Comments on: Justice and Truth Journalism for Citizens Wed, 29 Aug 2012 13:59:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Krishna Wed, 29 Aug 2012 13:59:58 +0000 In reply to Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

Dr.Rajasinghan Narendran

Thanks for ur reply .I definitely miss the comment fora in DBSJ columns . Anyway I found a quote from Late Swami Krishnanada ( Divine Life Society ,Rishikesh , India )as apt for the people of SL or for any place where there is conflict .
Here it is :
“When my soul can visualize your soul ,then we become really friends ; otherwise ,we are not friends .Any amount of roundtable conferences of individuals with no soulful connection will not lead to success .”- Swami Krishnananda, from the book “The Study and Practice of Yoga- An Exposition of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ,Vol-1”

So what is needed is a soulful connection from all the sides and good that people like you are taking the first steps towards that .

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Wed, 29 Aug 2012 01:53:05 +0000 Please check this link for a very interesting presentation on reconciliation:

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Mon, 27 Aug 2012 12:05:49 +0000 In reply to Krishna.

Dear Krishna,

I am glad you have come into the on-going discussion. I am sure you miss the comments fora in tanscurrents and Thanks for your appreciative comments. The least I can do is write about what ‘I’ think is right and should be done, detractors not withstanding.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Krishna Sun, 26 Aug 2012 09:32:16 +0000 Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

I really appreciate your efforts in bringing peace and harmony in Sri Lanka after 3 decades of bloody ethnic war . You yourself have been a victim of this violence from all 3 forces : SL , LTTE ,IPKF and yet you have decided to come back and stay in Jaffna and try to do your best in helping in bringing back normalcy .
I feel very sad to see some of the people here accusing you as an agent of the SL Government and getting some special favors from it and linking you with people like Douglas Devananda etc .
.The scars of the last 3 decades of this ethnic war are difficult to heal and it is not easy for everyone to drop their bitterness , hatred ,suspicion etc . So the bitterness of some people are understandable .
I appreciate the fact that inspite of all this you are continuing your efforts in urging people to move forward rather than weeping for what happened in the past or planning for another revenge in future .
All the best in your efforts .

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Fri, 24 Aug 2012 03:23:02 +0000 In reply to Easwaran V.P.

Easwaran V.P,

Thanks. Briefly, the Tamils are not week, but debilitated. The way they are tenaciously struggling to survive now, amidst unbelievable odds, indicates that they are yet strong in mind and spirit. They have not given up. They may be week physically, but are not so mentally. This struggle manifests in many ways, several not acceptable in any civilized society. However, it is there for all to see. However, their energy should be harnessed and directed. This energy should become a positive force for progress. They need abundent help and a wise, mature, far sighted leadership to do this. Unfortunately, while some help is available, they have absolutely no leadership.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Easwaran V.P Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:17:04 +0000 Dr.Rajasingham Narendran, many thanks for your succinct reply. Do agree, the philosophical works of Auvaiyar and Thiruvalluvar are eternal truth and moral code that suits all ages and all people on this planet. Mahatma Gandhi’s quote a deliberate intend to reflect the reality, that Tamils as the weakest, and further been pushed into a weaker position. Therefore Tamils are not in a position to forgive. The victors of this brutal war should have taken necessary initiatives to forgive and bring about peace and reconciliation. They never had the will or the desire to build a unified nation.
Since independence the Sinhala majoritarian governments had been in the process of dismantling the ‘pseudo Ceylonese nation’ that was created and built by the British. They failed to convert this to their advantage and to have built a genuine nationhood. This whole episode was their making. Even after this brutal war, they continue to carry out victory parades and celebrations. Adding insult to injury. Tamils are humiliated further. The state then, went on to mislead the International community’s to make believe that peace is flourishing and they are doing everything to help the Tamil people. How long could one fool the others? The present election in the three provinces are to prove what! and to whom? A scandalous waste of funds.
However, I do not wish to debate on your inference or the perception on the current situation in Srilanka and about the integrity of the rulers. Tamils had been badly hurt since 1956, humiliated with repeated pogroms. A well planed structural GENOCIDE carried out. However, Srilanka and the International community’s are refusing to accept this, may be due to various reasons for their own defence. In 2009 Tamils were further humiliated while conniving with many countries including the co-chairs to defeat LTTE. Thus, to claim it as their own victory is hallow. Since the silencing of the Guns and Ariel bombing they have claimed that development is in progress, for whose benefit? However, no one could and would accept that there is PEACE in the Island. PEACE comes from absence of FEAR, VIOLENCE and SOCIAL CONFRONTATION and CORRPUTION. Reconciliation comes from JUSTICE and PARITY between all citizens. Development is for the people, they should have the right to conceive it and own it. But the state intend, that Tamils to be made incapable of any action and to be kept powerless. This is my analysis from the past and present history. I may be wrong.

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:23:42 +0000 Easwaran V.P,

Thanks. You have a right to believe and accept what sounds right to you. I have also the right to present by viewpoint without being accused of being biased towards the government. I appreciate small mercies,though in this instance they are substantial, because I see the war-affected Tamils day in and day out and their plight.

Further, your quote from Gandhi, had a different meaning and context. He was contrasting the British with the Indians and urging the Indians to be strong minded. He was urging the Indians to be strong minded enough to forgive the trespasses of the British. It takes a great people to forgive. Nelson Mandela, followed the same philosophy. Unforgivenss is a character fault and weakness. Gandhi wanted the Indians to be great and not mean and small beings! Of course this will apply to us too. We are not a week people despite our misfortunes. We are a great people, who have lost our way. Incidentally, both Gandhi and Mandela, prevented a blood bath and prevented bitterness and anger to rule the roost.

Let us re-assert our greatness by forgiving first and at our own volition! This will be the beginning of the ‘Turning of the page in our history’. This will be the beginning of reconciliation, withour any preconditions. Forgiveness from a strong people cannot be conditional. Why should we try to prove the obvious or justify our equally bad responses?

We have to solve our problems in the context of the Sri Lanka of today. The issues are changes to the consitution and the political system, rule of law, elimination of corruption and nepotism, rebuilding institutions, reform of the political culture, good governance, fair justice, equality as citizens, equal opportunities, meritocracy, participation of all sections of people in governance and security to person and property. These problems apply to all Sri lankans. Let us demand these along with all other Sri Lankans. Let us not re-ignite fires that have already done much damage to us.

What Auvaiyar philosophised is eternal truth applicable to all ages and all contexts.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Easwaran V.P Mon, 20 Aug 2012 22:29:09 +0000 Please let me also at this very outset inform you that I am not a writer with journalistic hue, neither a philosopher or a political scientist. But, also wish to emphasise here, that I am not an apologist for LTTE or any of the Tamil or Sinhala politician of the past or present. However, let me place before you my humble understanding and how I have perceived Sumathy Rajasingam’s article on ‘Justice and Truth’, She has succinctly called for justice and removal of corruption by the Srilankan state. She is right in saying ‘No human being can forget the past until and unless the painful memories of the past are brought out to the open and dealt with’. I fully agree with her. We definitely have to know the past to realise and manage the present and help us to build on for a better future.
No doubt, that the healing of the recent monstrous war wounds from the mind and hearts of all communities are very essential to build a healthy nation. Srilankan State is required urgently to take steps, whatever necessary to reconcile. But will it? However, healing to take place, individual attitudinal change alone will not suffice Dr.R.N. Your comments with philosophical discourse, stating Auvay Partiar’s stanza does not seem to take into consideration on the realities of the present time. As Mahatma Gandhi said “The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”. Forgiveness has to come from the State and not from the Tamils. What, one may infer from[Dr.R.N]. your comments and replies to others in this column is that, you overtly have shown your political leaning. You would much like the Diaspora to support this monstrous President and his entourage unconditionally. Hoping for some improvements on the conditions for Tamils in the North and East. Should the Diaspora support your thinking? Development in the name of roads and tourist hotels is not what our people want now. They want justice and equal opportunities. A roof over their heads and a livelihood to sustain themselves. The SL President concocts his words to mislead the international communities, and some of us in the Diaspora to make us all believe he is doing everything to help Tamils and peace is flourishing. Is this true Dr.R.N.? Do you want the Diaspora to swallow this?
No doubt the well off Tamil Diaspora have a moral duty to help their kith and kin in Srilanka. I hope no one would dispute this. Some as individuals and as groups are already helping in their own way without involving the government machineries. However, the material needs would flow from Diaspora in a big way, only when they are fully convinced that Justice, genuine reconciliation and a political solution is laid on the table with guaranty involving a third party country. Having said that, I have my doubts. Is there any likelihood for one to expect in the present climate for this to happen? What could alter the thinking of the present government of Srilanka? UN resolution! has this done anything? What more?
This President like his predecessors had allowed opportunities to slip by. The State is unable or unwilling to alter its stand to accommodate all citizens as equals. How could the Tamil Diaspora respond to this intransigent stand taken by the state, with its ‘Mythological Mind Set’- They claim that the Island belongs to them and they have the sole duty to safeguard the “Sinhala Buddhism”. Do other minorities have any say? Even though this Island is made up of a multi-ethnic and multi religious communities.

By: A Concerned Citizen Mon, 20 Aug 2012 15:52:30 +0000 Dr. RN, I have understood your intentions clearly just as many others who had read your comments would have. Those who had read my comments would have also understood what I had tried to put across. So I see no need for me to waste my time and yours by playing cricket with or without wickets ! It is no longer a gentleman’s game.

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Mon, 20 Aug 2012 07:58:43 +0000 In reply to A Concerned Citizen.

A concerned citizen,

Let us not try to play cricket, without wickets! Please let me know what you understand by the term reconciliation and list the parameters that define it, in the case of Sri Lanka. This will make it easier for me to reply you point by point.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
