Comments on: A Critique of Political Fundamentalism in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:04:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: InSights Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:04:58 +0000 In reply to Cas Shivas.

Is DJ not pointing out that had the facts in the case of Quebec been different (i.e. had France been less than 50 Km away from the Canadian coast) that the judgement would have been different?

Recent events seem to indicate that political actions based entirely on excellent legal bases ignoring geopolitical, economic and environmental realities really don’t lead to peace and justice. In many cases it has led to more bloodshed.

By: Cas Shivas Mon, 13 Aug 2012 10:43:20 +0000 DJ states that both sides are uncommitted to / ambivalent about the existing attempt (of external provenance)at a constitutional bridging formula-13A.
13A is nothing but rule by the all powerful Executive President under a unitary constitution through his representative Governor. When it comes to North/East the Governor is often an Ex Armed Forces Officer.Hisbullah when he was a Minister in the Eastern Provincial Council in charge of Health said even to appoint a labourer in the Hospital you need the Governor’s permission (who incidentally was an Ex Navy man). The President could dissolve the Provincial Council. Even in its formative period Amirthalingam,Sampanthan and Sivasithamparam pointed out (incidentally)13 flaws in the 13A and wanted JR to improve on it in the presence of Natwar Singh, then State Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Indian Government and Kuldip Singh, the Joint Secretary in the same Ministry in Delhi.They said they (meaning Indian Government) had a firm commitment from JR to make those improvements to 13A as drafted. But the 20th Century Fox he was he tabled it before the Parliament as it was and even that remains unimplemented for over 25 years.How could it then be a starting point.Are the people(s) of Northeast wait for another 25 years to start all over again, like three years after Mullivaikkal still waiting for the LLRC report to be implemented (and it has nothing new to offer).
On the question of ‘Self determination’, Article 1 of both ICCPR and ICESC and Article 55 of the UN Charter which speaks about respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples.
SD relating only to former colonies is over long ago. By the Declaration on Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States of 1970 and the Helsinki Accord of August 1,1975 it has been elaborated and currently even within a Unitary form of Constitution in a Sovereign State if section of the people are continuously oppressed and have no meaningful access to government as in the case of Sri Lanka, they have the right to self determination.6A is bad law as it goes against the UN Covenants, UN Charter and Case Law Precedents. Whether Separation is bad or good even prohibiting one from airing his views can’t be good law.
Canadian Supreme Court Decision with regard to secession of Quebec from Canada (1988) 2SCR 217-Judgment dtd 29th August, 1998 could not be taken as liberal just because France is far away from Canada as DJ puts it.Surely he should know tha Judgments does not depend on distances between countries but on facts and law.

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 11 Aug 2012 18:00:14 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.

You ask “Why the sinhalese did not leave for greener pastures? Why the Tamils did not leave before 1983?”

Both left before 1983, through normal channels and not many could qualify and meet the stringent entry requirements.

After 1983 those requirements were no longer applied to the Tamils. They used it to the fullest to achieve economic ends they were not seeking safety from fear of death or persecution.

You say “The death toll I mentioned here is the rough total for the whole confilct. In the last stage alone according to UN 40,000 Tamil civilians have died”

UN or Gordon Wiese the discredited UN ex employee?

But the UN indicates that the Tamil child soldiers who died, is several multiples of 8000. Were your kids amongst the dead or are they happily enjoying the comforts of the West while you Fan Racism to get more Tamil Children to die in Lanka?

By: Raj Swamipillai Fri, 10 Aug 2012 09:45:50 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

Another thing re. self determination it really feels like MA Sumanthiran either used to write Anton Balasinghams speeches or Anton is Sumanthiran’s role model!

I had been looking for that ltte press conference video for ages to see if my memory served right. the LTTE and TNA strategies are very similar… this is the root of my concern… did you watch the video at the time I stated?

By: Raj Swamipillai Fri, 10 Aug 2012 09:41:30 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

Hi Wijayapala,
‘Self Determination’ the phrase is not dirty in an academic sense – to discuss, to talk about, to analyse etc… I guess my issue here, in the context of Sumanthiran, TNA etc (including statements from other members of the TNA) is that this is all part of an overall plan to secede from Sri Lanka through backwards-thinking communal politics, which saddens me.

Living in the west, I see that western systems aren’t perfect but that the key is to be forward thinking, progressive, all inclusive, secular…

My dream srilanka would be truely secular with everyone on a level playing field with a true sense collectively of Sri Lankan identity. The tamils need to understand that you can be Tamil and Srilankan at the same time (as the Singala are Singhalese and Srilankan).

Collectively if we put our heads together and work for the betterment of Sri Lankans, the world is our oyster. We have a near perfect island both physiologically and geographically, decent education and I beleive generally good hearted people.

SL Tamils need to step away from the communal bollocks perpetuated in Tamil Nadu and by the LTTE rump consider ourselves Sri Lankans and citizens of the wider world… we srilankans can collectively go miles ahead of India in terms of prosperity in nearly all senses, we dont have their communal baggage, their issues etc.

Ultimately it boils down to leadership and a rotten political culture – but thats a whole different topic! With the 18th amendment there was a small part of me hoping that Mahinda Rajapaksa would unilaterally fix the Sri Lankan constitution without pandering to the Singalam or tamil extremists… that obviously would have been dangerous too for obvious reasons!

But as you say the politicians have hoodwinked the Tamils and everyone else for years, perhaps this is what is considered best practice in SL…

(beleive me when I say LTTE Rump, they are really the rump, I live in a heavily LTTE-fied area of london and the same ex-ltte guys are running things, say the same things, have the same goals as before. they are bloodthirsty.)

By: InSights Fri, 10 Aug 2012 02:49:15 +0000 In reply to Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

You are indeed so correct. It won’t be difficult to address the Sinhala masses in a way they can relate to. Many of the grievances of the Tamil people are in fact ‘generic’ ones which apply to the Sinhala people (particularly those in rural areas) as well. It is for political mileage that a ‘Tamil’ label is being attached.

By: sinhala_voice Thu, 09 Aug 2012 06:17:00 +0000 In reply to Pragmatist.

Even if the Sinhalese accept that they are a mixed race of say ALL the people in WHOLE world. It is NOT going to be enough for Tamil Political parties that represent the Tamil people.

Simply because there is a Sinhala majority (Irrespective of their genetic makeup is enough for them to require SELF DETERMINATION.

The drive for self determination did not come after independence or 1956 or 1977 or 1983…They go way back into perhaps 1930s.

Or to the day the Tamils realised that they are a numerical minority and democracy favours majorities.

So this begs the question:

IF a Sinhala Majority WHOLE of Sri Lanka is NO GOOD FOR Human Rights and so on and so forth…HOW is 2 hegemonic provinces (North+East ::=for Tamils ) and the rest for Sinhalese and Non-Tamil/Non-Sinhalese going to help INDIVIDUAL Rights and Human Rights….

This crisis has nothing to do with Ethnicity or Worldview it is to do with Management and everyone settling down to common set of rules and regulations understanding that they can’t always get their way…..

Honest Politicans (May be an oxymoron) is the requirement of the day.

By: wijayapala Thu, 09 Aug 2012 01:17:29 +0000 In reply to thivya.

Thivya, you goofed up his name. D Sivaram not Jayaram.

By: wijayapala Thu, 09 Aug 2012 01:16:29 +0000 In reply to Raj Swamipillai.

Dear Raj Swamipillai

Another thing I’m worried about is that Sumanthiran is trying to convince the Singalams that Self Determination is not something to be worried about, and is not a ‘dirty word’, almost to hoodwink the Singalams into supporting it.

I don’t think I am the first here to say that your posts are quite interesting. I would like to ask, why do you consider “self determination” to be a bad word?

PS- you cannot blame Sumanthiran for hoodwinking Sinhalese, all the Sinhala politicians hoodwink us no?

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Thu, 09 Aug 2012 01:12:08 +0000 An important fact that I had failed to highlight in my comments above:

Quebec- a largely French speaking province- was trying to seek independence from a federal Canada. The rights to extensive internal self determination was in this instance leading to a demand ffor external self determination, which received the whole hearted support of the former French President, the late Gen.Charles D’Gaule, who led the French resistance against Nazi occupation.

The Canadian experience in this instance should be a red flag for Sri Lanka! Mr.Sumanthiran, although a jewel amidst the rotten in the TNA, should be careful not to lose his credibility by expounding untenable positions, regardless of how legalistic,impressive and brilliant they sound.

Sumanthiran should make a case among the Sinhala masses that the Tamils have legitimate grievances within the Sri lankan polity and win their support to resolve them. Alienating the Sinhalese with verbiage that sound innocent, but carry deeper and malevolent connotations in the context of Sri Lanka, will only hurt the Tamils further.

The Tamil grievances should be explained to the Sinhala people in a language that is acceptable to them. Without massive Sinhala support, the so-called national problem cannot be resolved. It is not president Rajapakse who has to be convinced- he knows very well what the real problems are- but his support base- the Sinhala masses.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
