Comments on: Handling disasters: The man-made disaster of July 1983 (Part 1) Journalism for Citizens Wed, 18 Jul 2012 13:58:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ward Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:33:19 +0000 Calling all patriots! Give your cerebral and cardiac power!!
National integration is still where it was when Prabhakaran’s body was found at Nandhikkadal, Somapala Gunadheera, 2 May 2011 ‘’…. If we are wise, we should first put our own house in order before we challenge the UN…. It is not yet too late to begin. The mission needs a powerful Presidential Task Force for National Reconciliation. Such a Force can cut the ground from under the feet of the ongoing controversy and many more to be expected.’’
Osama and Prabhakaran: The killing of two terrorist leaders, Harim Pieris, 5 May 2011: ‘’…. However the West’s war on terror and specifically its war on Al Queda have been complimented by a dialogue and outreach to the Muslim world. Similarly Sri Lanka’s own war on terror, concluded now almost two years ago, must also be complemented and succeeded by dialogue and an outreach through friendship to the Tamil community.

By: P.L.J.B.Palipana Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:22:52 +0000 Thanks Mr.Bradman Weerakoon for this true and correct article.As a support I will provide you some correct details of the 1977 mobs against the innocent Tamils of the Kandy district.The Barigama tea factory was attacked by drunken deliquents. The incident was managed by a Sinhala buisinessman.The small children of the plantation labourers of Dippitiya tea factory was sexully harrassed.(one girl was 14 years at that time).In kandy town the Tamil buisiness properties were attacked and stole valuables and during that bloody basted act one Tamil man jumped into the Kandy lake and was stoned up to his death.This was managed by a man called himself as a Gamunu putha. But the motive was stealing private properties of the Tamil people in the Kandy city.
In Matale some very decent and innocent Tamil families were attacked and the act was operated by a well known Sinhala mudali to buy their properties very cheaply.I gave you only very brief description of the root causes.
At that time the OIC of the Katugastota police station was one Mr.Gunawardena and was an excellent honest policeman at that time.I am writing this comment from Surrey,BC,Canada.The unity through diversity is obtained by the LAW.I don’t know nothing about the LAW>.It is the responsibility of the GOSL to introduce drastic LAW MACHNERIES to protect the existing minorities of our land.This should be done as quick as possible.The Police must be empowered to LAW to act only from the Inspector General of the Police(IGP)without the higher command of the politicians.simply that is the LAW enforcement. What happent most recently in Dambulla. The Police kept silence.Otherwice we must practice SECULARISM as in INDIA>.Thanks!once again Mr.Bradman weerakoon.

By: Dileni Gunewardena Tue, 10 Jul 2012 03:39:28 +0000 Sorry to quibble, but Jean Arasanayagam is not diasporic in that she has lived and written her works while living in Kandy, Sri Lanka, and to the best of my knowledge still does.

By: Dan Herath Mon, 09 Jul 2012 06:31:14 +0000 In reply to Dan Herath.

NOT nit-picking…. it makes me cringe – it isn’t 27th but 23rd:

”soon after the ambush at Tinnevelly on July 27th”

By: yappa Sun, 08 Jul 2012 04:34:11 +0000 In reply to sharanga.


a. Sadly very few comments – I quote only a sample of articles:

Towards an Informed Water Vision: Part 2, 2 July 2012,
Towards an Informed Water Vision: Part 1, 2 July 2012,

Desertification and Biodiversity, 25 March 2012,

Future of Farming in Sri Lanka, 25 June 2011,

b. we’ve been making politics moronic in the last 64 years and as we don’t seem to change the course, we’re cursing our children.

c. we need to try to see what happens when we abide by national and international laws.

By: Luxmy Sun, 08 Jul 2012 04:10:22 +0000 In reply to Nithyananthan.

”Can we expect any of our Sinhalese brethren remember / recall the causes that prompted the 1973 KKS by-election and on what issue? – and the subsequent speech made by SJVC and Felix R. Dias Banda’s response to it in the parliament? – that resulted in declaration of 1976 Vaddukod’dai Resolution” ?

Nithy, can you give it here please?

By: Luxmy Sat, 07 Jul 2012 11:57:36 +0000 When UN, ICRC and other aid agents have been having restricted access:
”….The immediate short term measures that are required are the humanitarian needs of the
conflict affected people of the North and East. Generally what has occurred in the North has
been a release from the Manik Farm complex in Setticulam rather than a well resourced and
planned resettlement in localities of original habitation. Significant additional resources
(governmental, philanthropic, private and foreign) have to be devoted towards rebuilding
dwellings, rural infrastructure geared towards livelihoods and community services especially
health care and education. Also the people have suffered loss of property and persons. There is
a need to document the same and prepare a scheme of compensation that can bring closure
and assist in families moving on with their lives. …..”

Groundviews is there to facilitate pooling of ideas and putting people together.

By: Dan Herath Sat, 07 Jul 2012 10:38:39 +0000 Dear Mr Weerakoon
Thank you.
Hopefully some more of your category will join you soon.
If we cannot remember things that happened in the prime of our lives 3/4 decades ago, I dread to think of my children trying to figure out this very complex conflict.

By: Nelum Bandara Sat, 07 Jul 2012 10:21:21 +0000 In reply to Panabokke.


By: Panabokke Sat, 07 Jul 2012 08:06:36 +0000 Bradman
Thank you for sharing your experience of handling man-made disaster, though years late.
The first section has too much of fluff that could have been paraphrased in a few lines and doesn’t need such elaboration.
Technology is there to facilitate us solve problems if we are interested in solving problems.
Looking forward to Part II.
