Comments on: For a belated “Left” Option Journalism for Citizens Sun, 20 May 2012 15:03:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wallflower Sun, 20 May 2012 15:03:49 +0000 We can write,read,discuss,argue,suggest or criticize till the cows come home but will get us nowhere till the constitution of this country is changed. This could be done by the intellectuals of this country forming a political party with it’s main agenda set on presenting a far reaching draft constitution with it’s sights set on getting the representatives of the people elected from the GS divisions, which would circumvent the practice of stooges of other stooges being recognized and elected as the representatives of the people to begin with and ending up with a president selected by members of parliament who could be changed by parliament itself. I see this as a very necessary alternative which needs to be executed as a urgent need for this country since the trend at the moment seems to be heading where an extremely dictatorial minded person is being groomed as the next head of this country.

By: Keynes! Fri, 18 May 2012 09:02:03 +0000 In reply to Kusal Perera.


Something important came into my mind here. Kusal’s reference to Keynes’ redundant theory of money and your call for mathematising ( love that word!) economics leads me to key these few words.

Keynesians are not all the same. Keynesianism has split into Post-Keynesianism, Neo-Keynesianism and New-Keynesianism.

Post-Keynesians themselves are not all the same. There are a number of different strands and they have taken an even more progressive view than Keynes with greater emphases on worker friendly policies and re-distribution.

Let me now turn to an influential mathematical model in neo-Keynesian economics. The ubiquitous IS-LM model, invented by John Hicks to give mathematical expression to Keynes (Keynes the original!), led to the hallucination that anything expressed in mathematical form has scientific rigour. And it gives some ammunition to the argument against mathematising economics.

I will write more once I read Howard Nicholas’ book.

By: Keynes! Tue, 15 May 2012 11:46:08 +0000 In reply to Neville Perera.


Imagine a situation where the portuguese, dutch and british come back to loot our sand and trees. What would be your reaction then? Wouldn’t you say that these sand and trees are Sri Lankan and attempt to protect them?

By: Burning_Issue Tue, 15 May 2012 10:36:43 +0000 In reply to Neville Perera.

You forgot to mention the window and door frames; roof timber and bricks! The irony is that the South loot the North as if it has occupied another territory/country and their stay is temporary!

By: Leela Tue, 15 May 2012 09:00:29 +0000 In reply to Neville Perera.

Neville Perera,
I never knew there are sand and trees that were segregated as Tamil.

By: yapa Tue, 15 May 2012 07:57:24 +0000 In reply to Kusal Perera.

Dear Kusal;

“This is like asking a person to ditch Marilyn Monroe to live with Queen Anula !”

But dear Kusal you are in front of queen Leela(wathie), not Marilyn Monroe. Ha! Ha!!


By: Kusal Perera Tue, 15 May 2012 06:06:30 +0000 In reply to Leela.

To Leela,
Do I have to respond to one who does not WANT to understand what was written as plain as I could, but instead wants me to live with the Rajapaksa regime, never mind all the plundering and looting, all violations of law, all abductions, murder, rape and extortions, all underworld deals and drugs,for the only reason that LTTE was defeated and Prabhakaran was killed ?
This is like asking a person to ditch Marilyn Monroe to live with Queen Anula !

Kusal Perera

By: Neville Perera Tue, 15 May 2012 04:59:51 +0000 In reply to Leela.

”Sri Lanka and Eelam would have entrenched in a fight for scarce resources just like Sudan today. And you guys would be busy as arbiters with your patron Norway. Fortunately rural voter in Sri Lanka have become very sharp”

Tamils are not only under the boots of the army but their sand and trees are taken away to the South.

By: Leela Tue, 15 May 2012 00:29:40 +0000 You wrote, “There is more to this regime, as to why it should be changed.” Then you sounded as if the opposition leader is not the one to be replaced it by saying, “Wickramasinghe, a political schemer though no public leader….” Then you hope ‘Arab spring’ would materialize with Wickramasinghe as the leader in 2015/16 backed by Sinhala middle class in toto. I bet, you have been put in place of Upul Joseph.

You try to convince us that RanilW is a clean-man by questioning his ability in a mild manner. Let me remind you that RanilW is the protégé of JRJ, and JRJ is the mother of all dishonesty and corruption that prevails today. It is since JRJ that crooks and robber barons have become a part and parcel of every government.

Did he not publically accept the role of robber barons in his open economy? Is not thereafter that villains and felons has become the nearest and the dearest to each and every CEO of this country. And the one you staunchly backed by running radio shows, ChandrikaK hs been the worst to date. Alas and alack, she only didn’t have a contest for the best rouge. You read that Ivon’s book, didn’t you.

True, we witness endemic corruption today. I agree that names like Sajin, Mervin, Muththettugama, Kariyawasam, I mean CJ’s husband and et al are linked with fraud and sleaze and are being tagged as Rajapakse cronies or yes-men. But had not rumour mill churned out during the last elections that Gota bought Apollo and Basil collects 10% of all deals, and every other estate is bought by a relation of Rajapakse. Whether voter at large accepts these new accusations of your type lay on Rajapakses we shall see with results from upcoming elections. Also it will show public approval of Samabandan-Ranil alliance and waving of the flag.

Had RanilW come to power in 2005 as your type of stooges of the so called F, UK the US and their lap dog like Norway wanted; Sri Lanka would have burdened with “Regaining Sri Lanka” that you now say here as a discarded model worldwide. Not just that my dear, Ranil-Praba agreement would have created Eelam a long ago. And by now, Sri Lanka and Eelam would have entrenched in a fight for scarce resources just like Sudan today. And you guys would be busy as arbiters with your patron Norway. Fortunately rural voter in Sri Lanka have become very sharp.

By: A Concerned Citizen Mon, 14 May 2012 21:44:09 +0000 Kusal has said it right. The only feasible option appears to be, the left option.
There cannot be any acceptable solution possible to the demand for a devolution of powers so long as the present Constitution is in place and the Executive Presidency continues. As pointed out by many writers and constitutional experts, the 13th Amendment is no solution and does not meet the demand for a true devolution of powers.
The “Final Report” of the APRC, handed over to President Rajapaksa in June 2010 appears to be the only feasible option available. This proposal brought together the widest consensus possible in the Sinhala South, even though the UNP and the TNA did not participate. Unfortunately Mahinda Rajapakse did not make the report public and start a discussion on the basis of the consensus that was achieved then. It is time he did so now.

Kusal has also said it right when he referred to the Secretary to the Defence Ministry to be the most inefficient Defence Secretary the country has had since independence. With the kind of absolute power the Defence Ministry has with all the law enforcement bodies under its control, if the Secretary Defence could not control the incidents of crime, police and military brutality, abductions, torture and disappearances that are widespread in the country, the fault clearly lies on the person who heads the Defence Ministry. The financial allocation to this Ministry is the biggest slice of the budget. Besides, the Army Commander, the Inspector General of Police, and even the Attorney General have now become mere nominal heads of the respective institutions. All the powers and functions they should be exercising are now in the hands of the Defence Secretary. This is clearly the bane of our country. Statements like, law and order have now been restored and that the country is well on the road to prosperity, are mere empty words. The LTTE had been defeated only to be replaced by a breakdown in the rule of law. All right thinking people are anxiously waiting for an end to this situation and the restoration of the rule of law.
