Comments on: Open letter to Mark Davis, presenter of SBS Dateline on ‘Sri Lanka’s New Wave’ Journalism for Citizens Fri, 07 Sep 2012 06:43:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Canaga Fri, 07 Sep 2012 06:43:10 +0000 Ravana has well described, except in the latter part of the letter, he “blames” LTTE.
Ravana, all political means by the Federal Party in a ‘Gandhian way’ failed and resulted in the Federal party giving up and began the LTTE way, unfortunately.
In 1983 the state terrorism was the worst, and resulted in Tamils being terrorised by Government supported thugs. The Tamils lost their property and some were burnt inside locked cars in which they were travelling – it was unbelievable – no honest buddhist layman could have done such a horrible action, and it went on for four days, with the government doing nothing to stop it. If this was not state sponsored terrorism, has LTTE done any so called ‘terrorism’ to any where near that level?
In SriLanka, only racial politics succeeds, and the politicians are used to it and come to power by their use of it. They care damn to the Tamils. Just like IRA and others LTTE was the only hope the Tamils had.

By: Ravana Fri, 07 Sep 2012 03:23:01 +0000 In reply to Mark Davis.

G’day Mark,
I have to say that your coverage on this issue was refreshingly balanced and respected the intelligence of the viewing public to make up their own minds about the content. This is in contrast to most journalistic endeavours these days, which are highly editorialised to suit the bias of the journalist, the station or the nation.
I don’t often watch TV but accidentally came across your presentation one evening and was enthralled by the candid depiction without editorialising. Well done.

OTOH, I do not want to be seen to be an ABC/SBS fan as I have seen occasions of the ABC clearly being agents of the Australian Government as in the case of a documentary many years ago in which the ABC team was clearly in East Timor to undermine the political leader who was NOT going to give Australia unfettered access to Timor Sea Oil.

Some of the coverage was heart rending to view when one was made aware of the level of poverty these Sri Lankans are enduring. I am for economic refugees coming to Australia, but I prefer them to come using legitimate and safe means despite the barriers which still exist against those of a non-Anglo Saxon background (many Sri Lankans are using such legitimate routes every week).

I am also for those genuine political refugees, Tamil or others, who need to flee the treachery of a suppreeive and corrupt system as one might find in Sri Lanka (BTW Sri Lanka is a heaven compared to India and only quantitatively different in its corruption compared to Australia).

However, I am definitely against the use of racist political platform as used by LTTE/Tamil elements at the expense of a plight experienced by all Sri Lankans irrespective of ethnicity. This is not to say that Tamils do not experience racisms in Sri Lanka. All minorities throughout the World from Tamils in Sri Lanka to Aborigines in Australia experience the plight of discrimination, usually in the hands of their fellow citizens and organisations and less so in the hands of the states themselves.

Once again I congratulate you in the least biased doco I have seen in years.

By: Canaga Tue, 04 Sep 2012 05:35:57 +0000 In short, where aspects fail is the need for a very short introduction to the struggle the Tamils of Sri Lanka and resulting problems:
1. A large number of Tamils have lost their lands and houses – now occupied by the armed forces. Thousands are still living in open grounds, sun or rain.
2. The SL Tamils have been gradually “diminished” by the successive SL governments – both major parties are responsible – to seek power.
3. Worst was the 1983 massacre of the Tamils. Many were massacared by the hooligan attitude of the racial mobs. They had to ’emigrate’ to Jaffna by ships.
4. Very peaceful negotiations by the Federal party continued for more than 25 years – each time an agreement was signed with the suucessful major party of the time to secure power in parliament and control, the agreement was torn up within three months once the party secured power and formed a government.
5. This was the reason of the “boys” taking to arms, when peace by all means failed.
6. Why not look at what happened in South Africa, Palestine/Israel, Ireland – any different? IRA also was ruthless in its attacks, but finally settled for peace, after killing the Queen’s uncle – Lord Mountbatten and nearly killed Margret Thatcher by bombing her bed room at the Conservative party conference in Southampton (?).
7. So why blame the LTTE as terrorists? President Bush created the problem, when LTTE was only confined to Sri Lanka.

Having said all this, the media should be more factual – and not highlight the wrong end of the problem, and ‘decieve’ us in Australia.
They are not coming to live at our expense, study and enjoy life.
Give them a chance and treat them equally. If they fail give them the punishemnet and send them back if needed.
Let us know the truth.

By: sandy Mon, 03 Sep 2012 05:04:04 +0000 ‘No one living in Colombo can understand this’.

Just thinking..what if it was me and my family in the aforementioned circumstances?

By: Harshula Sun, 02 Sep 2012 18:45:14 +0000 In reply to Danielle.


1. I have asked Western journalists, including Australians, about their experiences covering Sri Lanka. The general feeling is regardless of what they write/say there will be someone that complains. The enthusiastic elements within the Tamil Eelam lobby and anti-Eelam groups shout quite loudly and frequently, sometimes irrationally and/or disingenuously. This is particularly true in Australia. One wonders whether Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka will reconcile before the Sri Lankans in Sydney!

2. The LTTE was never proscribed as a terrorist organisation in Australia even though two Australian Prime Ministers attempted it. In the first instance NGOs fought against it.

3. I have asked Australians about their level of interest in Sri Lanka. Most could not care less. Sri Lanka is a cricket team first and, now, a source of asylum seekers that arrive on boats.

4. The asylum seeker issue is heavily politicised and controversial in Australia. The arrival of asylum seekers by boat seems to create more anger than those arriving by plane. The Tamil Eelam lobby recently offered to pay for the journey of Sri Lankan Tamil asylum seekers to Australia. (

5. There are fundamental faults in Australia’s approach to asylum seekers and the accuracy of the processes that determine if an asylum seeker is a refugee. Those working in the refugee sector do admit there are some asylum seekers that are not genuine refugees. However, there are also asylum seekers with harrowing tales of violence. There is much Australia could learn from Canada’s approach to asylum seekers.

6. UNHCR’s description of a fault in Australia’s system:

“Despite calls by foreign governments, including Sri Lanka, to return bogus refugees as a deterrent, fewer than 2 per cent of the 21,000 asylum-seekers who have arrived since 2008 have been deported. Head of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Australia Richard Towle said yesterday that there must be “meaningful consequences” for asylum-seekers whose refugee claims failed, arguing returns were essential to the integrity of any asylum system.

“You need a fair and accurate asylum process that identifies refugees and the return of those who don’t need protection,” he told The Australian. “The overall integrity of the asylum system needs both of those in play – the rights given to those who are refugees and the return of those who are not. Without returns, the integrity of the whole system is undermined.””(

7. Economic migrants?: “As a Tamil in (Sinhalese-dominated) Kandy, people question why you’re there. Police start tracking you and CID comes and that happens frequently because I am from Vavuniya in the north. The LTTE trouble is long back, but as Tamils we have a loophole to say the army is chasing us. What I heard was Australia won’t deport you if you say that.” (

8. There have been instances of Indians pretending to be Sri Lankan in order to gain refugee status (


1. Mark Davis has successfully presented a very narrowly focused story that the Australian public care about. The pertinent question being whether the majority of recent Sri Lankan asylum seekers are primarily fleeing due to a fear of persecution or due to the pursuit of better economic conditions. The Australian Tamil Eelam lobby utilises asylum seekers to further their own agenda. Hence, reports by the likes of SBS’ Mark Davis, The Australian’s Amanda Hodge and Channel 7’s Tim Noonan brings into question the credibility of vocal and visible Tamil Eelam lobbyists in Australia.

2. Amusingly, the translation/subtitling is credited to: “Sara Nathan, Edilbert Rajadurai, Vaseekaran Rajadurai”. Are all of these individuals NAATI credited? Sara (Saradha) Nathan is one of the most vocal Tamil Eelam lobbyists in Australia. She’s a member of the Australian Tamil Congress ( which is the Australian counterpart of the British Tamil Forum and under the umbrella of the Global Tamil Forum. Most Australian media attribute her solely as a refugee advocate. Though she should be commended for her refugee advocacy, it should also be known that she considers, like Palestinians, Sri Lankan Tamils in the North and East to be under military occupation since Sri Lanka gained independence. This is what she told a Palestinian advocate. Brian Senewiratne of the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Tamil Congress also spoke, as usual mainly about himself. At the same event in Australia, attendees, mainly from the NGO sector, were able to directly communicate via video-call with asylum seekers on-board the Jaya Lestari that was detained at Merak. The whole episode was heavily choreographed aimed at playing to the emotions rather than the intellect with the children paraded in front of the camera. This was the boat of the infamous “Alex”. Read Michael Roberts’ articles that describe the naive gullibility of the Australian media in that instance.

3. SBS has traditionally been a stronghold of Tamil Eelam lobbyists. In 2000, a Dateline report by Graham Davis revealed that an SBS Radio employee is linked to an organisation alleged to be financing the LTTE.

“JANA WENDT: SBS managing director Nigel Milan was approached by Dateline, but declined to appear. Instead, Mr Milan provided a short statement:

STATEMENT BY NIGEL MILAN: SBS management takes very seriously claims of a potential conflict of interest relating to an SBS employee made by the Dateline program. The matter is being fully investigated.”

Graham Davis was fired afterwards. Tamil Eelam lobbyist Brami Jegatheeswaran (Brami Jegan) has worked at SBS (

Suvendrini Perera

1. re: “That people are drawn to seek refuge here is a measure of their need, not an indicator that we are a soft touch.”

The question that Suvendrini Perera needs to address is what percentage of recent Sri Lankan asylum seekers are primarily motivated due to economic reasons.

Suvendrini Perera’s views and personal experience can be read in “What gain in stopping the boats?” ( and “Don’t Mention The Push Factors” ( The latter article suggests Suvendrini Perera is not “troubled” or “disturbed” by nor considers the Channel 4 documentary littered with factual errors “grotesque”. Read “Channel 4?s ‘Killing Fields’: Journalism, Advocacy or Propaganda?” (

2. A careful analysis of Suvendrini Perera’s ‘open letter’ illustrates that it is devoid of tangible criticism. She complains about the “tenor of your report”, “picture you painted”, “was nothing less than grotesque” and lists many unrelated events and issues. Suvendrini Perera has not pointed out a single factual error. “grotesque” and “Comical Ali” make an appearance elsewhere too (

Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora

• The Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora has been a dismal failure at improving the living conditions of Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu, India. This is the biggest stain on the credibility of the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora when it claims to care about the plight of Tamils. Perhaps it brings to the forefront the socio-economic segmentation within the Sri Lankan Tamil community.

• ICG: “Without major shifts in their political strategies, Tamil diaspora organisations are unlikely to play a positive role in post-war Sri Lanka or effectively promote the interests of Tamils and Tamil speakers in Sri Lanka. Most Tamils abroad still believe an independent state is possible and many are even clinging to the belief that the Tiger leadership is still alive. While pro-LTTE elements in the diaspora have reluctantly accepted that armed struggle has failed, many would still prefer the Tigers to be fighting for Tamil Eelam and would be willing to fund a resurgent LTTE. New diaspora initiatives attempt to carry forward the struggle for an independent state in more transparent and democratic ways, but they are still pursuing the LTTE’s agenda, just without its guns. Even these activities are out of step with the wishes and needs of Tamils in Sri Lanka. ” (

By: Canaga Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:08:23 +0000 Mark Davis – you have done your job as a journalist – the desire is to make it watchable by all. After seeing your first one – I did not! The truths of it matters little to most! Very unforunate that the desire to make it watchable by most seem to be the aim of this one too – is this not?
The result is various discussions as above aspects matters little, to one’s life in Sri Lanka today, particularly the trodden ones.
If only an introductive piece is added to this it would have been very understandable.
SriLanka when it was Ceylon, was very well developing and with well educated people – Lee Kuan Yu when he seperated from Malaysia, said in his independence day speech – if he could raise the level of Singapore to that of Ceylon, he would be happy! Besides, in those days when people go to India they take cocoanut oil, soap, etc to sell in India, where it is costly or not readily available.
What state is Ceylon – now SriLanka, today? Why did this happen? My view is that this was only due to “Power hungry Politics’ and ‘Racial Politics”, which has pervaded the life of almost all politicians.
At time of independence Northern Province was 99% Tamils and the East was 66%Tamil speaking – today? The obvious choice then was Federal system of Government as in many countries – Switzerland is a good example – 18 cantoons now – created after a bitter dispute between the three linguistc groups.
This is what SJV Chelva….. fought for, very peacefully for 25 years, and SWERD Banda…. advocated this in many articles – Had it happened Ceylon would have been a very prosperous nation today.
Racial politics had ruined the country, the younger generation has been fully indoctrinated and nothing will change, until the country
decimates – unfortunately.

Now coming to the subject matter – why are they leaving the country in such a dangerous journey? WHY DOES NOT MARK DWELL ON THIS MORE?
The trodden people have to get out somehow – to avoid rape and killing. They sell whatever they have, collect the money and get out as soon as possible. Some of them have lost their lands and property to the army – no one living in Colombo can understand this.
The next question is why not India – There are many thousands living there in unhospitable conditions and cannot work – but survive on what is handed out to them. Is this the desire of human beings? Do they not want to work or study? Would any of the above comentators live like that?
Where can you go to live and work with the others in a stable place – why did all those who are commenting do this?
Would any one writing so much on this be prepared to do a even a one day journey like this in a leaky boat in the high seas? These trodden people have no alternatives but to take this journey.
It is even unfortunately mentioned that even some corrupt politicaians are taking money and asisting these poor people to take this perilous journey.
Mark could have anlaysed these aspects along with his storey – so we could understand the plight of these people and why they are doing it.
Australia has its limitations – so it has to stop this illegal migration. If so, it should have acted to help limit this corrupt politics of these countries and assisted in developing the countries so people can live and work, rather than allow them to migrate here.
I would very strongly encourage all these readers to consider this PLEASE.

By: Canaga Sat, 01 Sep 2012 09:32:25 +0000 In reply to Wijebahu.

Yes – the programme satisfies people like Wijebahu, Biddhika and others. But what they forget is the irreplaceable tragedy your racial politics caused the Tamils.
The only Sinhala politicians who would have reasonably well solved the problem is SWRD Banda….. But he was not allowed to do this by murdering him – by whom – a Bhikku (Monk) – can you believe it – is this the teachings of Buddha that is followed in SL?
SWRD had to come to power by preaching Sinhala only etc. But it was not his aim, but the Senanayakes would not allow him to take power. So he preached racial politics during elections, on which he did not truly believe – and the result he was murdered – is this Buddhism?
SJV Chelva, who was a true Gandhian type politician tried peace for 25 years, and failed and then allowed the boys to take over – the birth of LTTE and “other Boys movements”.
If you remember that from 1957 onwatds, the Tamils faced untold misery, followed by the 1983 riots in which many thousands of Tamils were killed by the Sinhala mobs, houses were plundered – using the phone book addresses, etc. The tragedy of 1983 will not be dorgotten by the Tamils. Is this worse than what LTTE did, or were you not born then?
However, having said all this the worst mistake made was not to accept the 2004 peace agenda and live with it. Most freedom fighters do this mistake, including the IRA when they killed the Queen’s uncle, and bombed Margret Thatcher’s hotel bed room. However the “uderstanding” British finally reached an agreement.
Let SL carry on onits way and eventually fall to pieces, but the Politicians become richer and richer – that is waht the people want – is it not. Good luck to you.

By: Navin Sat, 01 Sep 2012 05:12:30 +0000 In reply to Fernando.


As a Sinhalese, I’m not at all opposed to a referendum to separate land between Tamil Eelam and Sri Lanka. It is for Tamils to decide — not Sinhalese. So you can have a referendum among Tamils and decide whether you want to form a Tamil Eelam using 13% of land/coastline in the N & E parts of the country.

If you want to use the entire N & E provinces for Tamil Eelam, then you need to include other stake holders as well for N & E together comprise 40% of land and 60% of coastline. Which means having a country wide referendum.

There is no use in saying that whole of N & E is your homeland for though that may be what your historians say, our guys differ. For every historian you can find to justify your homeland, we can find another to say otherwise. Tamils historians cannot be any more or less credible than their Sinhalese counterparts.

In short, if you just want your share of the pie, you can talk among yourselves and decide what you want to do with it. We as Sinhalese have no special love or hatred towards Tamils. Should you decide to stay with us, you will be treated like everybody else. But, if that’s not good enough for you, you are free to walk out any time. However, if you want to take with you things that also belong to other people, you need to ask them for their consent first!

By: soosai Fri, 31 Aug 2012 22:36:05 +0000 In reply to Fernando.


Sure eelam Tamils will prefer to go anyplace they want to. Just because they go to central lanka it does not mean they are not persecuted. Ask eelam tamils where they want to go and what they want, the answer is ‘Referendum’. What are you afraid of?

If eelam tamils think they prefer central lanka, you will find out via Referendum

By: Sandy Fri, 31 Aug 2012 14:16:42 +0000 To answer your ‘one simple question’ – please look for clues in the Book of Leveticus.
