Comments on: Gotabaya Rajapaksa on disappearances in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:43:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mohan Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:43:46 +0000 In reply to gemunu.

It is good to understand the English words “Colonisation(with the help of Armed Forces)” and “Migration” or even simply “Displaced(Chased out) People living in the Rented Houses”. Unless, you open your own eyes, you will never see the Truth.

By: gemunu Wed, 25 Jul 2012 09:36:02 +0000 In reply to Natasha.

This refers to Nartasha’s comment. “colonization of Tamil areas are taking place” What does she mean by Tamil Areas??? Sri Lanka is one country and one Island and every citizen has the right to live anywhere within Sri Lanka, According to her argument how many Tamils has colonized Sinhala areas???? For example Wellawatte, Colombo 6???? and the up country???

By: David Blacker Thu, 14 Jun 2012 07:01:35 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Yeah, Mohan. Better to be a bigot in private 😉

By: Mohan Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:31:39 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Dear David Blacker, ReligionS and Foreigners. I am coming from Ancient Times. If you look very closely; you will see the Foreign Religions and Foreigners are in our Indigenous Land and fighting among themselves. I don’t want to go in more details. The Truth may hurt; unnecessarily.

By: David Blacker Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:26:25 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Religion and foreigners? What do you mean? SL support for the Tigers against the IPKF only came after Premadasa became President. The Tigers had started fighting the Indians long before that. I don’t think it was revenge either. The Tigers wanted a separate state, and wouldn’t accept anything less.

By: Mohan Tue, 12 Jun 2012 10:28:46 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

I do agree with you, on that after 1987 war with Indian(with the help of Sri Lankan govt) and with Sri Lankan Govt. This war is nothing but just revenge with each other with ‘killings’ in heart. The major reasons are Religions and Foreigners. Even now, those two anti-social elements feeding hatredness with their Myths and Threatens.

By: David Blacker Tue, 12 Jun 2012 08:44:20 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Militant separatism was a byproduct of the pogroms, but the Tigers chose terrorism as a strategy. By 1987, language parity and provincial councils had been agreed on. There was no reason to continue a war. So after ’87, the war was the Tigers’ doing. You can’t look at 30 years of war as a single incident.

By: Mohan Mon, 11 Jun 2012 20:23:51 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

Since 1956, the Majority(and the govt) planned and had pogrom against the minority people. LTTE is just the bi-product of 1977 communal Riot. Now, Muslims and European decendents are on the Target. Has the Communal War Finished??

By: David Blacker Mon, 11 Jun 2012 07:10:04 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

“And these words coming from a half-tamil?”

Discomfiting isn’t it, when politics don’t follow ethnicity?

“What about the Tamils who helped the Sinhalese like Pon.Ramanathan and the independence struggle initiated by the Jaffna Youth Congress and people like Lakshman Kadirgama? Shouldn’t Tamils have got something for that help?”

Yes, they should have. They should have got an equal place in SL. Whether that equality should have been just on an individual level, or on a communal level is the question. The Tamils believed that individual equality (and even that was not accorded) was insufficient. Many still believe that to be true. I believe the war changed things and took away that second option, as wars always will when it comes to the defeated. Now, the Tamils will not be given self-rule within a geographical boundary. The ultimate goal is politics free of ethnic identity. Without the war and state victory, the path to that goal would have been different, and come through eventual mutual trust. Now, the path will be different; one set out by the Sinhalese, and dictated by them, with the Tamils given little choice. Wars change everything.

“Really? Then why is it that Tamils are not allowed to go to certain areas in the Northeast but only Sinhalese are? Indi Samarajiva personally found out? Why Sinhalese fishermen being given Thamil fishermen’s fishing areas,boat landing permits, etc?”

If these things are happening, they must be challenged and opposed. When Gotabhaya Rajapakse attempted to move all non-resident Tamils out of Colombo, it was challenged in court and prevented.

“Did the war really end? The Northeast sure doesn’t look like it!”

Have you ever been to the NE? I have been there before the war, during the war, and after the war, and there is a huge difference. You can drive or ride buses without worrying about dying. You can send your kids to school without worrying that they will be conscripted and sent off to be killed. Those are big differences. Have you been to Kilinochchi recently? It’s a bustling hive of business, unlike it was during the war. So which aspect of the NE do you feel is still at war?

“The Sinhalese(no stereotype intended and you are not Sinhalese) don’t get to start killing thousands upon thousands of Thamil people and just walk away for lollipops. Sorry that’s not how humanity works, repercussions follow, sadly. Even Newton’s law concurs.”

I’m afraid they will walk away as every victor has walked away from every just war. The Tigers were offered everything that it was possible to concede, and they bit the hand that offered it. The Tigers dragged this country back to war, kicking and screaming. And guys like you who now talk about killing did nothing to prevent the coming bloodshed. We didn’t ask for this war, the Tigers did. We just finished it.

“How did you manage to get past the groundviews’ censor with that scrumptious penultimate word?”

Maybe even GV occasionally tires of the mealy-mouthed apologists of terror and separatism.

By: myil selvan Sun, 10 Jun 2012 18:37:44 +0000 In reply to David Blacker.

“And that is why you will never get it. Forget self-rule, federalism, autonomy or any other such word, for a few generations. Hope like hell that you get 13A fully implemented.”

And these words coming from a half-tamil? What about the Tamils who helped the Sinhalese like Pon.Ramanathan and the independence struggle initiated by the Jaffna Youth Congress and people like Lakshman Kadirgama? Shouldn’t Tamils have got something for that help? At the end good ole Sinhala Buddhist racism is to blame. No Sri Lankan state before the good ole Brits!

“Tamils as individuals are now equal to Sinhalese under the law. They will have to be satisfied with that”

Really? Then why is it that Tamils are not allowed to go to certain areas in the Northeast but only Sinhalese are? Indi Samarajiva personally found out? Why Sinhalese fishermen being given Thamil fishermen’s fishing areas,boat landing permits, etc?

“You don’t lose a war in which you killed thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankans and then say, “Sha, that was a good fight, now give us what we were asking for”.

Did the war really end? The Northeast sure doesn’t look like it! Since you decided to go with the “You don’t get….” talk, let me also say something along those lines. The Sinhalese(no stereotype intended and you are not Sinhalese) don’t get to start killing thousands upon thousands of Thamil people and just walk away for lollipops. Sorry that’s not how humanity works, repercussions follow, sadly. Even Newton’s law concurs.

“All you’ll get as an answer is a big fat fuck off.”

How did you manage to get past the groundviews’ censor with that scrumptious penultimate word?
