Comments on: How Credible are the Latest Official Claims Concerning Troop Reductions in Jaffna? Journalism for Citizens Sat, 14 Jul 2012 02:19:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr.Rajasingham Narendran Sat, 14 Jul 2012 02:19:08 +0000 While qualifying that I am not aware of the number of soldiers positioned in various camps in the northern province, I boldly affirm that they are much less visible in Jaffna and the Vanni now. One could see some on patrol occasionally and a few manning strategic junctions. Many more are seen cleaning the areas around the camps and beautifying them. It is a fact that over the past two years their visibility has progressively declined and this is very noticeable. They are definitely not an intrusive presence. The comaderie and frienship that have developed over time between the soldiers and the people are also a welcome development, that cannot be denied.

The fact that the military presence is a reality all over the island now, has to be accepted. The JVP insurrections and the Tamil militancy have paved the way for this. The north and east are not exceptions though there may be a larger presence due to the recently ended war in pursuit of Eelam.

The demand for greater democratization, good governance and respect for the rule of law in the country, which is strenghthening by the day, will have to be heeded by politicians sooner than later. The salvation for our country and all her peoples lies in re-inforcing this phenomenon.

Refusing to accept facts-which are truths-to score poltical points is a crime against the Tamils who have to continue to live in the north and east and overcome their war-related travails. This is the crime that is being commited by most Tamil politicians in the country to score political points and acquire political power. Tamils are being made donkeys on whose backs they want to ride to power.

Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

By: Velu Balendran Thu, 12 Jul 2012 00:29:16 +0000 Here is another analysis concluding a security to civilian ratio of 1:5 in the North

By: alex fernando Tue, 10 Jul 2012 17:45:38 +0000 Good analysis and much needed analysis given the complete lack of transparency.

By: Ward Tue, 10 Jul 2012 05:43:30 +0000 Tremendous and timely.

When will the decades of damage control(=lying) stop?

”A story in the Daily News with the banner “Military presence in North rationalized”[11] noted that Sri Lanka told the UN Human Rights Council that the “current military strength in the North [is] reduced to 20,000.” Of course, the fourth paragraph makes it clear that the number pertains only to Jaffna. However, this does not even correspond with the 15,6000 claimed by the Defence Secretary or the 35,000 claimed by the CIMIC Jaffna website. While any reduction in the number of troops in Jaffna or elsewhere in the Northern Province is to be welcomed, for it to be credible it has to be accompanied by a level of information and disclosure that inspires confidence.”

You have to speak the bitter truth once only to resolve the conflict.

But lying will have to go on and on and on to hide the previous lies.

By: David Blacker Tue, 10 Jul 2012 05:41:23 +0000 Actually the SL Army divisions don’t have more than 3-4 brigades each. When a brigade strength is given, it includes all attached troops, like engineers, special forces, etc, and not just the infantry battalions. Similarly, when a division strength is given, it will include attached troops and not just the brigade strengths.

Here is a rough breakdown of some of the divisions and task forces at the beginning of 2009, just after the capture of Killinochchi: It’s not perfect, but gives an idea of a division and brigade organisation. The average infantry battalion has between 600-800 troops.

By: James Chance Tue, 10 Jul 2012 03:45:07 +0000 Excellent piece – the kind of detailed, precise analysis that is most rare in discussing the north and east – and most other parts – of Sri Lanka. To be even better, it would be great to have been offered some of the basics in military organisation – e.g., to have explained just how divisions, battalions, regiments relate to each, what their usual size is, etc… But otherwise a great piece.
