Comments on: Gotabhaya Rajapaksha: Too Drunk with Power to Exercise it? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 07 Aug 2012 22:29:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: magerata Tue, 07 Aug 2012 22:29:00 +0000 This is why i love you. Courage has no limits.

By: Bipiri Thu, 02 Aug 2012 03:06:41 +0000 In reply to randy mathew.

It’s such a shame that Rajapaksha’s and other politicians use the word “Sinhalese buddhists” when they do trash talks and criminal acts. We are sinhalese buddhists and we do not appreciate killing people no matter what nor we do not appreciate threatning people, that the public will kill them, when Rajapaksha’s point out this is so and so. The truth is that the politician’s thugs do that part including the July 83 riots, not us. Infact we hate it when you use the term “the sinhalese buddhists” to cover up your shameful acts. Get a life dirty politicians and please leave us alone.

By: sabbe laban Sat, 28 Jul 2012 20:52:55 +0000 In reply to SriLankanAmerican.


Exactly! There’s nothing else they can do, until the ground situ changes in favour of them!(This might happen as the result of rotting set in by the ruling mafia’s own actions, as in the case of any such establishment!)

By: Lankan Californian Criminal Attorney Sat, 28 Jul 2012 20:16:02 +0000 An American national and a Californian resident, Gotta better learn the full implications of California Penal Code 422 PC – which has its basis on “intent to cause fear” before uttering self-incriminating statements. Provided what transpired can be proven, Ms. Janz has a solid case against this Californian in the California Superior court. Furthermore, a conviction under 422 PC counts as a strike under California’s Three Strikes Law – one of the harshest State laws in the United States.

His attitude of invincibility and foolish assertion that he is “not afraid of the courts” will some day come to haunt him – be it in international, Sri Lankan or California courts – and then the whole world can see his ill-placed bravado.

A bit of advice from an old friend (to Gotta): whenever you get the urge to purge trash-talk, remember the saying, “loose lips sink ships” before you dispense your words. At the rate you are barfing, the next ship will be the one christened, the “Rajapaksas”. Grow up and try to become a decent human being – you have become a disgrace to Sinhala-Buddhists, Sri Lanka and California. And you cannot hide behind diplomatic immunity forever.

By: Gamarala Sat, 28 Jul 2012 03:15:00 +0000 In reply to sabbe laban.

SriLankanAmerican, and Sabbe Laban,

So what are we to conclude as the astute observation from the two of you? That all the intellectuals/elites/old brigade should flee the scene and lets the “crude peasants” and “village idiots” run the country?

By: sabbe laban Fri, 27 Jul 2012 19:51:05 +0000 In reply to SriLankanAmerican.


Absolutely superb! Excellent thoughts! In fact, I too was sensing something like this, as the reason for the apparent popularity of Rajapakse’s with the masses, but couldn’t exactly pin-point the causes, like you do here!

Exactly, to the people who belong to the average population, Rajapakses are a rare breed of leaders, who fulfilled the ancient prophecy(or the folk-lore)of the emergence of a “Diyasena” to liberate the country. Well, this(defeating the LTTE) could have been done by any of the previous leaders-if Rajapakse could do it! But, none of them could do it, why?

Maybe their “elitism” and “stylishly politically correct” back-ground stood against them doing anything of that sort! Their international exposure coupled with ‘lack of motivation’ also played a role, as I see it.

The fact that Rajapakses were crude peasants,(and “village idiots” according to some!) whom the Colombo’s social elites would like to laugh at, was their strength, and still it is, in spite of their numerous short-comings! They “may” pay the price for their “short-sighted crudeness” and “arrogance” at the hands of the international community, one day, but once again the masses will come for their rescue, because after all that itself is seen as a ‘rare form of heroism’! Furthermore, the deed is done! The masses won’t find fault with them, as long as they keep attacking their class-enemies, their tormentors and their hecklers!

I too find it amusing to see the frustrations of this old-brigade(another example is that interview with Chandrika!)vented in public and in this blog as well!I see how wrong footed these are, and how frustrated these are! And how distant they are from the average Sri Lankan society!Not because they care for the country more; its simply becauce they have lost the grip!

Get a life, dudes! Your write-ups won’t play any role in the affairs of that 95%!

By: SriLankanAmerican Fri, 27 Jul 2012 10:31:34 +0000 As unacceptable as the DefSec’s outburst and his choice of words may seem, a lot of you appear to miss the point. The Rajapaksa’s are a rare breed of heros for the majority of the Sri Lankans, still. Some are starting to dislike them gradually, but that is purely based on adverse economics rather than any percieved infringement of their rights. Actually, the average sri Lankan’s rights are not affected by the behavior of any of the ruling mafia. And the average I refer to, amount to anywhere around 95 – 99% of the population.

The people who have issues with them are the remaining minority, made mostly of an elitist group of rights conscious, stylishly politically correct individuals. The types who never faught in the fox holes to liberate this nation from the deadly menace of terrorism. Perhaps some of you are from that tribe. In representative governance, the Rajapakses know that that 1 – 5 percent’s opinion doesn’t count.Reality; it’s a bitch sometimes.

But, do continue to write these columns. They are a venue to went your frustrations at these crude peasants and low life forms. At least some of us will find them entertaining. I personally could not care less for the Rajapakses. And I find the ire of the elitists now feeling dis-entitled hugely amusing.

By: wijayapala Sun, 22 Jul 2012 12:51:46 +0000 In reply to randy mathew.

Dear randy mathew

There is no doubt that SL has the worst government since 1948.

I thought that the worst govt was JRJ’s UNP regime from 1977-1988. How is this govt worse than that?

By: Wonder of Asia Sun, 22 Jul 2012 12:10:26 +0000 Apparently the damage control measures undertaken by the Govt are now fully exposed. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive! – Sir Walter Scott.
This does not seem to be a Govt with moral or ethical values from the top downwards. The tragicomedy continues much to the detriment of the Nation and its People. No doubt we deserve what we get for electing such nincompoops to the seats of power.
Their competency to govern is equal to their moral standing. Garbage in Garbage out.

By: Ranjit Sun, 22 Jul 2012 07:30:55 +0000 In reply to randy mathew.

I agree that it is the worst govt since 1948, mainly because of the scale in which things are done. You must also understand that the situation is worsened by an ineffective/selfish opposition and a civil society composed of some unscrupulous characters. Apart from some of the extremist commentators, who are supporting the govt here, others seem to have referred to corruption/abuse of power by the regime as well as the hypocrisy, double standards and questionable conduct of Saravanamuttu (mostly), and Fredrica. It is good to know both sides of the story for people to have a balanced understanding as to where the country stands. That is not “trying to kill the messenger”!!!!!!!
