Comments on: Small arms and ammunitions imports into Sri Lanka from 1992-2010: A latent hypocrisy? Journalism for Citizens Wed, 08 Aug 2012 10:32:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mango Wed, 08 Aug 2012 10:32:21 +0000 In reply to silva.

Silva, Successive SL governments have committed unspeakable crimes against all its citizens, irrespective of their so-called ethnicity. The current mob appear intent on setting a new record of wasting golden chances, reflexive brutality and self-enrichment. There will be a payback – the difficulty is in predicting when and what will cause it.

By: silva Tue, 07 Aug 2012 08:22:06 +0000 In reply to Mango.

Who punishes the governments that harm their own citizens?

Judging by the submissions made by conscientious Sinhalese to LLRC, successive Sri Lankan governments have been committing crimes against the ethnic minorities.

The President has not yet condemned the recent attacks on mosques by Buddhist mobs and monks. One cannot enlist enough the crimes committed by the government in the last three years alone to the people of the North and the East.

By: Ward Tue, 07 Aug 2012 04:48:53 +0000 “Towards Lasting Peace and Stability” seminar for more arms sales:

By: Mango Sun, 05 Aug 2012 19:28:07 +0000 Dear GV,
Did you really mean to write “will there be any accounting of how foreign arms and ammunition flows contributed to gross human rights abuses in Sri Lanka?”

Huh? Those human rights abuses were committed using locally available thugs and weapons including machetes, sticks, knives etc, in addition to imported guns and bullets.

The weapons and ammo imports were necessary to crush the LTTE. How exactly was any SL govt expected to defeat a conventionally armed LTTE? With harsh words?

Let it not be forgotten that even in 2008, key EU countries (UK etc) tried to prevent the Czech Republic from re-supplying the SL Armed forces with ammo and spare parts.
