Comments on: LLRC roadmap: An ‘action plan’ to suit the US, not us! Journalism for Citizens Mon, 17 Jun 2013 07:11:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Human rights in Sri Lanka: Between the UN and the US — International Policy Digest Mon, 17 Jun 2013 07:11:42 +0000 […] other circles the NAP has been met with skepticism, and some have emphasized that the plan itself contains misleading, inaccurate and disingenuous […]

By: Walter Mon, 13 Aug 2012 12:26:37 +0000 First and Foremost,
Has Sri Lanka ever been honest since 1948???

So all this talk is tosh about the LLRC.
If this Government was sincere and true towards it’s minorities the question of “Zero Casualities” the serious question of a “Humanitarian Operation” the question of “High Security Zones” and finally the much delayed and debated L L R C would not have been necessary.
There was a “Civil War” the Government used unaccepted standards during this war. This is one matter that the International Community wants to revisit and with substantiated reason.
Had the Government under Sarath Fonseka let the 300,000 people go wherever, this situation could have been averted.
Had the Government allowed “Humanitarian Aid” to flow in with the other International Organizations participating in relief work the Government could have avoided the U N vote.
Had the Government allowed the “Free Media’ to do their job, suspicions of how the war was conducted would not have arisen.
Sarath Fonseka “barbed Wired” these 300,000 people.
He said he wanted each and every one to be screened to his satisfaction.
Later when he was removed he spoke with sympathy for these people.
He said that these people were living under “inhuman” conditions.
How could any Government settle 300,000 people in reasonable comfort while the Government was in occupation of their original lands?
HIDING WHAT AND WHOM? this is not a million dollar question

By: Mahanama Fri, 03 Aug 2012 13:20:28 +0000 It looks that that the US administration is baking out from its earlier tough policy toward Sri Lanka as epitomized by Geneva resolution in March 2012 for a conciliatory policy.This change is certainly not due to the fact that a drastic change has been effected by the government of Sri Lanka as desired by the United States through the implementation or for that matter the action plan for implementation as presented by the government of Sri Lanka to the secretary of state,as is being made to believe for the public. It is looks clear that US is playing a political game or strategy in keeping with their long term objectives as the the global superpower with emphasis on their own interests in the sub-continent.It is a counter move to stall the growing Chinese influence in the affairs of Sri Lanka and has the knowledge and blessing of our giant neighbor India.The internal conflicts within the main opposition party in the country and its highly improbable chance in coming to power in foreseeable future is another strong reason for the US administration to give a nod to the present regime.

By: jega Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:17:40 +0000 This is a political game played by the Sri Lankan Government and USA. Rajapakse does not want to give any concession to the Tamils. USA wants the issue be alive for its own agenda. The more the time taken Rajapakse feels that his term of office will be finished and the international community will forget the Tamils grievances. USA will be happy the more its is prolonged the better opportunity to meddle in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka.
The Tamils are the losers. They have lost so many lives and no end to their sufferings

By: ordinary lankan Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:15:44 +0000 The late colonial social welfare system was properly established with commission reports, laws, policies, departments and human resources in the 1940’s and brought in to the policy table through the front door of the State. What was openly established in this manner in the 1940’s was surreptitiously undermined and implicitly abandoned after 1977. The policy table had no room for anything but the mindless pursuit of greed (thinly disguised as economic development). Human development and social welfare was parcelled out to the private sector retaining a basic structure for political purposes but the function of regulation of a globalized and complex social policy was never seriously attempted. This led to a drift and a state of chaos that was sought to be covered up by setting up powerless authorities and committees and ministries for children, women, disabled and other vulnerable people. Today the nakedness and misery of the social sector can be seen in its predatory fullness where the powerless and women and children are exploited and abused with impunity. This is the sum total of our commitment to ‘human rights’ which will now be ‘implemented with timelines, goals, objectives and indicators as per the recommendations of the LLRC.’

This is a State without a society; without a culture and the way children are being abused and abandoned – without families either.

It’s time the people woke up…..

By: pretheepan Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:18:19 +0000 If the sinhalese do not want to “reconcile” they should just say so. If the leaders think what they believe is right then they should openly say it and defend there actions.

Their lies are an indication that they they know what is morally right and willingly going against it, and if your believe in buddha’s teaching it cannot be a good thing.

Tamils have had a single clear message since 1948 yet the Sinhalese community has not had the opportunity to give a clear message, You have foreign secretary saying one thing, the defence secretary saying that the foreign secretary is a liar and the JHU saying something completely different, meanwhile the president carries on spending tax payers money to fund his new dynasty and fiefdom.

At some point the Chinese, the IMF would want their loans repayed and all the money would be held in secret bank accounts in Switzerland.
This would result in Sri Lankans undergoing the austerity measured faced by the Greek people due to financial impropriety by their leaders.
This cannot be blamed on the LTTE like the existing economic hardships faced by the people.

By: Slow Learner Fri, 27 Jul 2012 08:58:16 +0000 It doesnt take much intelligence to understand the proposed program for implementation of LLRC or more likely non-implementation. We have the usual studying and appointing of committees which seem to be the ultimate solution. So this plan is merely to fulfill in name the UNHRC review due in October, nothing more nothing less. You can tell it to the Marine.

By: Thrishantha Fri, 27 Jul 2012 08:31:49 +0000 Lack of will and dishonesty as usual. When questioned somebody in the inner circles of the Government about this dishonesty, his simple answer was that “it is ok to give the wrong PIN number when a robber approaches you at the ATM machine and asks for the PIN number. So, they see all influences to forge some credible reconciliation agenda as some wicked force threatening to rob something they are holding back so desperately. What this thing that they want to protect so desperately is in my view lack of will to establish the notion of citizenship, civil liberties, underpinned by racism, nepotism, and power hunger. I can be wrong. Wish to see others’ views.
