
Sri Lanka’s LLRC: A timeline from inception to implementation

Groundviews is pleased to present a new web based timeline that traces key events and developments around the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), from its inception to the implementation of its recently released action plan, spanning the next three years. The timeline at launch features over 125 entries, and will be updated regularly.

For a more easily readable and larger version, please click here.

Each entry is colour-coded for easy reference, and the sliding marker at the bottom of the screen also provides visual cues to explore key events and developments at certain times. Projections into the future are based on the official LLRC Action Plan, available here. Note that aspects of the action plan marked as ‘on-going’ or sans any determinable completion date have NOT been included in the timeline (e.g. Recommendation 9.115e – Enact legislation to ensure the right to information).

The colour-coded categorisation of the timeline covers,

In the spirit of open and data driven journalism, Groundviews is making the source material for this timeline available in JSON and CSV formats. JSON enables the material to be easily reused by anyone in other compelling web visualisations or apps. The CSV file can be used as an offline record of the material published in the timeline, and can be opened in any spreadsheet programme like Excel on the desktop or Google Docs online. Though the timeline will be updated regularly, this underlying data will be made available every quarter.

Download the JSON file covering the inception of the LLRC to the publication of the action plan here, and the CSV file, covering same period, from here.

Groundviews maintains a unique archive of media reportage around the LLRC when it was active, and a comprehensive database of submissions to the Commission. Access both here.

The LLRC Archives by the International Centre for Ethnic Studies, the excellent timeline of post-war Sri Lanka by the International Crisis Group, and the LLRC’s own official website were heavily relied on in the creation of our own timeline.

The thumbnail used in the introduction to the timeline and its backdrop are both from photographer Devaka Seneviratne’s portofolio, reproduced with permission.

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