Comments on: The not so curious case of Hirunika Premachandra Journalism for Citizens Mon, 01 Oct 2012 21:32:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sonali Samarasinghe Mon, 01 Oct 2012 21:32:45 +0000 “Since the killing of her father last October, Hirunika, very ably aided by some sections of the media, has widely portrayed herself as a champion of justice. She has exploited to the maximum the gullibility of those sections of the media that seek to make heroes of people who don’t deserve an iota of the publicity they get but hey, certain physical attributes do help in this regard which I will leave out as it could offend feminists. The last thing I want is to make sexist remarks and being a woman it would be doubly unkind to do so, hence I will leave that aspect aside and address the facts.”

Perhaps this article would have been better served if this paragraph was left out altogether. To say you will not make sexist remarks and then go ahead and make them anyway is disingenuous.

By: justitia Wed, 19 Sep 2012 11:56:00 +0000 Today, at long last police say they have handed over a CD with ‘crime scene evidence’ to the magistrate.
A copy should have been given to the defence attorney as well.
But, no test reports on hands of persons present at the place/time of the incident,to identify those who had used firearms.
No interrogation reports of/from police officers present at time/scene/vehicles at time of the incident.
Police appear reluctant to identify them.
No medical report so far on mental/physical status of Duminda – in view of his injuries – has been submitted.
Hirunika’s political status/allegiance/other parties’ interest etc. have no bearing on the murder case.

By: Seelawathie Wed, 19 Sep 2012 11:51:43 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

I believe Hirunika is more knowledgeble than Duminda, Namal or any other politicians today. Just because she was presented by a photo in which Mervin and other politicians were also present means not that she may have changed her intentions in terms waiting to a fair judgement of the investigations that is being carried out on her father´s murder case. She reveals this to the press lately, that she would not want to change her party for which his father and other have worked for so long.

However, I am surprised, why Dr. Jayathialaka seems to be not uttering a single word in terms of her father´s murder case – in which Duminda was the core accused but remains to be not cooperated yet.

By: Theekshana Tue, 18 Sep 2012 06:32:59 +0000 Duminda Silva is a christian politician who has been accused of murder, rape and drug dealing. When we were talking about him did someone say all christians are like this and it is the menatility of the christian people?
You get politicians of all hues irrespective of the religion of the people. and politicians everywhere use religion for their purposes. there is no logic to the statement that sinhala buddhist mentality is uniquely or directly responsible for these outcomes. i know its a default weapon but please have some logic.

Editor : i am sure that every religion needs to be questioned not only buddhism practiced by the sinhalese.

By: sharanga Mon, 17 Sep 2012 03:13:42 +0000 In reply to Dr Dayan Jayatilleka.

This young woman is in her mid-20s, and anyone of that age, (especially someone who lost her father in a deadly shooting) is entitled to some unclarity and inconsistency in her search.

Einstein was in his twenties when he discovered relativity. Newton was in his early twenties when he did most of his significant work. More to the point, I’m 23, a year younger than her, and I know what’s going on. I bet Hirunika knows it too. There’s is no unclarity or inconsistency in her search. Her search is for fame and power, and she knows what she’s doing.

Hirunika is pretty much illiterate when it comes to political philosophy, economics and everything that actually matters. If you’ve learnt some of those things, and if you are a certain kind of person (kind of person Hirunika is not), you will truly try to make the world a better place.

But she knows what she’s doing. She wants fame and power, and her options are,

1. Get closer to Mahinda, become powerful, forget about taking revenge from Duminda
2. Get closer to Ranil, lose everything, forget about taking revenge from Duminda

I’d say that given her objective of having more fame and power, the first one is the most rational thing to do.

P.S. I won’t be surprised if one day she decided to marry Duminda.

By: walter Sun, 16 Sep 2012 13:33:12 +0000 Senaratne

My apology to you, no intention to hurt Lord Buddha and his teachings.

I have the greatest respect for Buddhism.
My talking about the Sinhala Buddhist’s means, the People of Sri Lanka who preach Buddhism, but far, far away from practicing it.

Certainly there are exceptions, my late Mother in Law was one.
Would it have been better if I said,and referred to the Sinhala man who has embraced Buddhism?.
There are American, British, German, Japanese, Thai and Indian Buddhist’s, they don’t fall into the category, I am referring to.
So you see I was not referring to Buddhism itself, rather the Majority in Sri Lanka, who happen to be Sinhala speaking, preaching Buddhism.

Unfortunately in this Country, the Ruling Politicians draw reference to Buddhism all the time, using Buddhism to stay in power amidst all the conceivable corruption, are responsible for my statement.

However, I apologize and regret, that you have quite naturally, taken offence at my statement, but now I hope your understand my inference.

But please remember, it is the Sinhala speaking people who are preaching Buddhism who have elected this Sinhala Speaking Politicians who also preaching Buddhism to run this Country, and I am sure you know the end result we are all facing.


By: Matupala Silva Sun, 16 Sep 2012 01:10:40 +0000 The same policy of Mahajana Party led by Viyaya Kumaratunge adoped similar path. JRJ make him ( Viyaya) Naxalite and put into Jail 1982/83.
After 1987 July Sri lankan terrority had been invaded by Indian army of IPKF and seal of Indo Sri Lankan accord by JRJ-Rjiva Gandi ACCORD. Leader of Viyaya KUmarantunge of Mahajana Party unconditional supported Rajiv-JRJ accored.That was blant viloation and infernal affiars of Nationl Soverignty of Sri Lankan.If Viyaya Kumarantunge can CHANGE SUCH POLICIES by his own political gain, WHY NOT M/s HIirunika Preamcahndars change policy by overnight.
Double stantadared of POLICY IS PRINCILE OF policy MAHAJANA PARTY.
Its apply M/s Hirunika too and as well.She has not done wrong move or doing of change,she appled policy of Mahajana Party.

By: Meenu Sun, 16 Sep 2012 00:51:24 +0000 In reply to demalasihala.

Duminda Silva has forgotten that he is an MP and his parents after the shooting. Sri Lanka has Gone for d–s. D–s are in the parliament.

By: Upul Sun, 16 Sep 2012 00:36:31 +0000 In reply to Gemini.

BL Premachandra was with the government, protecting it’s every step until he was killed. Only complaint he apparently would have had was that he was not treated well. We can only assume that Hirunika and other family members were in the same boat. See now Hema Kumara is calling for a common opposition. There can be hundreds and thousands of people who are complaining about this government once they were victimized one way or the other.
It’s high time that reasonable citizens of this country stop listening to this type of people. It’s not going to do any good to change this situation. Those who are with the government will start thinking seriously only when they realize that nobody will listen to them one day when they start complaining one day.

But will our voters ever be that serious? I really don’t think so.

By: Lion Sat, 15 Sep 2012 22:58:30 +0000 Theory is simple every one has a price about turn of Hirunika is the finalizing of this process nothing more.
