Comments on: Interview with Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga: Governance and politics today, future plans and prospects Journalism for Citizens Thu, 15 Aug 2013 03:10:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groundviews Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:43:41 +0000 In reply to georgethebushpig.

Thanks for alerting us to this. We have informed CEPA via Twitter –

By: georgethebushpig Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:39:04 +0000 On another note what happened to the Peace and Conflict Timeline (PACT) website? It says account expired! This was an excellent site that helped track things that happened related to the conflict and would help verify some of the points made by CBK.

By: georgethebushpig Sat, 28 Jul 2012 22:45:10 +0000 Dear Sanjana,

Heading for a Pulitzer Prize in journalism eh? Well done!

I appreciate the candor with which the former President speaks although a little objective self reflection wouldn’t hurt. This is an historic interview and when time permits the transcripts in English, Sinhala and Tamil will be most welcome.

It was too bad that the LTTE didn’t accept the package that CBK put forward; it was arguably the most comprehensive devolution package put forward by a nation state (ever?). It did in fact expose the LTTE for who they really were – certainly not a group interested in the rights of the Tamil people but their own survival and parochial interests.

It would be interesting to hear from CBK whether she regrets adopting a single-track approach of bilateral negotiations with the LTTE on the devolution package rather than an approach that reached out to the Tamil people through community consultations and other ways of building buy-in. Many Tamil people don’t even know what that devolution package contained and what a missed opportunity that was for avoiding the horrible bloodbath that was to follow.


By: Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 28 Jul 2012 17:03:22 +0000 In reply to Groundviews.

Hi Sanjana, thanks. I have finally managed to listen to the entirety of the interview and take down notes.

By: Walter Sat, 28 Jul 2012 11:09:39 +0000 I voted for Chandrika during the first election, she appeared charismatic and capable of dismantling the Ex.Presidency she promised.
I was misled and dissapointed but was not surprised at Chandrikas frivlous attitude coming down from the Bandaranaike’s the couple which destroyed two “PACTS” disgracefully not caring about their own image and other consequences.
I believe many of you who are commenting are professionals but none of you are extending the spillover from these Monkey Politicians.
You See The Majority Sinhala Buddhists Are The People Who Voted All These People.
These People Who Voted For The B’s Did Not Even Notice That They Have Been Let Down By The B’s Destroying International Agreements.
This Sinhala Buddhist Nation is still the same, they are not shy that MR brought in the 18th amendment making everybody slaves.
They are not shy that Gota has gone berserk.
They are not concerned that P B Jayasundara was debarred by the Supreme Court from holding Government Office. They are not concerned that he was fined that means he cannot hold a government job.
Gentlemen, Being critical of Ranil, MR, Gota or Chandrika serves no purpose for this Country. [Edited out], THE VOTED AND THE VOTER.
Please try and create a forum for the average Sinhala Man.
He is deaf, dumb, and blind because he does not wish to hear, to see or talk.
They have an iron curtain round their “brains”
If all of you can remove that curtain only then this Country can be salvaged.

By: Java Jones Sat, 28 Jul 2012 03:59:43 +0000 I could never figure out why CBK surrounded herself with a bunch of creeps like SBD, Merv and others of the same ilk when she had two great chances to straighten out a lot of the country’s ills – first when she was newly elected and second, in the aftermath of the Tsunami when she made a mess of the offers of reconstruction and rehabilitation from the international community. And then, she compounded it all with the selection of MR when he was neck-deep in the ‘Helping Hambantota’ issue.

How the worm turned!

By: Ranga Kalugampitiya Sat, 28 Jul 2012 02:27:06 +0000 CBK sure had her own set of imperfections. Her imperfections were quite visible because she didn’t use highways or harbours or concrete monuments to hide those. She failed to improve the economy of the country, but she definitely improved the minds of the people. She changed the rigid nationalist stance of the SLFP and pushed our divided society towards social reconciliation. She tried to give the minorities a solid constitutional guarantee that their rights would not be violated in the future. She never allowed tensions along ethnic lines to surface. She gave some solid value to the concept of human rights. The Human Rights commission and the chapter on human rights in the draft Constitution she presented in the parliament in 2000 indicate her commitment to democracy and human rights. Her decisions were more futuristic than populist. (If anyone reading my comment wants to brand me as an apologist CBK, well, please go ahead. I don’t mind being one for a leader whose value has not been recognized simply because she was ahead of time.)

By: P.L.J.B.Palipana Sat, 28 Jul 2012 01:33:58 +0000 During the 1970-1977 era i met with mrs.bandaranayake twice at the republic building with my father. Today i analyse how she loved the common people. What happend today? Hon.chandrika has the full responsibility remedy the situation if she loves truly the people of srilanka because this regime is ruining the country. Hon.chandrika, hon.ranil, hon.gen fonseka ete..ete..needs to activate a social revolution to save the country from this stupid administration.sorry for expressing the truth.

By: SR Fri, 27 Jul 2012 21:02:03 +0000 As a founding family member of SLFP party, and Sri Lanka’s past president Madam Chandrika Kumaratunge has an obligation towards the people and the party to talk her unbiased views on how the country is governed today.She also says that it was she who nominated President Mahinda Rajapakse as current party leader though others opposed. Everything happens in this world on trust and there’s no other way to check one’s integrity until the responsibilities are executed.If the given promises to the people are broken or not carried out, Madam Chandrika has a right to be critical, question and to correct those issues.This is what we as her supporters expect from her.

By: sabbe laban Fri, 27 Jul 2012 16:51:32 +0000 The former pres stopped short of telling as to what happened to those STF personnel who were arrested in connection with the bodies found in the Diyawanna Oya! [Edited] What happened to those who were arrested? Does anyone know?
