Comments on: 3 years on, a hurting stalemate in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 23 Jun 2012 14:33:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: alex f Sat, 23 Jun 2012 14:33:37 +0000 The frightening element of this article is how little focus is given to the responsibilities of the Sri Lankan state. It places blame for the ‘failure of reconciliation’ squarely on the shoulders of a section of the Tamil community. Rajapakse himself couldn’t have written a better article.

By: Leela Sun, 17 Jun 2012 07:54:19 +0000 Perhaps you have a point wijayapala, Sinhalese shouldn’t have started riots in Nawalapitiya. I have met GGP several times in the early sixties when I was kid. I still remember he was brimming with pride and self-importance. I have this gut feeling that that utterance wasn’t a stupid move. On the contrary, it could have been a calculated move for some gain. In any case, what I have been trying project here was the intuitive superiority complex of all Vellalahs at the time.

As for your query on whether Sinhalese in the south ever rose up against Portuguese, I say it depend on the situation. The very fact that Kotte kingdom was divided between three sons after ‘Wijayaba kollaya’ and Mayadunne eventually defeated his siblings, and Buwanekabahu and his son, Dharmapala who sought Portuguese help were defeated show Sinhalas in the south may have risen up against colonials. Also Mayadunne’s son Rajasinghe 1 couldn’t have siege Colombo fort for 22 months if Sinhalese in the south hadn’t joined forces against Portuguese.

By: Goviya Sat, 16 Jun 2012 14:56:12 +0000 In reply to Leela.

Maybe it is OK for some people to live like hamu’s in the village and have another house in Colombo and another in London. What is really happening is that these rural people are being deceived and kept in a backward state so that a few families can plunder the country.
All these so called rural patriots are night clubbing and roistering in Colombo and the West. Their children are being educated in international schools and in universities in the west while these people potray a saintly patriotic image to the gullible public.

By: wijayapala Sat, 16 Jun 2012 11:50:09 +0000 In reply to Leela.

Hi Leela, sorry I’m answering your earlier question here, I had missed it.

I accept that Sinhala thugs attacked innocent Tamils in 1958 but I never heard of a riot in 1956.

Sinhala mobs attacked an ITAK satyagraha in Colombo protesting the Sinhala-Only Act. Although the police clamped down on the attacks, the violence spread to Gal Oya where allegedly 100 Tamils were killed.

It is that racist statement by Ponnambalam that caused to start the first Tamil-Sinhala riots in Nawalapitiya in 1939.

Why do Sinhala people allow such a disgusting violent reaction when a Tamil leader says stupid things but himself did not instigate violence against Sinhalese? That is my question. Does that mean that Tamils or Muslims in Eastern Province have a right to attack ordinary Sinhalese whenever JHU says something ugly about them?

What I meant by revolt is unlike Sinhalese Tamils never rebelled against Portuguese colonisers to chase them out or tried to take back their Ariya Chakrawarthi kingdom seriously once they lost it in 1619.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but the low-country Sinhalese in Kotte never rose up against the Portuguese. It was only the Sinhalese living in places not occupied by the Portuguese like Sitawaka and Kandy who fought.

By: Leela Sat, 16 Jun 2012 05:58:29 +0000 In reply to Leela.

‘Passikuda’ I have written above in third paragraph should be replaced by Mulathivu. Sorry for the mistake.

By: SomeOne Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:45:28 +0000 Dear Wijayapala,

“…Then who voted Mervyn Silva into parliament..”

People have no option other than picking Mervyn Silva.

They (People) had to choose one out of the “available-lot”

Thank you.

By: Leela Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:12:12 +0000 In reply to Leela.

That of cause is a baffle for me as well wijepala.

By: Leela Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:00:43 +0000 In reply to Nakkeeran.

What nonsense Nakkeeran is talking that “Tamils have no names like Perera, Fonseka, Silva which are foreign.” Be it few or more, how about Hoole, John Stanilouse and etc etc. Go to east you can collect a whole hoard of names to add to that list.

Get you facts right Nakkeeran. Kotte kingdom wasn’t ceaded to Portuguese in 1529. King Dharmapala wrote a will to king of portugal in the 1560s. In fact, Mayadunne overran Kotte in 1564. Afer Mayadunne died, his son, Rajasinghe 1 became king in 1582. He laid a siege on Portuguese fort of Colombo for twenty-two months.

What happened to Kotte kingdom was vividly illustrated in ‘Wijayaba Kollaya (spoiling)’. King Wijayabahu’s three sons killed the father and divided the kingdom in to three. Most powerful of the three Mayadunne who ruled from ‘Sitawaka’ had annexed the other two by 1582 including the entire country in east coast from Passikuda to Galle and west coast from Wilpattu coast to Negambo. So much so, Portuguese controlled only a narrow stretch from Negambo to Galle at that time and Jaffna kingdom covered only north of Vipattu, Vaunia, Passikuda axis.

From where do you get the idea that Wijaya is a Sinhala? Sinhalas were evolved much later from descendents of Wijaya mixed with local tribes such as Yaksa, Naga, Raksa and Deva etc.

By: wijayapala Sat, 16 Jun 2012 02:45:14 +0000 In reply to Leela.


But I see no ignorant people or the type you have had in your mind here anymore.

Then who voted Mervyn Silva into parliament?

By: Leela Sat, 16 Jun 2012 01:54:46 +0000 In reply to Concerned.

For those of us who think the west is a utopia and is the ideal model, ours is a backward nation. But there have been many from occidental cultures that have come to the orient to tag on to our way of life. I consider I too am a rural folk for I have been living in the midst of a remote village now. But I see no ignorant people or the type you have had in your mind here anymore. If they vote for the one who made most promises, then they should have voted Fonseka for he promised Rs.10,000/- hike immediately.

Those Arabs that seek a spring didn’t know that they were in for a rude shock. They didn’t realize that their culture that has been brought about by a stiff religion and stood firm for more than one and a half millennium cannot be altered overnight. It is clear now that Arab spring is a damp squib and a bitter winter. But it is no doubt a spring for F, UK the US, the so called international clique.

Those anglophiles who have subservient mindset to serve neo-colonialists may want to bring about pandemonium here as well. But, they should know that we are neither Arabs nor have we an aged old dictator ruling us. With white or black vans, we have an established democracy and another election is due soon. Alas and alack, you lot cannot incite Arab spring here.
