Comments on: Jaffna Challenge(r)s Journalism for Citizens Sat, 23 Jun 2012 19:50:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cas Shivas Sat, 23 Jun 2012 19:50:19 +0000 Naming a Team as ‘Jaffna Challengers’ alone (It would seem in this instance that it may be a deliberate attempt to show that all is well in Jaffna, the Jaffna man is free from all worries and is breathing freedom and has plenty of time at his disposal to play Rugby.It appears the team is actually composed of members of the S.L.Armed Forces). Even staging a play by Parakrama Niriella in Batticaloa or a play by Dr.Mownaguru in Hambantota if the emphasis is only on esthetics without a message- or a Sinhalese marrying a Tamil or a Tamil marrying a Sinhalese -this has happened in the past among prominent people like Nirupama Rajapakse marrying Nadesan or Mangala Samaraweera’s Aunty marrying V.S.C. Anandan from Valvettythurai or even H.L.De silva’s family having such intermarriages- will not bring communal amity and solve the long standing National problem. Root causes of the problem have to be identified and addressed.Completely denying that there is no problem at all will not help as well.Mr.Sampanthan was only reiterating the history, International Law and Precedents as in Canada). After almost 30 years of negotiations and non-violent struggle S.J.V.Chelvanayagam,Q.C. in desperation said, ‘only God can help the Tamils’ and resorted to the Vaddukoddai Resolution in 1976. Sampanthan after giving up a very lucrative legal practice and entering politics at the request of Chelvanayagam conveyed through M.Thiruchelvam Q.C. (Neelan’s father’) after more than 30 years of violent struggle by V.P and three years of inactivity by MR is again in desperation and in square one.JRJ had 4/5th majority and now MR can easily muster 2/3rd majority in the Parliament. JRJ puposely failed to solve the problem and even merged North and East not through a Constitutional Amendment but by Emergency Regulation knowing pretty well that it will fail in a Court of Law and now MR is not intent on solving the problem but is trying by all means to postpone a solution. He knows for sure that statesmanship is necessary (e.g. South Africa-Nelsen Mandela and De Klerk) if the problem is to be solved but instead finding an escape route through the PSC. He knows that they will never agree to anything and there will be no consensus at all. He will only have a ready made answer to India and the International Community, that he tried and he is not to be blamed and happily continue as the President with majority votes.In the meantime Sampanthan’s generation will be gone after Chelvanayagam’s (and perhaps Dr.Saravanamuthu’s) generation and perhaps Gajendra Kumar may have to take over if not Suresh Premachandra or Sumanthiran, and the problem will go on and on, and as SJV said God only will have to descend as Lord Krishna did in Mahabharatha (but even he was denied even five villages by the 100 strong Gauravas when he went on a peace mission on behalf of the 5 member Pandavas.

By: yapa Fri, 22 Jun 2012 00:51:56 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

Dear Keynes!;

One is a counterfeit.


By: P.Saravanamuttu Thu, 21 Jun 2012 10:56:00 +0000 In reply to Aachcharya.

Dear Acharya, first, apologies for the late response. You have raised some very pertinent points in response to my article, many of which I have much sympathy with.

I realize that the language of my article would have led you to some of the points you make and in turn apologize to all readers for my lack of clarity. I refer here in particular to the points about ” mirror image”, ‘extremists” and any suggestion that Mahinda Rajapaksa is a liberal. On the latter score, I agree with you entirely that he is not and that he uses the the JHU/NFF elements in his coalition to cover up what are essentially his own views and ideological predisposition. I have said and written this before. Re mirror image I have been remiss in not qualifying this. I should have included the word “considered” before “the mirror image”, since I do believe that in general political terms perceptions are very important. As for “demonizing” those who do not agree with my views as “extremists”, this is not a past time I indulge in, however strong the temptation at times! Furthermore, I do not consider the nationalisms in Sri Lanka to be “extreme” per se, although of course there are elements within each of these nationalisms that I do consider to be such. I am also willing to consider the argument that those elements distort the very idea of nationalism.

Re the 3) the question of as to what the TNA constitutes or should is something that has to be sorted out within the Tamil polity. No doubt if Sampanthan and ITAK cling to what you term is a ” disastrous” understanding of this, alternatives to them will arise and challenge them politically and electorally. In my opinion this is both necessary and healthy.

Re 4) here are my long time federalist responses. Certainly, there are some elements in the south who will insist that advocating a federal solution is “extremist”. Sampanthan not even using the term may have been conditioned by this in the sense of being tactical in political terms. He may also have calculated that the flak he would receive for not using the terms would be less problematic to him in the wider scheme of things than the flak he would have attracted if he did. Frankly, I do not know what exactly conditioned his choice of words. In any event what may or may not have influenced Sampanthan, should not in any way stop those like me who think federalism is not extreme and moreover, that it still is the best solution. I am entirely in agreement with your points about plurinationalism and my understanding of what has been placed on the table by the TNA in direct talks with the Rajapaksha regime is of documents that do not contradict this – the 95 and 97 proposals, the August 2000 Draft constitution bill, the Majority Report of the APRC Experts Committee. It is not my understanding either that Sampanthan and the TNA will accept a settlement within a unitary state.

The Jaffna Challenge as opposed to the Challengers rugby team is to fashion a political platform that unites the Tamil polity on a settlement that will move us from post-war to post conflict. Absolutely, arriving at that settlement and a post-conflict Sri Lanka is not the sole responsibility of the TNA And the regime or indeed of political parties. The pluri- national case needs articulation and as cogently, coherently and widely as possible.

I was not here referring to any specific individuals – hence the title Jaffna Challenge(r)s.

And please note the article was not intended to be a defense of Sampanthan’s speech. Rather it was a statement of my understanding of it in the context of the critiques it has attracted in the current political context.

By: nathan Mon, 18 Jun 2012 19:18:58 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Fair enough. Must be my age. 🙂

By: Groundviews Mon, 18 Jun 2012 08:01:16 +0000 In reply to nathan.

There is a difference between calling someone a dog, and referring to the famous Pavlovian experiment with dogs. One refers to a species, the other refers to a behavioural pattern.

By: nathan Mon, 18 Jun 2012 05:11:39 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

“Why don’t you two stop barking like Pavlov’s dogs”

And I was under the impression that GV censored abusive comments. Has the policy been revised?

By: Keynes! Mon, 18 Jun 2012 04:59:21 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

How come you can’t even get your name right?

By: silva Sun, 17 Jun 2012 10:56:28 +0000 In reply to cyril.

”But that truth cannot excuse human rights violations that currently afflict the nation as a whole; or for that matter obscure the looming threat of the cultural and political colonisation of the north by the Sinhala Buddhist majority” – Biased and Prejudiced Collection on Sri Lanka, *Gananath Obeyesekere, Economic & Political Weekly, VOL 47 No. 04, 28 January-03 February (*a Sinhalese Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University)

By: silva Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:59:47 +0000 In reply to wijayapala.

History tells us that those who are oppressed for a long time split up and damage each other and are driven in many directions and end up in ruins.

By: David Blacker Sat, 16 Jun 2012 17:13:10 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Lol, wasn’t me who suggested he was a moderate. Why don’t you two stop barking like Pavlov’s dogs and actually read the comments 😀
