Comments on: The Urgent Need of a National Water Resources Policy Journalism for Citizens Thu, 21 Mar 2013 10:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Latest Picture Of Soil Pollution News | Soil Pollution Thu, 21 Mar 2013 10:45:09 +0000 […] The Urgent Need of a National Water Resources Policy Although Sri Lanka has abundant water resources in aggregated terms, this picture is misleading, a very large portion of our water resources are, mismanaged and misused, primarily owing to the lethargy and inefficiency of the statutory bodies with … Read more on Groundviews […]

By: Java Jones Sun, 12 Aug 2012 10:56:49 +0000 Given the way the policymakers, both past and present, have ignored the realities staring them in their collective faces (your examples, for instance, of the Lunawa lagoon, Beira Lake and other waterbodies among others) for all these decades, it is most unlikely that they will implement meaningful policies to protect our precious water-resources. As usual it will (if at all) be too little too late.

The only way to get them off their collective butts would be if they see some monetary gain for themselves. ‘Business’ as usual!!!

But keep on keeping on, Ranil, at least there will be a record of your observations and recommendations over the years for posterity and hopefully policymakers of the future will be less inclined towards self-enrichment and more inclined towards benefitting the country and people.

By: Punitham Tue, 07 Aug 2012 21:22:37 +0000 Ranil
Your tireless efforts (writing article after article on this website) have not been in vain:

President instructs to prevent deforestation and reconstructing tanks in up country, 7 August 2012,

By: luxmy Sun, 05 Aug 2012 07:07:47 +0000 In the last few decades environmentalists have been saying how we can resolve conflicts if we argue for environmental rights for ALL. This is very true for our country.

If only some ecologists and other natural scientists from the South can go to the North and see how natural resources (sand, rock, trees and water) have been handled by humanimals, we can move towards justice, peace and reconciliation faster.
