Comments on: Tamil Civil Society Memo to the TNA regarding the Eastern Provincial Council Elections Journalism for Citizens Sat, 11 Aug 2012 17:27:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: wijayapala Sat, 11 Aug 2012 17:27:12 +0000 In reply to I_Know_These_Dudes.

Dear I_Know_These_Dudes

Which church did the Roman Catholics burn, and why would they deny anyone the right to study Christianity?

By: I_Know_These_Dudes Sat, 11 Aug 2012 06:14:29 +0000 The first signatory, Bishop of Mannar,has never taken any action against the injustices the Catholic majority in Mannar pile over other religious minorities, especially Non Roman Catholics, in the district. Injustices are endless – from burning down a church to denying the right some 70 odd students to study Christianity. Since he is heading the list, I guess we can all measure the rest.
Thanks. Sick of hypocrites.

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Fri, 10 Aug 2012 11:05:32 +0000 In reply to Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

Dear Cyril,

Bishop Rayappu Joseph is a clergyman and hence can and lead his flock, particularly the Catholics. However, he does not belong to the civil/civilian categorization. He can talk of the problems of the laity- the civil/civilians, including the non-Catholics, as a clergyman. No one can deny him this right. However, he should also rise above the melee and become the peacemaker among the warring tribes. This involves much more than he is identified with.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Off the Cuff Sat, 04 Aug 2012 16:36:03 +0000 In reply to cyril.

Dear Cyril,

These people who are calling themselves the “Tamil Civil Society” do not represent the Tamils. They may be representing like minded people like you in Lanka and the Tamil Diaspora. They cannot even justify their claims here on GV, even when they have Lawyers who have signed this doc. Rayappu Joseph is an LTTE sympathiser.

To people like you any Tamil who does not share your ideology is a government sympathiser because you cannot stomach what they say. LTTE was also like that and they assassinated or tortured and murdered all who dissented and was within reach. Those others who were overseas and out of reach of the LTTE’s Killing Machine (due to fear of a crack down by foreign govts) were nevertheless not out of reach of LTTE thugs who assaulted with clubs and knives.

Dr Narendran too would have been bumped off, if the LTTE was active today.

You cannot do that now so you resort to slandering him rather than meeting his arguments.

Please read my response to Dev here for more detail

By: cyril Sat, 04 Aug 2012 14:52:56 +0000 In reply to Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

Dr Rajasingham

Please read ‘The story of Mullikulam’ by Ruki on this site and judge for yourself who created the ‘micro-level’ problems for the people in Mullikulam and who (I mean Rev Rayappu, Bishop of Mannar) has been playing an active role in trying to work with the government in order to redress their grievances. And, he is, apperantly, a signatory to the TCS memo, an example of one who is involved both at the macro and the micro levels without joining the government. I think what he is doing in the real world for his people who are suffering from ‘micro-level’ issues created by the government is admirable in comparison to someone who berates him and merely calls on him to join the government. To me, Rev Rayappu is a real and an active member of the Tamil Civil Society.

By: Dev Sat, 04 Aug 2012 13:30:32 +0000 In reply to Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.

Rajasingham Narendran,

The EPDP ….IS a PART of the GOVT !

If they fail to deliver as they have then YNA has to step up along with civil society !
Still don’t see any comments from you about your friend and Government minister Douglas–he has not delivered and yet nothing !

By: Agnos Sat, 04 Aug 2012 00:26:26 +0000 If I have not misread elsewhere, Prof.S.K. Sittampalam was chosen as the VP of ITAK at a recent convention in Trinco. So I think he ought to give his views within the party, rather than signing these “civil society” memos.

I think while firmly insisting on war crimes investigations, justice, etc., Tamils should emphasize that they have no plan to go beyond federalism, and the call for separation is a thing of the past. Continuing to talk about the doctrine of “self-determination,” with its varied meanings, will only muddy the waters and give this thuggish regime more staying power.

By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Fri, 03 Aug 2012 15:57:06 +0000 In reply to cyril.

Dear Cyril,

You have built your case on a few words from a long sentence. What I said was,

“The TNA and the likes of the ‘Tamil Civilian Society’should join the goverment to win the war against these micro-problems, instead of rousing emotions in favour of a lost cause, that has grievously hurt the Tamils in particular.”

Can the problems I have listed without government co-operation and support?

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Off the Cuff Fri, 03 Aug 2012 14:42:44 +0000 In reply to Off the Cuff.


You are being daft.

This society tries to pose as representing Tamils. They don’t. They are mainly representing a Jaffna Elite the same elite that suppressed Tamils within the Tamil Society. The same elite that deprived Batu Tamils their right to practise their Religion as a Hindu. The same elites that fanned hatred that precipitated a 30 year war. Who paid for that? Not the Tamil Elites but the Tamil Moderates and the Tamil Peasantry.

Rayappu Joseph was with the LTTE.
Was he blind to the decimation of a generation of Tamil Children? Over 8000 Tamil children survived. Have you any idea of the numbers that died? Was it double or quadruple the amount saved?
The UN says the number saved by SL was just the tip of the iceberg.
An iceberg has only 1/10 of it’s volume visible and 9/10 invisible.
Was Rayappu unaware of what was happening when at least 20,000 – 50,000 kids were sacrificed as cannon fodder by the LTTE?
He was living with the LTTE.
Surely he was not Blind was he?
Why did he not act against the LTTE to stop the decimation of a future generation of Tamils?
And this “Humanitarian” heads the list!!!

What a “Tamil Civil Society” and you claim they represent Tamils.
You should try selling this to the Parents of the Children that died or those that survived. That is around a 100,000 civilians!

I have addressed a post to this so called collection of intellectuals.
So far they have shied away from a response.
They cannot even justify and defend what they wrote in this memo.

You have a Low and Petty mind, else you would not write what you wrote about Dr Narendran.
Shame on you.

By: cyril Fri, 03 Aug 2012 13:45:48 +0000 Dr Rajasingham

You wrote, I quote,’…that the TNA and the likes of the Tamil Civil Society should join the government……’ If that is not pro-government politics tell me what is? I made my comments with all due respects to you and there were no insults intended or implied in them. You have to ‘tell it like it is’ as Black Panthers used to say.
