive dodgy and never answered with clarity and honesty.
Any way that has been his pedigree, It has never surprised me.

I respect Sampanthan’s logic and evaluation. The T N A is neither here nor there.
Therefore his move to offer the Post of Chief Minister to Hakeem is a great move, compelling the Muslim voters to express their disapproval of Hakeem’s, manipulative strategy.
Hakeem must be gasping for breath, for he knows if he abandons Rajapakse all his frills will be lost.
This is what Ashroff did to Chandrika, cornered her with his Muslim votes and coerced her and got the Port Ministry.
Hakeem too tried the Ports Ministry but he was not so powerful.
Aswer, another Muslim who was a Minister under Premadasa whom he praised to high heaven, now [edited out]

By: citizen Mon, 17 Sep 2012 10:52:20 +0000 What i see is that nearly 70% mandate is there not to have a TNA provincial rule!!
